EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique & Acupressure, Color Breathing, Visualization: Natural Eyesight Im

EFT. Emotional Freedom Technique. & Acupressure, Color Breathing, Visualization. For Healthy Mind 12 PDF E-Books: Natural Eyesight (Vision) Improvement Training abdominal breathing, energy circulation, control, color visualization, I answered, “I am not going to do anything to you, but I will try to do a whol.
Table of contents

Weaken the kidneys and the health of the entire body begins to fail. The stomach is considered the central energy station or grand central station for food distribution to the entire system. The liver is the great detoxifying organ of the body. It filters out chemicals, pollutants, environmental poisons, preservatives, fats, oils etc. A weak liver places great stress on the immune system. Congestion in the liver causes poor food digestion, fatigue and can easily lead to yeast infections, pms and blood disorders.

These internal organ massage techniques, performed regularly and in conjunction with a healthy diet, can help improve vision and increase overall health. How to Perform the Kidney Massage. Rub your hands together until warm and place them over the kidneys right and left side of lower back for 10 seconds. Next, rub the kidney area vigorously, at least 35 times up and down. Finish by lightly pounding the kidney area with your palms. How to Perform the Stomach and Liver Massage: Rub under right and left side of rib cage 35 times.

The liver is under the right rib cage. The stomach is under the left rib cage. This Do-In massage can help sharpen your vision and bring energy and healing power into your stomach and liver. Exert heavy finger pressure upon each of the points surrounding the eyes for 10 seconds. Next, rub each point for 5 seconds. Any pain denotes eye weakness. Healthy eyes have no pain, even under heavy 8nger pressure. If your eyes are very weak, spend more time on eye massage.

Next with the pads of the first 3 8nger tips, press lightly upon closed eye lids for 30 seconds--this helps myopia nearsightedness. Finish with the Eye Palming Technique: Rub hands together until warm and place cupped palms over both eyes for 30 seconds. Visualize dark black velvet. Feel your mind and eyes relaxing. Perform Eye palming daily; it is restful and healing for the eyes, mind and entire body.

To loosen-up your neck and release tension perform Neck Rolls, as follows: This movement squeezes the tension right out of the neck and trapezious muscles. You will feel relaxed and refreshed after performing this movement for one to two minutes. Do these exercises often during the day. They help to reduce eye strain, neck tightness and eye tension headaches. Do-In is a chi-energy technique, which combines with Chi Kung breathing movements to revive and regenerate the body, mind, emotions and spirit, harmonizing all levels of being with the rhythm of life.

Do-In, practiced daily helps one to maintain balance and harmony in life. It helps keep one centered, grounded and focused in life. Simply rub your scalp with fingers slowly from front to back, and in small circles for 30 to 60 seconds. This helps to clear the heart of toxins, relax the brain, calm nerves, invigorate the scalp and improve eyesight by bringing blood circulation to the head and eye region.

Scalp massage reduces tension and stress. Even better, exchange scalp massage with your partner or friend. It's even more relaxing and soothing when someone else does it for you. Circle palms 16 times clockwise and 16 times counterclockwise. Next, place palms on the eyes and move up and down 16 times, and side to side 16 times.

This is from my experience, the best eye massage for all conditions: It also helps to prevent eye diseases of the middle-aged and elderly. Eye Massage Techniques Number Three - Stroking Eyebrows Technique Place thumbs on temple and stroke eyebrows with second knuckle of each forefinger, over eyebrows. Close eyes and use light and even pressure. This helps to clear the eyes, regulate nerve function, prevents hardening of cerebral arteries, and degenerative eye diseases.

Eye Massage Techniques Number Four - Ironing the Face Technique Scrub the face with open palms from the forehead, down to the chin, and up to the ears in a circular motion. The Chinese Taoists' call this "Ironing the Face. This Taoist eye technique increases circulation to the eyes, prevents watery eyes, strengthens the eyelids and tear gland muscle orbiculairs palpebrarum. These glands furnish an alkaline solution that purifies the eyes and imparts a brilliant, sparkling luster to the eyes.

The Healing Sound "Ssshhh" is used to purify the liver and calm the nervous system. Opening the eye wide while exhaling the sound "ssshhh" releases anger and tension from the liver and the eyes. Eye Habit Number Twelve - Naturopathic Eye Massage Technique Naturopathic eye massage technique was used in the s by Naturopathic doctors, Health and Physical Culture practitioners to improve eyesight and prevent vision problems.

Place the palm of each hand on the bony ridge above each eye. Press hard on the brow and move the skin up-and-down, side-to-side and in small circles. Perform twelve times with each area. Place your open palms on each side of your temples. Move the skin up and down, forward and back and in a circular motion a dozen times each. Place your 8ngers on each cheekbone under the eyes, while moving the skin up and down, right and left, a dozen or more times each. Would you like to keep your vision when you are 50, 60, 70 and beyond? You can, if you faithfully follow and practice the techniques in this book.

We are told that when we reach 40 years of age or more, we will lose the ability to focus at the close point, because the aging process produces a thickening in the lens of the eyes. Yet, myopics over the age of seventy can read fine print up close easily. How do the "experts" explain that? The truth is that the reason we lose our close vision and distant vision is because we have never learned. Bates called this Central Fixation. When you lose the ability to focus, you tend to 'peer' or look' hard, staring fixedly and forcing yourself to see, or squinting the eyes.

These bad eye habits will impair your eyes even further. In order to see clearly, the light rays must focus directly on the macula. In the center of the macula there is a tiny depression known as the Fovea. Clear sharp vision results when the rays of light focus directly into the macula area. Tracking or Edging helps one to regain the natural ability to focus upon the macula.

To improve your distant vision, 'Edge' or 'Trace' your eyes around a picture or a large letter on a sign that you can see clearly. Edge or Track around a table 20 or 30 feet away. As you practice edging, objects become sharp and clear to you. Sunlight makes everything more clear. Trace or Track your gaze up and down buildings, billboards, highway signs.

Edge or Track along window frames, houses, trees; use your imagination. You can also use your nose as a focal point while edging; this relaxes the head and neck; this prevents the eyes from staring with a fixed gaze. To improve your close vision, Track letters on the printed page. Each week pick out smaller and smaller letters until you can read the smallest print easily. Remember to close your eyes for a few moments between Tracking or Edging. Point your nose at an object you have chosen and move the tip of the nose along its edges.

At first, move slowly around the object, seeing each part of the Edge. Later as you become proficient, you can speed up the Edging. You can also Track by moving your eyes only around any object, i. Remember to breathe deeply and easily while Tracking. Tracking can be done anytime, i. Close your eyes after Tracking to rest them. Tracking can also be done with your eyes closed, by mentally remembering the object. If you are seeking super-sharp vision, practice Tracking frequently.

It also helps to overcome headaches, neck and shoulder pain. How to perform the Head Lift Technique: Place entire hand--fingers and palms around the neck at the lower part of the skull mastoid protuberance. Next, lift your head upward face pointing forward and a bit forward, while turning your head to the right as you are lifting. Next, turn and lift head to the left in the same manner.

This simple movement can help unblock any pinched nerves in the neck or trapesius muscles, which are attached to the neck. Lift up your head gently, but do not squeeze the neck too hard. Turn as far as you can, comfortably, in each direction, without straining or jerking. Practice the "Head Lift" several times daily, especially before sleep.

Neck and shoulder massage: Practice Do-In or Self Massage to your neck and shoulders with your fingers, knuckles and palms. If you have any soreness or energy blockages in these areas, by massaging them, you will feel renewed energy and fresh blood flowing to your head, brain and eyes. Without the proper nerve and blood supply to the eyes, vision improvement cannot progress at a steady rate.

In fact, nerve and blood flow blockages can de8nitely hold back your quest for Perfect Eyesight For faster eyesight improvement, the "Head Lift" Technique is unsurpassed. Perfect Eyesight - Exercise Techniques Eyes need exercise just as much as other muscles. If you place your arm in a brace for a few weeks it starts to atrophy or get weaker and smaller; the blood cannot circulate sufficiently to impart strength and growth to the arm muscles. The eyes also have tiny muscles called 'ciliary' muscles that pull the eyeball in all directions.

When eye muscles get weak, vision becomes unfocused and our eyesight weakens. The eye muscles have lost their power to focus the eyeball itself on a close or distant point. Myopia [nearsightedness or presbyopia farsightedness is a result of weak eye muscles. We need to flex our eye muscles. Perform sets and reps of exercises to bring them back into focus. Eyes need to "pump iron" and show off their strength.

Eye muscles can be strengthened to see telescopically. What others' can see with binoculars, a person with 'telescopic vision' can see with the naked eye. That's considered 'super-vision'--far above the average. But it takes some work, persistence and perseverance. However, it can be fun and enjoyable if you do it with a happy, positive attitude.

Take your time; no rushing; calm your mind; turn the phone off. Focus your mind on the exercises; block out all distractions, mentally and physically. You can do it with persistence and patience. Eye Exercise Protocol Practice these eye exercise techniques two or three times a week. Take one, two or three day rest between each eye session, depending on your energy level.

The day after the first eye routine your eye muscles may be sore; do not worry. The "soreness" will gradually leave. Soreness means that you have "worked-out" weak eye muscles lying dormant for many years. They are resilient, and like your arm muscles will respond with renewed vigor. The rest period between each eye exercise session is as important as the eye exercises. During periods of rest the eyes and -body heal and rebuild, imparting strength and health.

Performing eye exercises too often can easily cause eye strain, which is a basic reason why most eye routines fail. Never wear glasses while performing eye exercises. If you are able to move around without your glasses, do so when you start this program; otherwise wear them after your eye session during your daily activities. As your eyesight improves visit your eye doctor to be fitted for weaker eye glass lenses.

Be persistent and your vision will improve. Simply draw imaginary "eights" with your nose, while moving your head. Large "figure-eights" drawn with your nose helps to relax the larger muscles of the eyes, while tiny "figure eights" relax the smaller muscles of the eyes. How to Perform Lazy Eight Exercise: Draw figure-eights with your nose; move your head slowly and smoothly. Vary the "figure eights" by drawing them vertically, then horizontally. Draw large ones and finally tiny "figure eights. Spend at least three minutes on this exercise.

The Lazy Eight Neck Exercise is performed first in your routine because it relaxes your neck muscles and allows fresh blood to flow to the eyes and brain. It prepares you for the rest of your eye routine and insures greater success in improving your vision. The eye exercises that follow, if practiced regularly and consistently, can help bring your vision back to and beyond! Perform the eye exercises with joy and relaxation. Results will be forthcoming. First prepare your Black Dot on a 2 - 3 white card. Do not move your head; move the card only--in and out Draw a Black Dot about the size of a dime on the card with black ink.

If you have trouble seeing close farsightedness do not perform this first part of the Black Dot Technique. Perform the second part only below.

leondumoulin.nl: William H. Bates: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle

Hold the card in front of your eyes. Next, move card to the tip of your nose and gaze at the black dot for 30 seconds. You must see only one dot. If you see two dots, move the card away from the nose until you see one dot. After 30 seconds move the card straight out in front of your eyes, then rest and close your eyes for a few seconds.

Next, raise the card up between your eyebrows and gaze at the dot for 30 seconds. Move the card as close as you can while seeing only one dot. Rest for a few seconds. Be sure that you only see one dot; this means that both eyes are working together. Be persistent and consistent and you will see results. Remember to breathe gently, deeply and naturally.

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Egyptian Black Dot Technique - Part II While keeping the head straight, move the black dot to your right shoulder and gaze at it for 30 seconds. Then, move dot to your left shoulder and gaze at it for 30 seconds. Close eyes and rest. Farsighted people can perform this shoulder to shoulder Black Dot Exercise with great benefit. The Black Dot Techniques make the eye muscles focus in positions it does not normally focus in.

This helps to reshape and balance the eyeball itself. Perform each exercise with one eye at a time, then both eyes together. The eye that is covered with your palm is to be kept open during the exercise. This enables both eyes to work together during the exercise. Start out with three repetitions in each direction. Every two to three weeks ad one repetition, until you reach six.

Hold the card twelve inches in front of your eyes. Concentrate on one of the letters, always focusing to see it clearly. Move the card above the eyes and below the chin three times. Do this one eye at a time and then both eyes together. Keep your head still--move your eyes only. Hold card twelve inches in front of your eyes. Move the card slowly from your right eye to your left eye--always keeping sight of the letter.

Perform with one eye, then both eyes together, three times each. Hold the letter in front of your face, and move the card in right and left diagonally. Perform three times each way. Again, one eye at a time, then both together.

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Move card in large circles, at arms length. Perform three times each way, one eye at a time, then both together. Hold the card about one foot in front of your head and move the card smoothly in a ten inch diameter circle. Perform ten times clockwise and ten times counterclockwise. Perform with one eye at a time, and both eyes together. Breathe deeply and naturally and try not to blink. These Egyptian Eye Techniques are superior exercises for reshaping the eye-balls and strengthening the eye muscles.

They help to create eye muscle balance. Do not confuse this exercise with ordinary eye exercises--there is no comparison! The Egyptian Letter Gazing Technique enables the eyes to focus in all directions and allows both eyes to see together. It also helps to reshape the eye back 'to its normal position, so that light can focus on the retina properly for perfect eyesight. This technique coordinates the mind and eyes to work in perfect harmony.

Practice will bring improvement. Persistence is the key to success in vision improvement. Pre-school children 'naturally' look in all directions with their eyes. However, they are taught to look directly ahead and down at their books. After many years of this poor eye habit, they stop looking in all directions, and the eyeball loses its natural shape. Consequently, vision problems result. Hold the card at least two to three feet from your eyes. To improve the distant sight, you must use the eyes to see beyond two feet to overcome myopia nearsightedness.

Paste a black letter on a 2 by 3 card and tape the card to one end of a 12 inch ruler. These letters should be big enough for you to see easily at two foot. As your eyesight becomes clear at this distance, you can use smaller letters to help you obtain further improvement. To improve your close vision farsightedness , simply perform the eye exercise holding the letters less than twelve inches from your eyes.

When working on pour close vision, use a black letter that you can see clearly, but do not move it in to the point where you cannot see it clearly. The same goes for distant vision. Take your time in moving the card closer or further. For example, bring the card "in" one inch only every few weeks for close vision far-sightedness , but be sure you can see the letters sharp and clear!

The same holds true for distant vision nearsightedness --an inch or two at a time every few weeks. Don't be in a hurry to force pour eyes to see better. This marvelous eye exercise helps the eyes to improve their ability to change focus and see clearly in the distance and at the close-point. Modern science tells us that the "accommodative eye muscles" weaken with age. However, this is not true, if you continue to use the accommodative focusing eye muscles regularly; your eyesight will remain clear and strong throughout life.

If you have lost this "accommodative eye focusing ability. This exercise mainly helps farsightedness or old age sight, the ability to focus at the close-point clearly. Practice the Yoga Accommodative Exercise outside in good light or inside in a well lighted room, while looking out the window. Pick out a distant object, about twenty feet or more away tree, car.

This is your distant vision object. In your hand, hold a 2 x 3 card with black letters, large enough for you to see clearly. Hold card at eye level at arms length away, or where you can see it clearly. Look at a distant object; see it clearly. Now, move your eyes back to a letter on the card at the close point and see it clearly for a few seconds. Perform this accommodative eye movement three times in and out. When the letter on the card becomes easier to see, then move the card a couple inches closer and repeat this "close point and distant point" movement three times, as in Step Four.

Next, move the card a few inches closer, while still seeing it clearly. Again, repeat the "close" and "distant" eye movement, always focusing your eyes as clearly as you can. Practice this Yoga Eye Exercise one eye at a time, then with both eyes together. Eventually, you'll be able to see the letters on the card at the close point, four or five inches from your eyes, clear and sharp.

The accommodative eye muscles, just like any other body muscles, become weaker, not as a result of age, but of disuse. Muscles are made to be exercised. The eyes are no different than body muscles. What works for one, physiologically, biologically and mechanically, will work for the other. If the eye muscles are strengthened, fresh blood begins to flow to them, and the eyes therefore become stronger, with improved vision. Eye exercises induce fresh blood flow, chi flow and nerve force to the eye muscles and nerves, thereby enhancing vision.

This special Yoga Exercise prevents the accommodative eye focusing muscles from weakening, and also to regain its elasticity. Perform this movement two or three times a week. To Improve Distant Vision Follow the steps in Eye Exercise Three, but reverse the procedure by looking at a card with letters on it, held at reading distance, 15 to 18 inches away from your eyes. Hold the card where you are able to see the letters' clearly, then immediately look at any object twenty feet away, i. Next, focus your eyes from the card to the distant object, seeing both as clearly as possible, three times back and forth.

Next, look at an object twenty to thirty feet further away than the 8rst object. Repeat the back and forth eye movement three times. Continue with this exercise as you look at objects further into the distance. Practice this distance seeing accommodative eye movement for five minutes, two or three times a week.

It is an invaluable eye exercise to improve both the close and distant vision. Tai Chi Rocker relaxes the eyes, strengthens the focusing muscles, centers and grounds the mind, body and spirit. Practice this exercise for five to ten minutes, two or three times a week. Place the Snellen Eye Chart on the wall at eye level.

Shine a bright light on the chart to prevent eye strain. Stand two or three feet away from the chart. Place your right foot six inches in front of the left. Gaze at one of the letters on the chart that you can see easily. To start, begin to rock back and forth. When rocking backward the front right foot comes up and the back foot stays flat on the ground. While rocking forward, the back of the left foot raises upward, while the front right foot stays on the ground. Rock back and forth for one or two minutes. Relax, and allow the letter on the chart to become clear in your vision.

Distant vision improves by seeing the letter clearer as you move backward, away from the chart. Close vision improves as you move forward, toward the chest. For close vision improvement only, rock within 2 feet of the chart; do not move further back. To improve your distant vision, you can move back as far as you can see the letters on the chart--five to sixty feet away. Next, switch the position of your feet. Place your left foot forward and the right foot behind you.

Practice the "rocking" movement for one to two minutes. Every two to three minutes close your eyes and relax your body. Feel your eyes becoming softer and more relaxed. Also, remember the black "letter" clearly in your mind. For best results, close your eyes and place both palms over eyes for fifteen seconds see "palming technique" Eye Exercise Seven. To improve close vision, rock toward the chart and stop rocking forward as soon as the letter on the chart starts to blur, then rock back. To improve distant vision, move further away from the chart.

Imagine "pulling" the letters out of the eye chart as you rock backward. As you rock forward, notice the "letter" becoming more clear. Remember to perform the "Palming Technique" every two minutes; try to soften and relax your eyes and mind. Shine a bright light on the eye chart to prevent eye strain. Or perform the eye exercises in the outdoor natural light. Focus on the eye chart letters with a soft, relaxed look. Never hold your breath--breathe deeply and gently.

Practice with one eye at a time. Place palm over one eye while both eyes are open--this enables both eyes to work together. Finally, practice with both eyes together. Reach for the sky with both hands, then one hand at a time. Bend over and touch your toes. Stretch backward and to the sides.

Roll your neck slowly in circles. Stretching releases tension, improves blood and nerve circulation to the eyes. Accommodative "Whipping Eye Technique" "Whipping' is one of the best eye exercises for strengthening the accommodative eye muscles to improve close vision. How to perform the Whipping Eye Exercise: Cup your left palm over your left eye. Hold a card with a black letter on it, that you can easily see, at arms length in front of your eyes. Pull the card toward your right eye at a moderate speed within a few inches of your face.

Next, quickly 'whip' the card suddenly back to arm's length. Repeat this movement several times. Then, use the left eye while the right eye is cupped with your right palm. Next, practice 'whipping' with both eyes open at the same time. Perform two to three times a week. Close Vision Technique B: Hold a 2 x 3 card with a small black letter that you can easily see at arms' length.

From arms length, 'slide' move the card three inches toward your right eye, then move it back to arms' length. Next, 'slide' the card six inches toward your right eye, then move it back out to arms length. Progress in this manner three inches at a time until the card is a couple inches away from your eye. Practice several times with your right eye. Next, perform 'Tromboning' with your left eye, then with both eyes together. Move the card at a moderate easy speed.

Relax and breathe easily. After practicing this exercise for a few weeks, vary the speed of the card-- moving the card more slowly, other times at a brisk speed. Consistently practiced, Whipping and Tromboning eventually awakens and strengthens the focusing muscles for the close point, to where you can see the print sharp and clear. Close Vision Technique C: This does not have to happen. You can do something about it.

And this exercise, as well as the previous one is a positive step in doing something to strengthen and improve your close vision. I have found this "Close Point Eye Sharpening Technique," when performed correctly, to be the most important eye technique to improve close vision. It is easy to do and only needs to be practiced twice a week. This is the latest eye improvement technique that I devised in Hold "Principles of Eye Training Chart" in front of your eyes, from 12 to 20 inches, where you can see it without strain.

Trace the 8rst letter of the first 1. Close your eyes and trace and visualize the letter "V" in your mind. Open your eyes, look at the letter "V" and trace it again. Close your eyes and trace letter "V" again, then open eyes while inhaling and exhaling a gentle deep breath, and look at the letter "V".

Move the letter "V" "in" slowly towards your eyes while trying to see the letter as clearly as possible--when the letter starts to blur, stop the movement. Close your eyes for a few seconds. Open your eyes with a deep breath and move letter "V" away from your eyes, and notice the letter become clearer. Place both palms over eyes for twenty seconds, while visualizing a black color. Repeat Steps One through Eight with the first letter of all eleven paragraphs, For example, 'T" for paragraph 2. Or go down to the smallest paragraph that you can see clearly.

Practice this exercise at least 15 to 20 minutes, two or three times a week. Practice "Stretch Your Vision" at least 15 to 30 minutes each session, two or three times a week. Stand straight and select one of the "letters" on the chart Step 2: Trace your chosen "letter in your mind, then close your eyes for a few seconds. Relax your hands, shoulders, eyes, legs, neck etc. Open your eyes and look at the letter again. Next, place both palms over eyes and "Palm" while visualizing the "letter" in your mind for 15 seconds. Open your eyes with a deep inhalation and exhalation of breath, noting the "letter" becoming blacker.

While looking at the "letter", begin swaying slowly from side to side. While you continue to sway, move s-l-o-w-l-y away from the chart, taking very short backward steps. Breathe naturally and allow the print to come in clearly. When you reach the point where the print becomes indistinct or unreadable, STOP!

At this point, bend forward at the waist, continuing to sway, and again read the "letter". Now, resume your short backward steps. Again, even though you lean far forward, you will reach the point at which the printed letters are no longer legible. When this occurs, straighten up, move close to the chart and repeat the exercise on the next smaller line, following the above instructions.

Repeat each line until you reach the bottom line of the chart. It is important to relax the entire body while performing this exercise. Mentally and physically feel your shoulders, neck, face, eye, arms and hands relax. Let go of your jaw muscles and let them drop. Let your eyes become soft and calm. Bates recommended this eye exercise to help strengthen ones' distant and close vision: It can be performed during your regular routine, or during spare moments throughout the day.

It is also a great eye exercise for those who have already achieved good eyesight, and want to maintain their excellent vision. Look at the top Eye Chart Letter 'A'-trace it with your eyes or nose. Close eyes for five seconds. Relax eyes and open a gentle breath, and notice the letter 'A' looking blacker and clearer. Palm eyes for twenty seconds. Open eyes with a gentle breathe, and notice the letter blacker and clearer. Look at the next line 'C' 'G' on the Eye Chart.

Repeat the above sequence. Perform these Four Steps all the way down to the bottom line on the Eye Chart. When you can see the bottom line, move three inches closer to the Eye Chart. Each week move closer, but do not be in any hurry to do this if you cannot see the Eye Chart letters clearly. In other words, move 'closer' ONLY when the letters come in clearly. Never strain to see the Eye Chart. However, you can move closer to the Eye Chart when working with the upper, larger letter-lines even if you cannot see the lower smaller lines.

Move closer to the upper larger lines that you can see clearly. The goal is to read the smallest line at four or 8ve inches away. If you can do this, you'll have perfect eyesight at the close point. Practice two or three times weekly, until you achieve this goal. Close your eyes for five seconds. Next, open your eyes with a gentle breath, and notice the letter 'A' gets blacker and clearer. Palm your eyes for twenty seconds. Next, open eyes with a gentle breath, and notice the 'A' blacker and clearer. When you can see the bottom line, move one foot further away from the Eye Chart.

Each week move farther back, but do not be in any hurry to do this if you cannot see the letters clearly. Move further back only when the letters come in clearly. Never strain to see the letter 9 on the Eye Chart. However, you can move further back when working with the top five lines on the Eye Chart, even if you cannot see the lower smaller lines.

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Move further back on the upper larger letter-lines you can see clearly. Everyone uses their peripheral vision while driving, walking, playing sports, at work and at home. In fact, if we didn't use our peripheral vision, we would develop "tunnel vision. He can only look forward. He is blind to everything around him.

We develop "tunnel vision" or lack of peripheral vision by concentrating to "hard" with the eyes fixed forward. Gazing hard, straight forward, makes the eyes lose the ability to see clearly peripherally side-vision. How well do you see on the sides?

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Before being taught to read, children can see with their side peripheral vision clear and sharp. The great sports athletes like Wayne Gretsky, Barry Sanders and Michael Jordan are praised by their peers for having "eyes behind their head. They know where the ball or puck is at every moment. With strong, well-developed side vision, you can prevent accidents while driving your car.

Your ability to play any sport will improve dramatically. Bates, the famous eye specialist says. Just pay attention to what is going on "peripherally. How to perform the "Tibetan Peripheral Vision Technique": Hold a pencil in each hand, twelve inches in front of your eyes.

Gaze straight out past the pencils into the "distance", without looking directly at the pencils. See the pencils with your "Peripheral Vision. Move each pencil s-l-o-w-l-y to the sides of each eye, as far as you can see them peripherally. Repeat this front-to-side movement at least ten times. Next, move the pencils, right hand upward and left hand downward, ten times.

Next, move the pencils right hand diagonally upward, and left hand diagonally downward, ten times. Next, move the pencils left hand diagonally upward, and right hand diagonally downward, ten times. Next, hold pencils twelve inches in front of your eyes and make a circle about two or three feet in diameter, from in front of your eyes, out to the sides.

Keep your eyes looking straight ahead in all Seven Steps. Perform circles clockwise and counterclockwise. Eye Exercise Nine - Dr. The ancient Indian Yogis and Chinese Taoists practiced eye palming techniques for thousands of years. They "palmed" their eyes as a form of meditation or inner visualization and relaxation. Palm for five minutes daily. The Masters say that too much outward gazing at all the 'exciting', bright and fast-moving things in the world upsets the inner balance of our 'spiritual third eye. The physical eyes and brain become clouded confused and agitated, like a muddy stream.

Palming calms the mind, emotions, spirit and body. The inner and outer eyes take on the qualities of a clear, tranquil, peaceful pool of water. When the mind and emotions are tranquil, vision focuses on the outer world with clarity and insight. Palming is one of the most important methods for relaxing eye muscles and eye nerves. Palming helps to calm the mind and improve color clarity. It is very helpful for many degenerative eye conditions when performed regularly.

This superior technique can bring about a complete transformation and restoration of your eyes. When you learn how to palm correctly, you'll be inspired to palm daily, because it relaxes the eyes, the body and the mind. When you first start palming, you may see the color gray, a white light or other colors while performing palming. As you continue practicing, however, you will see only black darkness. Total 'blackness' while palming means that your mind is relaxed and calm, and your eyes can heal and regenerate quickly.

The brain is like a camera--we see through the brain. You can strain the eyes while palming, if your brain is in "tension," thinking about your problems, the same as you can with them open. You must relax your "brain-stuff" thoughts while palming. Then you will see improved eyesight.

For complete relaxation, breathe slowly, evenly and naturally. Give your problems to the Universe or Higher Power. Let your mind dwell on something beautiful--a blue ocean, sandy beach, sunset, mountains, a loving face etc.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Introduction

Complete relaxation leads to complete healing. This is your goal! Avoid strain or negative thoughts while palming. Shut out all light and think of a black box lined with black velvet. When your inner mind is able to see, visualize and remember black while palming, your vision will improve. However, all three palming positions are beneficial and can be performed at any time. Always finish your eye exercise routine with palming. Palming in the kneeling or squatting position is an excellent method of complete eye, mind, and body relaxation.

Fresh blood circulation and nerve flow to the eyes are also greatly enhanced. Kneeling Fetal Position - Palming Technique While kneeling in the fetal position on knees and body bent forward.

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Rest the heel of your palms on your cheek bones, fingers crossed over your forehead. Be sure your palms do not touch the eyeballs; keep out as much light as possible. Squatting Fetal Position Palming Technique: Squat down with feet 8 to 10 inches apart. Place arms over your knees and cup palms over eyes. Relax in this position with palms covering eyes. In the East people squat in this position to have babies, eat and eliminate. It is a natural position and very conducive to relaxation, meditation and palming.

Important Eye Improvement Note: When you palm correctly, you will see "perfect blackness. Perfect blackness equals perfect eyesight. Perfect blackness indicates that your visual nerve senses are relaxed and are functioning correctly. If you see gray or various colors while palming, it indicates that your vision is unclear and blurry.

Palming while visualizing "black" helps to darken the palm area. You cannot "force" blackness in the "palming field area" --this only makes more tension and weak vision. To see perfect blackness, visualize anything black, i. After each eye exercise session, palm for at least five minutes.

After palming, open your eyes and notice how the trees, grass, sky, houses, people appear clear, bright and more colorful. Green vegetables and nature's green colors--trees, grass etc. Gently visualize green trees, green grass, blue-green ocean, and your eyes and mind become calmer, happier and more peaceful. You can palm at any time you feel the need to relax and let go--it refreshes your mind and rejuvenates your eyes.

The Sit Down Palming Technique Place palms over your eyes, elbows on table, with back and neck straight. You can use a small pillow under your elbows if you wish; this helps to relax your arms. Use this method at work if you are unable to perform the Fetal Floor Palming Technique. You wouldn't want to be caught on the floor when your boss walks in!

Both palming techniques will work. Just "do it" and "see" your vision improve. The Secret 'Black Globe' Palming Technique The real inner secret behind perfect eyesight is to relax the eyes, body, brain and mind completely! Complete relaxation means complete healing of body, mind and vision. To do this, you must be able to visualize totally black space while palming with your eyes closed.

While palming, when you have pictured a background as black as it can be, imagine a "round" very black "Globe" pictured against that back-ground. What do you see? You will see something still blacker than that background. Then let go of the background and let the Black Globe spread out until it becomes the background itself. Try to picture a still blacker Globe on the new background and so on, until you get a background so black that nothing blacker can be imagined.

Perfect blackness equals perfect relaxation, and perfect relaxation equals perfect vision. Ten to fifteen minutes of "seeing black" while palming will prove to you what a marvelous relaxation technique this is. Some people have reported eye strain relieved in only a few palming sessions. After "seeing black", you will be able to see much more clearly and strongly--either at the close point or far point.

To see the fullest degree of "blackness", first look at a perfectly black object, i. The Key to Seeing Perfect Blackness. Perfect blackness that is recalled and perceived, indicates that the mind is perfectly relaxed. When you cultivate the power to "remember and visualize black", your brain and mind rests and relaxes instantaneously, and your vision strengthenens tremendously. Your mastery in remembering to see black goes beyond relaxation.

It enables you to see the letters 'much blacker' on a page, thus making them sharper and easier to read.

How to use EFT to get to sleep easily

Practice a few minutes each day and you will see marked improvement. Your subconscious memory of "perfect blackness", carried in your mind when your eyes are open, will give you a high degree of mental and visual clarity and strength. Thus, your vision can be improved immediately, if your memory and mental image of "perfect blackness" is visualized and retained.

Bates and other natural eye training specialists state that many cases of imperfect eyesight--nearsightedness, farsightedness, aging vision--have been cured by the simple practice of "seeing black" while palming, over a period of time. The Amazing Master Formulas Behind "Perfect Eyesight" It has been discovered in ancient writings from ages past that the brain, mind and the eyes operate in close harmony. Defective eyesight can be improved by mental methods accompanied by proper eye habits, eye exercises, diet and physical relaxation techniques.

This amazing "secret" to Perfect Eyesight lies in the coordination between the brain and the muscles controlling the movements of the eyeball. When this strain is stopped, the eye muscles become normal and all errors of refraction vanish like magic. In each "error of refraction" there is a different kind of strain. Relaxing any type of eye strain will relieve that particular error of refraction.

In other words, total relaxation of eye, mind and body reduces all "errors of refraction. Master Eye Formula Number Two - Relax the Brain and Mind The strain of the eyes to see is literally strains the mind; conversely, when the mind strains, it is reflected as a strain of the eyes. Therefore, we see a very true connection between stressed-out mental states and defective eyesight, each acting upon and reacting to the other in a cause and effect relationship.

Master Eye Formula Number Three - Reduce Mental Strain and Strengthen Eye Muscles The only real treatment for regaining your lost eyesight begins by relieving mental stress and strain, followed by a recovery of mental control of the eye muscles. The vision exercises in this book will help you reduce mental strain, physical stress, and allow your eye muscles to strengthen and function in a relaxed manner, as they were meant to do.

Develop mental poise and balance--a prerequisite of mental relaxation and removal of strain. We tend to dislike being told what to do —— even by ourselves! An EFT statement I find extremely useful in such instances is: One of the most prevalent mental activities that goes on when you cannot readily get to sleep, is worrying about some current situation or trying to find a solution to it. Both these things feel as though they were urgently necessary —— somehow you become convinced that you MUST solve this problem or worry about it —— NOW.

We all know that many famous inventions have occurred to their originators during sleep. Sleep it is an excellent problem solving time when your creative resources can be mobilized powerfully. Another reason for prolonged wakefulness is that you begin to worry about whether you will get enough sleep! This is a self-defeating maneuver which can often be counteracted by the following EFT statement:. The truth is that if you allow yourself to lie in bed deeply relaxed it's going to do you so much good that you don't have to worry about whether you're getting enough sleep!

Another familiar occurrence is a restless state where you can't seem to get comfortable no matter what position you lie in, and you have to keep moving. An excellent EFT statement for this is You are using a Reframe which converts the need to move and stretch into a pleasant rhythmical activity which will be beneficial and may well lead to sleep eventually. The need to figure out what you're going to do about something and make an important decision is a frequent cause of sleeplessness.

If you find yourself in this predicament a very useful EFT Choices statement is the following:. Here you are instructing yourself to put what seems so urgent, on hold. This can be an extremely effective maneuver. These are only of the few of the useful EFT Choices statements that might be used to bring on a restful sleep. I suggest you be inventive in creating your own statements to suit your own circumstances. You will find that it can be remarkably effective to use EFT when you are wakeful at night. Medication Unnecessary Marcia Stanton reads an article on our website and collapses a severe allergic reaction.

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Computer mouse dyslexia A 14 year old boy with dyslexia gets glowing reports in school after EFT. Drug-Free Acupressure Technique Relieves Insomnia Tinnitus Success with pulsatile tinnitus -- accepting it rather than fighting it Reducing the intrusive impact of tinnitus Useful thoughts on tinnitus Ten second EFT wonder for severe tinnitus of 15 years Progress using EFT for tinnitus Tinnitus gone in 4 sessions -- unusual happenings along the way A concept for successfully applying EFT to Tinnitus A useful relief for Tinnitus Good progress with tinnitus.

Acne Using EFT for a rash: Dizziness and intestinal discomfort disappear - EFT for specific events did the job.