Auto da História de Deus (Portuguese Edition)

Giansante escreve como a águia da montanha que desce em gargantas profundas. Ele jamais teme o mergulho porque parece saber como retomar o caminho.
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The author of comedies, tragicomedies, farces, allegories, and religious plays, he wrote mostly in Portuguese and also in Castilian, even using….

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Others believe he was the master of rhetoric of the future King Manuel. After the death of King Manuel in , Vicente frequently complained of poverty , but he received various pensions in the new reign and enjoyed the personal friendship of King John III. These last three plays, with the Serra da Estrella , were all produced before the court in at Lisbon and Coimbra. Vicente was now over 60, but he retained his vigour and versatility.

Portuguese literature - Wikipedia

Auto da Mofina Mendes , partly a religious allegory , shows his old lightness of touch and penetrating charm. It was the last of his plays to be staged at Lisbon in his lifetime. Eleven are written exclusively in Spanish, 14 in Portuguese, and the rest are multilingual; scraps of church or medical or law Latin, of French and Italian, of the dialect or slang of peasants, gypsies, sailors, fairies, and devils frequently occur. They were often elaborately staged: The various plays of the years —19, composed when he was about 50, show Vicente at the height of his genius.

He possessed a genuine comic vein, an incomparable lyric gift, and the power of seizing touches of life or literature and transforming them into something new by the magic of his phrase and his satiric force, under which lay a strong moral and patriotic purpose.

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Gil Vicente

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Read More on This Topic. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: Plautus , great Roman comic dramatist, whose works, loosely adapted from Greek plays, established a truly Roman drama in the Latin language. It lies in a fertile valley surrounded by low hills, 70 miles km east of Lisbon. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Mocna rated it really liked it Sep 06, Julia Rodrigues rated it really liked it Jan 01, Laura marked it as to-read Jul 17, Ana Saraiva is currently reading it Sep 05, Carolina Stephane added it Feb 15, Maria Das marked it as to-read Feb 16, Les Stehmeier marked it as to-read Apr 22, Fernanda Eccher marked it as to-read May 15, Ana Nunes marked it as to-read May 17, Livia Thais marked it as to-read Jun 23, John Rizzuto marked it as to-read Nov 29, Allan Caetano marked it as to-read Dec 02, Paulo Marcos marked it as to-read Dec 13, Leslie marked it as to-read May 08, Nicole Mattos marked it as to-read Aug 28, Maria Henrique marked it as to-read Oct 16, Anibal Fernandes marked it as to-read Nov 27, Carlos marked it as to-read Jan 11, Joao marked it as to-read Mar 08, Bianca Araujo marked it as to-read Jun 05, Ebola is currently reading it Jun 26, Adriano Portela marked it as to-read Jul 12, Letticia Matos marked it as to-read Jul 20, Junior Vita marked it as to-read Jul 26, Fernando Cardoso Ramos Pinheiro marked it as to-read Dec 04,