666: The Things Hereafter, A Revelation Study Guide

In other words there is no doubt that the things written in this Book will come to pass Notice that God promises a blessing to those who study Revelation. . ( Chapters 2 and 3) Things which shall be hereafter. The mark of the Beast is
Table of contents

The reader will sense, consciously or unconsciously, that he or she is moving through a series of events that appear like instantaneous flashes on a video screen. These glimpses of the future are intended to keep us moving toward the final consummation of human history. The closing chapters actually fast-forward us into eternity itself! The book of Revelation presents a series of panoramic pictures, followed by a series of snapshots. You get the big picture first, then the specifics.

The pattern of the book is generally, Gad news — details to follow. Or, Good news — details to follow. Therefore, everything is not necessarily in precise sequential order. The seven churches are introduced in 1: The Lamb appears to take the seven-sealed scroll in 5;, but the seals are not opened until 6: The seven trumpets are introduced in 8: Armageddon is mentioned in The bride of Christ appears at the marriage supper in The final question to ask ourselves is, How do we interpret this great book with its highly symbolic language?

Students of biblical prophecy have wrestled with this question for almost 20 centuries now. But several things are clear from the text of the Revelation itself:. How are we to read this book? The early church was unanimous in its belief that John Was speaking about future events. Only later did Christian authors begin to propose other ways of interpreting the Apocalypse. But each of these has failed to do justice to the obvious intention of the book itself.

Robert Thomas summarizes his defense of the futurist view with this cryptic observation: The futurist approach to the book is the only one that grants sufficient recognition to the prophetic style of the book and a normal hermeneutical pattern of interpretation based on that style. It views the book as focusing on the last period s of world history and outlining the various events and their relationships to one another.

This is the view that best accords with the principle of literal interpretation. The Apocalypse reveals the future. The fact that it points to the time of the end is clear throughout the entire book. It serves as the final consummation of biblical revelation. It takes us from the first century to the last century. From persecution to triumph. From the struggling church to the bride of Christ. From Patmos to paradise. The Apocalypse has been called the epilogue of the unfolding drama of redemption.

It begins with tragedy and ends in triumph. In between, there stands a cross! And on that cross, Jesus Christ changed the course of human history forever. This presentation was given by Dr. Hindson previously served as the associate pastor of the 9,member Rehoboth Baptist Church in Atlanta. Besides teaching thousands of students each week, he is an active conference speaker and a prolific writer. World Prophetic Ministry, Inc. Were on — YouTube. New England's bible based teachings that both equips the church and makes a ready defense of apologetics.

Time to dump political correctness and speak in love. Hindson has a book store here… These are the Revelation Teachings I found. Your email address will not be published.

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Currently you have JavaScript disabled. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Amos37 on iTunes click banner. A video tour with Dr. Nature of Symbolic Language: Symbols in Revelation The events predicted in the Revelation are stated in symbolic language. Who Really Wrote the Apocalypse? Why is Revelation So Unique? The overarching triplet reveals past, present, and future: The most significant numbers in the Apocalypse are as follows: What is the Apocalypse All About?

Jesus is Coming Again The purpose of the book is to reveal the future. The Use of Grammar in Revelation John the Revelator sees the future as though it were happening before him. For example And when he opened the sixth seal, I looked, And a great earthquake took place, And the sun turned black like coarse cloth made of hair, And the full moon became like blood, And the stars fell from the sky to the earth Like figs dropping from a fig tree when it is shaken by the wind, And the sky vanished like a scroll being rolled up, And every mountain and island was moved from its place 6: And they gave glory to the God of heaven.

The pattern reads like this: This happened, And that happened, And then this, And then that, etc. Revelation The Big Picture The book of Revelation presents a series of panoramic pictures, followed by a series of snapshots. The contents of the Revelation move in a series of progressions: Christ appears to John — on Patmos Chapter 1. He dictates the letters to the seven churches — on earth Chapters He sees the future judgments — from heaven Chapters John sees the seven symbolic players — from heaven and earth Chapters He sees the seven last plagues — from heaven Chapters John witnesses the marriage of the Lamb in heaven and His triumphal return to earth Chapter He views the millennial kingdom — on earth Chapter John sees the new heaven the new earth in eternity Chapters He hears the final invitation appeal and adds his own: How Do We Get There?

But several things are clear from the text of the Revelation itself: These events involve a series of catastrophic judgments on the earth trees, grass, nations, rivers, mountains, island, etc. These judgments result in the final triumph and return of Christ and the establishment of His kingdom on earth for years Beyond this is the eternal state of the new heaven and new earth, which remains for all eternity It allows no real future fulfillment of any of the judgments seals, trumpets, bowls.

Looks for the fulfillment of these prophecies throughout church history. Can you imagine that many killed in such a short period of time? How foolish for one to be here when he could be with Jesus by trusting Him as Saviour and Lord. The next three verses deal with the souls of martyrs. The question comes immediately as to what martyrs they are. They could not be the souls of martyrs who were slain before the rapture because they were raptured and received their glorified bodies in chapter 4. Hence these must be the ones who are to be killed for the Gospel during the tribulation up to this time.

Notice why these are to be killed. Notice that they are under the altar. The answer is simple. The brazen altar was the place of sacrifice. Every person who dies for Jesus gives the supreme sacrifice. There are several things that are taught here about souls that should be brought out in this study: The dead in Christ are still alive. They can be seen. John said that he saw them. They are with Jesus. It also means to "shake, toss, or jolt. Imagine it with the sun completely darkened. Such a day took place in the northeastern section of this country in May, People were in a state of panic as the day became dark for seemingly no reason at all.

You can easily imagine this verse transpiring after reading verse On November 13, , a night like this happened and the people were scared to death. On that night, for nearly three hours, fiery balls filled the sky and people were horrified. You have seen a scroll unroll and roll up. That is what is meant here. The reason for the mountains moving is simple. Several times in California there has been a quake so bad that rivers have dried up and mountains have been leveled. That is exactly what will take place except that all the mountains will be moved.

Imagine how morbid everything will look. Kings-who thought they were too powerful for Jesus. Great men- who thought they were too great for God. Rich men-who thought they were too wealthy for God. Soldiers-who thought they were too strong for God. Look at the object of their prayers: They rejected the Rock of Ages and now they are praying to the rocks. And well they might cry for a hiding place from Jesus, for He will pour out His wrath upon them.

There will be some people saved after the rapture of the saints. This chapter deals with the group that will be saved during the Great Tribulation. These winds are the wrath that is going to be unloosed by Satan who is the prince of the power of air. Just before the trumpets of judgment are turned loose, an angel comes from the sun rising and delays them for a while in order for the servants of God to be sealed. They are returning every day to their land. Some are to be there to make a covenant with the Antichrist, we believe from Daniel 9: After the rapture, there will still be Bibles here, as well as tracts, etc.

These will probably be used by the Lord to reach the House of Israel. Probably they will be the ones who spread the Gospel to all the world during the tribulation. These , preachers preach that Jesus is the Messiah. The meanings of the names of the twelve tribes are interesting. Not only will there be , Jews saved during the tribulation, but there will be people of every nation under the sun. Verses deal with these converts. Imagine the beauty of this occasion-people from every nation under the heavens singing together.

Notice that they had palms in their hands. This came from the Old Testament Feast of the Trumpets when the people, after harvest, carried palm leaves in their hands and worshipped God in booths as a time of rejoicing, hence, these saints are rejoicing because of their salvation. At such an impressive scene as this, the angels join in singing in a time of real rejoicing. This is in accord with Luke The angels always rejoice when a soul comes to Jesus. Notice that these verses tell who these are who are saved. They came out of great tribulation. Actually, it should be the Great Tribulation.

Thus far, we have seen the opening of the six of the seven seals. The seals contain punishments man shall bring upon himself. The trumpets begin the judgments God will inflict upon man. The seventh seal contains the seven trumpets. Sketching it out, it would look like this:. For several chapters now we have been hearing choirs rejoice. As we come to chapter 8, these choirs suddenly stop. Have you ever heard a large choir come to an abrupt halt? That is what happens here. The four living creatures, the hundreds of millions of angels, the saints of all the ages, suddenly stop their singing.

Simply because the most horrible things that have ever happened are about to happen as the trumpets are about to sound. The silence is like a breathless gasp in horror. For about thirty minutes, all of the choirs of Heaven gasp in horror as they stop the music for a breathless moment of silence. In the midst of this silence, we see seven angels who are about to blow seven trumpets. If you will read Numbers For a gathering for a Feast. When Jesus comes to rapture His church, the trumpet will gather us to the wedding feast at the marriage of the Lamb. For a gathering for War. The same trumpet that gathers us to the Great Feast hurls the remaining people into terrible war.

What will the trumpet sound mean to you? War or a Feast? For the anointing of a King. Jesus is going to come back to the earth as King of kings to establish His reign of peace for one thousand years. We shall be His subjects. The sounding of the trumpets mean that the King is coming soon. What could the prayers of the saints have to do with this great event?

When you pray this prayer, you are asking God to hasten the day when Jesus will reign as King over the earth in His Kingdom. These trumpets are the beginning of the answer to that prayer. An interesting thing taught here is that God is recording the prayers of the saints. This should make us resolve to pray more than ever. You will remember that the altar was the place of the substitute, a type of the cross.

The fire consumed the substitute, but since those upon the earth at this time are those who have failed to accept the Substitute, the angel throws the fire to the earth. Either man accepts the fire upon the substitution or he must suffer the fires of Hell himself. Now hear the noise start again. Just as the sudden stopping of noises was awesome, even shall the sudden lightning and thundering earthquake be awesome. The voices in this verse are probably voices of horror and crying over the soon coming of the awful trumpets. Now we prepare ourselves to see what could be so horrible as to cause so much concern.

In the next verse we shall see what the trumpets are and why they caused millions to gasp in horror. Before us stand seven angels with seven trumpets. The angels are ready to sound the trumpets. The first one is sounded. The first trumpet brought hail and fire mingled with blood and burned up the third part of trees and all green grass.

Some teachers symbolize the entire thing. They say the trees are great men, or teachers or doctors. They say that the grass means people in general. They say that the earth is the church. Others say that all of the hail and fire, etc. Well, it has happened before. The plagues that God sent upon Egypt brought a similar thing. God has said that this would happen again in Jeremiah The second trumpet will bring an object that will be like a great mountain that will be cast into the sea and turn one third of the sea to blood.

Some try to symbolize and say that the mountain is this thing or another and the blood stand for something and that the sea will never actually turn to blood.

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This also happened before. You will find it recorded in Exodus 7: I believe that one reason that the word "blood " is mentioned here is that God is going to constantly remind them that they could have escaped this awful time had they accepted the blood of Jesus. Note also that one third part of sea life will die and one third of the ships will be destroyed. When one ship is destroyed, it gets headlines and disaster help.

Imagine one third of the ships being destroyed. One third of the waters will be like wormwood. Wormwood is a bitter, intoxicating, poisonous thing. It paralyzes and kills. Imagine one third of the water supply turned this way. Could it be that it is because of the bitter gall they gave Jesus to drink on Calvary? The world has always been bitter towards Jesus. They will receive their deserts. This brings the blowing of the fourth trumpet that brings a partial darkness over all the earth.

He calls the raptured saints eagles. Though this is probably a real eagle, it is interesting to note that God does speak of the saints as eagles. Eagles are great watchers. They are hard to fool and are alert. We are to watch all the time for the coming of our King. Eagles like to go higher than most birds. The farther they fly from the earth the better they like it. We too should live high and separated lives from the world. We are going to mount wings as eagles and fly up to meet the Lord when He comes at the rapture. This eagle that comes is warning the earthdwellers of the three remaining plagues that are to come.

We have seen the first four trumpets and the horrors that accompanied their blowing, and also the eagle flying through the air announcing the three WOES as the last three trumpets prepare to blow. Let us look at the trumpet number five. The fifth trumpet is sounded. Immediately John saw a star. Notice that the star is called him, so it must be a personality. Angelic being are often called stars.

Adding all of this together, we find that this star is an angelic being, fallen from Heaven. You will note that this creature has the key to the bottomless pit, or Hell. Have you ever thought of Hell as a bottomless pit? You fall and fall and fall and fall and never reach the bottom, for there is no bottom. If anyone doubted the literal fires of a burning Hell, this verse should dispel any of those doubts.

It is a furnace from which comes terrible smoke that darkens the earth. When this person opens the pit, locusts come out. Some say this could not be. It happened in Exodus and it will happen again. If these are not literal locusts, then no man could ever tell us what they might be. Many crops have been entirely eaten up by the locusts in the East. The normal food of the locust is green food. However, God does not let them eat on green food in this time, but rather they shall feed upon the flesh of men. Those who have not the seal of God.

God always cares for His own. We shall be with Jesus, and the others who have been saved in the tribulation will be protected. The locusts will feed only upon the bodies of the unredeemed. These will be deadly locusts. They will not kill men, but they will only torture them for five months. They will sting like a scorpion.

Men have foamed at the mouth and gone into convulsions many times over the sting of one scorpion. What a horrible time when the entire world does this. The torment of the locusts will be so great that men shall try to commit suicide, but cannot. God will not let them die. They may take poison, but it will not kill them. They may shoot themselves, but cannot die. They may try to die, but cannot.

No wonder the seeing of this scene silenced Heaven. FACES -like that of a man. HAIR -like that of a woman. TEETH -like those of a lion. SOUND -like many horses and chariots preparing for battle.

In the Book of Revelation What Does 666 Mean?

Notice that this shall last five months. Imagine the terribleness of this. Let us thank our God over and over again that we will not have to endure this awful time. We will till be enjoying the marriage of the Lamb with Jesus in Heaven. The sixth angel sounds the sixth trumpet. Let us see what it contains. Notice also where they have been bound-near the River Euphrates the word "in " also means near or around. It is interesting to note that the place where they have been bound is in the locality of the place where the Garden of Eden was located.

This is where Satan first made his attack on the human race, where sin first came into the earth, and where death first came to man. This verse tells us that these angels are to be used to slay the third part of men. You will remember that in chapter four, one fourth of the people have been killed and that leaves three fourths. Now one third of that three fourths is killed leaving only half of the previous population of the world. The population of the world now is in excess of two billion. If it were exactly two billion, that means million would be killed in chapter four and another million would be killed here in the sixth trumpet.

That would leave only one billion people left. This verse tells us one year, one month, one day, and one hour. What will the four angels use to carry out their march of death? The locusts tormented for five months. Now the horses kill for over thirteen months. Notice that the horses have heads of lions. What a horrible picture. They have Hell in their mouth. Fire, brimstone sulfur , and the smoke that blows out of their mouths is used to kill. Brother, the smell of burning sulphur is enough to kill, let alone the intense heat.

They have tails like serpents. In other words, they have whiplike tails that could lash a person to death. The tails also had heads of serpents. Probably many shall die from the bite of these serpent tails on the horses. Think of the horror: People will call the police department, but they cannot be of help. Newspapers will be swamped. Highways will be blocked. People will try to hide in the mountains. There will be one horsemen for every ten people or two families.

Imagine your boy, girl, mother, or father being tortured by these hideous monsters. People will die of heart failure.

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Let us thank God for the blessed truth that we are under the blood and safe in Jesus. If you are not His child, you had better come into the ark of safety while there is yet time. A lost person might say, "Well, after all that, if I am still alive I will call upon the name of the Lord and be saved.

This verse teaches that you will not repent then. Note that they will still be worshipping wooden gods, etc. Thank God, our Saviour is alive.

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  7. We have a living God! Notice the things that men shall do in this period: Sorceries fortune-telling, narcotics, etc. Fornication adultery, marriage laxity, etc. Remember that we are still in the sixth trumpet awaiting the blowing of the seventh trumpet. As we begin this chapter, and angel comes down from Heaven with a proclamation. Let us look at the events of this great chapter:.

    Study Guide for Revelation by Chuck Smith

    Some say that this angel is Jesus and there are some good arguments. Others say that it is just another angel. I believe that at least if this is not Jesus that it is His special angel. You will notice that the following things will remind you of Jesus:. Verse 3 speaks of him roaring as a lion. Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

    No doubt this is the same book mentioned in chapter 5 as the title deed to the redeemed possession bought by Jesus on Calvary. He has the deed with Him. This was the Roman custom of triumph. We are more than conquerers through Jesus. We will win through Jesus. This also signifies possession. He is taking possession of the purchased property.

    It is a sign that Jesus will reign upon the earth and it shall be under His dominion for one thousand years. We have had the seven seals. In the seventh seal were the seven trumpets. Now we have the seven thunders. Let us see them. Suddenly God told John to seal up the seven thunders and not write them. Perhaps it was too horrible to be written. You have heard soldiers say that certain battles were too horrible to describe. Perhaps this is the case here. Please note that this is the only place in Revelation where God says it cannot be understood.

    The rest of it is revealed to us and we can understand its teaching. The angels declares that time better translated "delay " should be no longer. God gives plenty of time, but sooner or later, He cannot delay any more and time runs out. What a solemn occasion! The end is coming. The world has about run its course. We should not be too much in love with this old world for it is going to pass away. It is foolish to try to whitewash this world that is headed for destruction. We are supposed to feed upon the Word of God and make this prophecy a part of us. We have no right to neglect it.

    It was both sweet and bitter. Read the call of Ezekiel. It is sweet to serve Jesus, yet there is bitterness with it. This world is not a friend of Jesus. There are two sides in the Gospel-the sweet and the bitter. To those who receive Jesus, it is sweet; to those who refuse it, it is bitter.

    Perhaps that is why the Bible is called a two-edged sword in Hebrews 4: Let us thank God that our Lord has the title deed to this earth and that we will someday rule with Him for one thousand glorious years. You will notice that God speaks of the coming of two witnesses to prophesy.

    Chuck Smith :: Study Guide for Revelation

    Bear in mind that the period that we are now studying is the Great Tribulation, which takes place after the saints have been called up to meet the Lord in the air. Some think that these witnesses are the Old and New Testaments, and many other speculations are given. It seems to me that these men are men who have left the earth and have come from heaven to witness. One of these men undoubtedly is Elijah. You recall that Elijah did not die, but that he was caught up to meet the Lord in the air. The Bible says many times that Elijah is going to come and preach again. He will be one of the two witnesses.

    Well, who is the other one? Who else in the Bible did not die. Enoch is the answer, so it seems logical that the witnesses are Elijah and Enoch. A few think they will be Elijah and Moses. At any rate, these will preach during the Great Tribulation. This verse speaks of the length of their ministry-1, days, which is exactly three and one half years. For a clear explanation of this verse simply read Zechariah 4: Notice how these witnesses will be protected.

    When people try to hurt them, they spit fire on them and kill them. Notice another power that they will have. They can stop the rain or send plagues on the earth. They can send the plagues of lice, frogs, hail, etc. After they finish their course, the Antichrist will come and destroy them, but he will not and cannot until God is through with them. For three and one-half days their bodies will lie in the street of Jerusalem for the people to view. When these two witnesses are dead, the people shall rejoice and even send gifts to each other celebrating the death of these two men.

    The celebration is broken up , however, by the men coming back to life again right in the middle of the party. All of a sudden, the men are caught up in Heaven as their enemies watched them. So closes a wonderful episode in the events of the tribulation. These verses show the response of the people of the earth when these two witnesses are caught away in the clouds.

    It says that they give glory to God. This means very little for two reasons:. They were only giving Him the glory because they were in trouble. Many people think that they can live a life away from the Lord and when death comes they can just turn to the Lord and go to Heaven. There are three reasons why you had better not take that chance. Jesus may come at any moment, and you would not be ready.

    You may die a sudden death and not have any time to repent. You had better come while the Spirit draws you else He may not convict you at death. They were giving glory only to God.

    Revelation Session 10 The Throne Room of Heaven

    The kingdoms of this world are headed for doom. We are not going to build a kingdom ourselves on the earth. All of this talk about "kingdom building " and "bringing in the kingdom " is unscriptural. Remember that the four and twenty elders represent all new Testament priests all believers. We will reign with Him. This verse teaches that we shall be a part of a kingdom that will never die.

    Our Lord shall never die. Four things are spoken of as pertaining to the reign of our Lord. The lost dead will be judged. This will take place after the 1,year reign Revelation Rewards shall be given. Our place in the Kingdom will be determined by what we have done for Jesus. Some will rule ten cities; other, one city. Those that destroy the earth will be destroyed. All of the liquor dealers, robbers, gamblers, etc. Praise the Lord for the hope of the Millennium when we shall reign with Jesus for one thousand glorious years!

    Hence we can follow our rule of taking the Revelation literally unless God tells us otherwise as He does here in this chapter. Israel is often called a woman in the Scriptures. You will also notice that she has on her head a crown of twelve stars. Probably these stars represent the twelve tribes of Israel, so the woman is Israel. God promised Israel a Child to become the Messiah.

    All through the years of Jewish history the Jews looked for the coming of that Child. She was in travail looking for the birth of the promised Child. As soon as the promise of the Child was given there appeared a dragon to try to destroy the Child. The dragon is Satan. Notice he is powerful and has crowns and horns upon his head. Horns in the Scriptures always symbolize kingdoms. So Satan has his kingdoms in this world. Notice that the dragon is standing to try to destroy the Child as soon as the Child is born. You will remember how Herod was used of the Devil to try to destroy Jesus by killing all of the male infants.

    The first words of this verse almost fit exactly the words spoken in the Gospels concerning the birth of Jesus. Israel gave us our Saviour. We should eternally be grateful to the Jews for the One they have given to us. The second truth in this verse is the fact that Jesus will rule the nations with a rod of iron. This prophesies the one thousand years that Jesus will rule the earth with the saints.

    Similar wording is found in at least two other places in Scripture. Whom are we to believe: And sadly, his followers will believe that one as well. True Hiromi, I hope Harold will come to the knowledge of the truth. They have other cult like characteristics besides the silly date setting. Your email address will not be published. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page.

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