The Cost and Benefits of Moving to the ICD-10 Code Sets

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According to the draft executive summary, providers will incur costs for computer reprogramming, the training of coders, physicians, and code users, and for the initial and long-term loss of productivity among coders and physicians. This is in addition to any benefits that would come from better total disease management and better directed preventive care. Over half of the costs would be borne by health care providers. While there will need to be significant education and training for physicians, coders and other health care personnel to fully implement this major code change, no one needs to panic.

Frequently Asked Questions — icd10

UNC Health Care has a governance structure in place to help co-workers at all locations prepare for and meet ICD deadlines in a timely and efficient manner. Additionally, two respected coding organizations are actively providing resources for how to best prepare: Yes, ICD has been in use throughout the world for both morbidity and mortality statistics since It has been required for reporting mortality statistics in the United States since CMS fact sheets available for educating staff and others about the Version transition include:.

The link below provides excellent guidance regarding which code set to use for CMS billing purposes: Here's a chart showing the differences: Valid codes of three, four, or five digits. All codes are alphanumeric, beginning with a letter and with a mix of numbers and letters thereafter. Valid codes may have three, four, five, six or seven digits.

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Duplication of code sets Currently, only ICD-9 codes are required. A notice of proposed rule-making issued this fall could have a compliance deadline of October But he cautions that providers may face more complex transition problems than payers because their IT systems must meet more kinds of needs. When you consider that all claims adjudication is based on a system that was designed 35 years ago, there certainly is more knowledge to be gleaned from coded diagnostic procedure data than they can access using today's archaic data tools.

Detour or down-ramp to the EMR? ICD-9 and ICD are output systems--ways of coding data for purposes like measuring quality of care, assessing demand for medical services and, of course, reimbursement.

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SNOMED, on the other hand, is an input system that is designed for electronic use within EMRs to capture highly granular clinical detail during the entire course of patient care. What does the hospital's electronic health record system have to do in order to interact with the environment outside the hospital--the regional and national networks--to create what we're calling the portable electronic health record?


Clearly ICD is one of the pieces on the path. The worst thing we could do is implement electronic health records with ICD-9 and then find out that we need to be chipping around the foundation. Technical issues By the time this article appears, HHS may well have proposed rules on claims and referrals attachments, a technically demanding problem.

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  8. Quinn says that healthcare organizations and vendors can, in the process of complying with that standard, complete many of the tasks needed to prepare for migrating to ICD A key objective is to determine how much redundancy, if any, is needed to continue access to old data. Timetables for new system purchases and software upgrades can be planned accordingly.

    From a technical perspective, Larson says, changing a four-digit numeric character to a seven-digit alphanumeric is a straightforward process "similar to the conversion required for Y2K. The VHA's Graham expects the technical difficulties associated with changing codes to be fairly minor, except for crosswalking from more precise data coded under ICD to older, less precise data coded under ICD CMS has already published a program to crosswalk back mostly a matter of re-aggregating ICD's more granular data. But Graham doesn't see these difficulties as an argument for continuing to collect imprecise data.

    They're going to need to know more anatomy, physiology and medical terminology. Most of us have had those courses in the past, but you kind of forget those skills because you don't use them. No one seems to doubt that software vendors can reconfigure their products within a two-year time frame. Most of the larger firms that market products internationally already have experience with ICD Nevertheless, products designed for countries with radically different ways of paying for healthcare will require redesign for use in the United States.

    Any organization considering new software for EMRs should insist that potential vendors explain how they plan to make the transition to ICD once HHS sets a deadline. That's what this is like. We've got to help people understand that this is really part of our transition to an electronic healthcare system. An [electronic health record] ultimately is as good as the data tools that are in it.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The idea that we're going to invest tens of millions of dollars into an electronic health system and then dump our data out into ICD A s medicine and technology advance and diagnostic terminology evolves, the International Classification of Diseases has to undergo periodic revision to accommodate the changes. Showing of 9 extracted citations. Transition to international classification of disease version 10, clinical modification: Boyd BMC health services research Transient global amnesia and the risk of ischemic stroke.

    M Bradford Henley Sports medicine and arthroscopy review Impact of radio-frequency identification RFID technologies on the hospital supply chain: Misperceptions , Misinformation , and Misrepresentations: Averill , Rhonda Butler