Time-conscious Psychological Therapy: A Life Stage to Go Through

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The problem is intriguing and challenging because our subjective experience is not only perceptual as in the cases mentioned above, but also uses inner processes, such as worrying about paying the telephone bill on time, deciding on the future and feeling love for someone. For neuroscientists, consciousness is thus located in the individual organism, namely the brain. In the tradition of the humanities and social theory, however, consciousness is also the product of subjectivity and inter-subjectivity in a historical context—a fusion of cognition, reason, emotion and intentionality.

What neuroscientist Vilayanur S. Some believe that this will never be possible and that the complexity of the mind and consciousness is not amenable to the third-person observations that are common in other branches of the natural sciences. The powers of this virtual machine vastly enhance the underlying powers of the organic hardware on which it runs Although it may seem that we experience the world through a 'self' that is located somewhere in our heads and that we collect and absorb subjective experiences from the external world through our senses, it is an illusion that this type of awareness is posited in any non-material factor or process.

Consequently, it should be possible to seek and understand the material basis of consciousness.

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According to Christof Koch, a professor at the California Institute of Technology Pasadena, USA whose work focuses on visual perception, consciousness of things takes place at an intermediate level between the material objects of the external world and internal thoughts and feelings. Because the latter dimensions are considered totally inaccessible to human inquiry, many aspects of high-level cognition, such as decision-making, are beyond the bounds of awareness. Instead, these operations are carried out by something perceived as a non-conscious homunculus that resides in the forebrain: Because different consciousnesses exist, it is worth trying to acknowledge different epistemologies and to become aware of the limits of each of the discourses Rose, It would be a mistake to claim that consciousness is exclusively an observable behaviour and to leave out the real existence of subjective qualitative states of awareness or deny the biological basis of those states.

To investigate this complex phenomenon, the parallel and collaborative efforts of philosophers, psychologists, cognitive scientists and neurobiologists are required Searle, In other words, both the internal and external views of consciousness are needed. Questioning the real existence of qualia , the biological basis of consciousness and the nature of our perceptions and subjective experiences raises fundamental philosophical questions, which can lead beyond the point of no return.

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Of equal interest and concern is how disquieting it would be if scientists came to understand the most sophisticated mind riddles and deciphered the neural correlates of consciousness. Neuroscience has undoubtedly made rapid progress in the elucidation of brain function in recent years. This knowledge has been translated into technology in the expanding field of psychopharmacology, which now gives us the means to interfere with pathologies and deficits and to alter mental states—be they cognitive or emotional—by manipulating the chemistry of the brain Rose, ; Wolpe, ; Farah et al , ; Hall, Would it be worrying if it became possible to extend the application of this type of neurotechnology to all types of mental state and to the most inner states of consciousness?

Metzinger, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Mainz in Germany, recognizes the emotional price we must pay for an increased understanding of consciousness. Challenges to previously unquestioned visions of our 'self' lead to a kind of 'discomfort'. In addition, if the means to influence consciousness became available, human subjectivity could be manipulated, with the inevitable risk of creating different classes of states of mind—desirable or disagreeable, legal or despicable, decent or uncivil. Kureishi's novel is helpful in envisaging such scenarios.

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Adam agrees to be transferred into a new body because he is not satisfied with his life and age and would like to have a second chance. After suffering occasional incompatibilities with his new body and difficulties in coping with the circumstances surrounding his new appearance, Adam desires—again—to 'live less' in his mind. Perhaps a technology of consciousness might satisfy an individual's desire, similar to that of Adam, to achieve different states of mind at different stages of life.

Or it might allow humans to adjust their bodies to the exigencies of the life to which they aspire, or allow them to choose which mental states they would like to take to the grave, irrespective of the rest of their life, memories and experiences. Expanding this visionary horizon, one day we might understand the chemical basis of consciousness to the extent that it will be possible to ask the pharmacist for a drug to steer consciousness at will and reach a desired state of mind.


If we knew precisely which parts and processes of the brain needed to be activated to reach an appropriately thoughtful state to better reflect on our lives, it would no longer be necessary to seek an isolated spot in a park or meditate for hours in search of inspiration. A pill might do the trick. All this sounds quite visionary.

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Adam's mind transplant is still fictional, although it is amusing to find dubious Internet sites that offer brain transplants and the chance to start a brand new life. Gelso and Carter For the psychoanalytic practitioner, the transference relationship is the central agency for psychological change. There is a virtual library of books describing and discussing the finer categories of transference and counter-transference.


Many clients are relieved and encouraged by the prospect of a circumscribed period of time linked to a clearly defined aim and measurable outcome. Others will be surprised by this prospect and practitioners need to be alert to the compliant client who is concealing a sense of rejection. In such case, it can be empowering to discuss the timeextended commitment as an alternative arrangement and, where appropriate, to offer the client the choice of options.

The more confined the aims of the client, the more suitable is a time-focused commitment. To do this means internalising a benevolent and nurturing internal parent to replace the critical monitor. The relationship with the practitioner is used as test-ground and model for this process. Transferences are imposed, both positive and negative, and the real relationship is investigated in the attempt to redefine a more authentic self in relationship to a more manageable social environment. The usual countertransference reaction is to enjoy being idealised and flinch from the negative projections.