In the Guise of Mercy (Maggie Macgowen Mysteries)

In the Guise of Mercy (A Maggie Macgowen Mystery) (Maggie Macgowen Mysteries) [Wendy Hornsby] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
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A Maggie MacGowen Mystery 6. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about In the Guise of Mercy , please sign up.

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  • In the Guise of Mercy: A Maggie MacGowen Mystery.

Be the first to ask a question about In the Guise of Mercy. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Nov 17, Stephanie Tanton rated it really liked it. Maggie has a new film documentary to develop when her husband asks her to solve a ten year old mystery of a missing young Hispanic teen.

Edgar Award winning author

Maggie along with the police search through the neighborhoods the teen was last seen in and uncover the sad world of the drug addicts and the homeless. She also visits the place the City buried unidentified bodies. Ironically the cemetery also contains the graves of the founding families of Los Angeles. I am intrigued to visit this cemetery.

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Aug 16, LJ rated it it was amazing Shelves: Monday began as an ordinary day. It has been ten years since the last Maggie MacGowen book and I have missed her.

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Yet now, with a new book, I worried whether it was be as good as the past books were and would I like it as well. All of the emotions were raw an First Sentence: All of the emotions were raw and rang absolutely true. Hornsby did an excellent job of giving new readers the backstory of the characters, without it being too much for previous readers of the series.

The information about putting together a documentary film was fascinating, but not overwhelming. All the characters were well developed and realistic; bad guys, good guys and all those in between. The characters really do drive the plot and she made me really care about them. She so captures the feel, people and problems of Los Angeles. I loved that the ending was not predictable. This was, for me, an excellent book.

I hope we see the next Maggie MacGowen book very soon.

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Mar 08, Marlyn rated it it was amazing Shelves: As one of his last requests, Maggie's late husband detective Mike Flint asked her to find out what happened in one of his cold cases. A young gang member, Jesus Ramon, who also happened to be one of Mike's informants, simply vanished one day after Mike dropped him off. Everyone assumed that Jesus, who was an addict and a small-scale pusher, had died of an overdose or been killed in a gang disagreement and the body quietly disposed of.

But Maggie is determined to fulfill Mike's wish, to give her As one of his last requests, Maggie's late husband detective Mike Flint asked her to find out what happened in one of his cold cases.

But Maggie is determined to fulfill Mike's wish, to give her search some credibility, she decides to make it the focus of her next television special. Delving into Mike's files and talking to his old colleagues, Maggie realizes she's onto something bigger than she expected when someone breaks into her house. The descriptions of documentary filmmaking and the grittier side of Los Angeles are wonderful, and Hornsby is an amazing writer. It's good to see her and Maggie again. Feb 09, Judith rated it liked it. Maggie's husband Mike has died and left her with a letter asking her to solve a cold crime that he had been working on.

It's been 12 years since we had a Maggie MacGowen book and frankly, I didn't remember anything of her previous books. Could be my age The story was a good one, but the editing errors were driving me crazy. Apr 05, Lynne rated it did not like it Shelves: Jan 17, Erynn rated it liked it. It was good to catch up with this series after almost 10 years. Realistic characters and enjoyable plot line. Xander rated it it was amazing Oct 20, Miki rated it did not like it Aug 16, Sue Em rated it really liked it Dec 13, Mary rated it liked it Jun 13, Tracey rated it liked it Sep 04, Harvey rated it really liked it Oct 30, Lois rated it really liked it Jan 03, Marlene rated it liked it Jan 10, The Color of Light.

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  4. In the Guise of Mercy (Maggie MacGowen, book 6) by Wendy Hornsby.
  5. In the Guise of Mercy by Wendy Hornsby?
  6. Directions Against Covetousness, or Love of Riches, and Against Worldly Cares.
  7. Luangta Maha Bua.
  8. Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! Gritty and streetwise, yet compassionate, these mysteries appeal to America s current fascination with realistic crime stories. Filmmaker Maggie MacGowen has taken on many tough assignments over the years. However, when she discovers a note from her newly dead husband, Detective Mike Flint, urging her her to take a fresh look at a decade-old unsolved case of a boy who went missing, she isn t sure that she s up to the challenge.

    But how does one say no to a dead man? Maggie seeks information from anyone who has a connection: The answers Maggie discovers aren t what she expects, nor is the sometimes deadly opposition from all sides.

    A Maggie MacGowen Mystery Series by Wendy Hornsby

    But she finds strength from her own resilience Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews. Overall rating No ratings yet. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot.