Christian Growth

Spiritual Growth - How does a Christian grow in their walk with Christ? What part does the Holy Spirit have in their development?.
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So how do we do this — how do we add virtue? It begins and ends with choices — choices we make in terms of how we spend our time; what we watch on TV; the movies we watch; the people we associate with; the books we read; and so on.

5 Steps of Christian Growth.m4v

Be certain of this: Danielle Steele and soap operas do not add virtue — in fact most of what is in the world does just the opposite: Remember Peter — the fisherman who by nature was impulsive? The one who regularly suffered from foot-in-mouth disease? Again, adding this knowledge to our faith begins and ends with choices: For example how important is church to us? Or, do we approach reading through the Bible in a year with the same kind of commitment that we have in catching a favorite TV program?

  1. Saigons Edge: On the Margins of Ho Chi Minh City.
  2. ?
  3. Spiritual Growth Is Not Optional.
  4. Couple on the Run.
  5. Sisters Friends & Lovers?

Adding virtue and knowledge really comes down to honestly asking and answering the question: Think of an oak tree for a moment: Secondly, a Christian grows by being diligent to add self-control and perseverance to their faith. These two 2 ingredients address the inward disposition of a Christian: And one of the reasons controlling ourselves is so important is because until we reach heaven we will always live with the truth that even though we have been born again and even though we are partakers of the divine nature — the old man is still at work in our lives.

There are lusts and passions hard wired into us as the result of the Fall; and even though someone has believed and responded to the Christian Gospel, and even though they have begun to know the power of God in their life — there is still a battle to be fought. So we are to be diligent to add to our knowledge self-discipline; always remember the battle that is within us and purpose to be more and more temperate — as Paul put it in Col. And again, how do we do this? Self-control grows and is added to our lives one decision at a time — and this takes diligence and perseverance.

For example when that anger flares up — choose to be temperate; when that driver cuts us off — again choose to have self-control.

1 Peter 2:1–3, Part 1

We can think of it this way: How do we grow in the Christian life? We must be diligent to add to our faith virtue, to our virtue knowledge, to our knowledge self-control, and to our self-control perseverance. Just like an oak tree day-in and day-out takes in the ingredients of carbon dioxide, sun and water — so the Christian must spend their life adding these ingredients to their faith or they will never grow — their calling and election will never be certain. And finally, a Christian grows by being diligent to add godliness , brotherly kindness, and love to their faith.

The weighted average fertility rate for Muslim nations decreased in the same period from 5.

While Muslims have an average of 3. If the trend continues, the Muslim and Christian fertility rates will converge in around A study estimates 60, Muslims converted to Christianity in Saudi Arabia. The United States government does not collect religious data in its census.

Christian population growth

The sample size was ,; sample size was 50, Adult respondents were asked the open-ended question , "What is your religion, if any? The religion of the spouse or partner was also asked. If the initial answer was "Protestant" or "Christian" further questions were asked to probe which particular denomination.

About one third of the sample was asked more detailed demographic questions. Among the Asian population in the United States , conversion into Christianity is significantly increasing among Korean, Chinese, and Japanese. Data from the Pew Research Center states that, as of , about 1. According to Pew Research , Christianity loses more people than it gains from religious conversion. Religious Self-Identification of the U. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Convert to Christianity and List of people who converted to Christianity. Roman Catholicism by country. Christianity in South Africa.

  • The Disregarded Child!
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  • Christianity in Saudi Arabia. Christianity in South Korea. Christianity in the Netherlands. Christianity in North America. Christianity in the United States.

    Disability Is No Accident

    Christianity " PDF. Population Growth Projections, ". Retrieved 7 December World Christian Encyclopedia p. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania.

    How important is spiritual growth in Christian life?

    Archived from the original on 10 May Retrieved 30 August Retrieved 30 January Retrieved 12 August Pastor John explains what else should govern our decisions. How did Christian beliefs about homosexuality become hate speech? Rosaria Butterfield traces the cultural shift and commends a way forward. Parents, even if your child gives you little reason to hope, the cross gives you hope enough to continue praying for their salvation.

    Six Steps to Defeating Sexual Sin Few things have destroyed more marriages, stolen more joy, or strangled more souls than lust. Do you know how to fight it? Sep 17, Share.