Strategic Project Portfolio Management: Enabling a Productive Organization (Microsoft Executive Lead Strategic Project Portfolio Management: Enabling a Productive Organization Lead change through strategic alignment of project and processperformance Providing executive-level guidance tobuild a powerful and efficient process from Organizational Project Portfolio Management: A Practitioner's Guide.
Table of contents

The Power of Brainstorming.

  • Les aventures de Bel Eclair et Houla 2 (French Edition).
  • Thin Cell Layer Culture System: Regeneration and Transformation Applications.
  • Strategic Project Portfolio Management : Enabling a Productive Organization;

Enterprise Risk Management Best Practices. Megaproject Risk Analysis and Simulation. Global Technology and Corporate Crisis. Public Relations and the History of Ideas. Public Relations and Individuality.

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    Effective Project Portfolio Management PPM with Microsoft Project Online

    Write a review Rate this item: Preview this item Preview this item. Strategic project portfolio management: Microsoft executive leadership series. Sponsored products related to this item What's this? Start and Sustain Successful Agile Teams.

    Disrupting Business as Usual. What's the best way to transform teams, elevate leaders and catapult careers? Launch a moonshot and disrupt business as usual. Create Your Successful Agile Project: Collaborate, Measure, Estimate, Deliver. From the Inside Flap Strategic Project Portfolio Management Organizations that outperform do so because of a combination of strong execution and great strategy.

    Wiley; 1 edition November 2, Language: Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Managing Projects in a Complex World. Upgrade your Agile project process by incorporating these proven strategies for delivering better products, faster and more reliably. Using his vast experience, years of research, and interviews with hundreds of business leaders, Todd Williams illustrates how to meet corporate goals.

    Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. I'm almost through finishing this book, and I'm already recommending this to so many of my friends. I feel like many companies could probably save fortunes by reading this book instead of hiring consultants from many top tier firms. You could essentially take this book and follow it as a step-by-step tutorial for making any project succeed.

    For example, Simon discusses in one chapter the 10 steps for a successful strategic project portfolio management process: These may sound like no brainers, but you'll be surprised how many people stray from these steps and lose their focus when they're caught in the excitement of developing their ideas. If you're an entrepreneur with or without an MBA, this book will help you strategize and plan the next steps after you've settled on your block buster idea. If you're a CEO or you're managing projects within a company, you'll learn in addition the early stages of generating the perfect balance of ideas and resources for creating a portfolio of projects with the highest chance of success.

    Strategic Project Portfolio Management : Simon Moore :

    Learned a ton so far. It's written very well and gets straight to the point. Looking forward to other books by Simon Moore. Keep up the great work. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. I didn't get the job, but I did find his book extremely useful. During my interview, I failed to explain a complex financial concept in way that was easy to understand. Simon does not have this problem. The book was easy to follow and motivated me to drive idea generation within the company I currently work for.

    I would recommend this book to start ups or innovation officers as I have already seen results. Brilliant handbook for anyone involved in project management work at any level, but particularly for those with a strategic angle. Quickly dispelled the notion that I've been employing best practice, and pointed me in the right direction about putting together a more effective project selection process.

    The author clearly has a great deal of working experience of portfolio management, and that means that rather than being a dry text it's a very practical guide. This book broadened my thinking on project management within business. I'd recommend it for someone who wants to understand the latest thinking in the project and portfolio management field and tie it back to business value and business strategy.