Four Guys and Trouble

If you guessed Major's (Good Peoples) second novel would be just another " brotha-friend" saga, you guessed right but it's one of the better entries in the genre.
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This book is not yet featured on Listopia. May 06, Destiny Hawkins rated it it was amazing. I love it when a book can keep me engaged and laughing. I really enjoyed the story of the 4 fraternity brothers, Colin, Ibn, Mike, and Dexter looking out for their deceased line brother, Trevor's sister.

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The love and devotion they shared towards her was phenomenal. While they couldn't get relationships right with their women, they adored Bunches aka Erika.

  • 1. What Is ED?.
  • Four Guys and Trouble by Marcus Major.
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A good mix of reality, brother, love, and friendship. Oct 21, Beryl White-Bing rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Good character study of different male characters and how they handle life.

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A story of four Black guys who have taken on the responsibility of taking care of the younger sister of a fifth close friend who died of leukemia when they were in college. Delightful dialog and a direct analysis of how some men relate to women, especially when they become financially successful. Lynn Harris…" I enjoyed it and so Major's other books have been added to my reading list.

Oct 23, Nicole rated it it was amazing.

I didn't think I would like this book at first, but I really enjoyed this book. I especially enjoyed the author's humor throughout. I listened by audio. The voices especially the men were scrumptious. Jan 28, De rated it liked it.

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  • The Beginning of the End of the Line.
  • Four Guys and Trouble!
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Apr 29, Jaleesa rated it it was amazing. I've always loved this book.

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This is about the 10th time that i've read it. Recommend it for anyone who loves to laugh and who loves love. Jul 11, Lesa added it. I love his characters. I simply wish he wold publish another book. Daya rated it really liked it Aug 09, Thomasg rated it liked it Aug 12, George rated it it was amazing Jan 27, Valerie rated it really liked it Jul 29, Debbie rated it liked it Mar 28, Denise Ortiz rated it really liked it Jan 25, Jenni rated it really liked it Dec 06, Jana rated it really liked it Jul 28, I've read a few reports here and elsewhere about Brits getting attacked in Kaunas.

While i can't condone people behaving badly or disrespectful anywhere or whatever the circumstances, i am planning to go to Lithuania and getting slightly worried. My friend and I are in our early 30s and like a beer and can handle ourselves, but we're not into causing trouble, chasing anything in a skirt, or being respectful to locals, but nor are we into getting a good beating by a gang for being foreign. I was in Riga last year and had a great time but later heard similar reports and saw a few people who'd obviously been done over. I should maybe post in the Vilnius form, but does anyone know if its a similar story there?

I've been working in Vilnius for a month and had a great time. The only thing that's quite disturbing are the English groups who think they can behave like they want to. Being drunk, rude shouting and misbehaving.

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I'm very sorry, but I think you also must have read the tpoics about stags. If you only go to Vilnius or Kaunas to behave in a way which will not be accepted in any other place, don't be surprised if you get in trouble. We were with four guys from work. We went out in the weekend, had drinks enough, but not too much and behaved in a normal way.

We didn't run in any trouble what so ever. And that's what you hear from others too. If you read my post you'll see that behaving in a disrespectful way is exactly what i wouldn't do.

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I'm not on a stag do, and wouldn't want to be. It is a shame that English stag groups are turning up in small cities like Tallinn , Riga and Vilnius expecting to be accomodated as they are at home, or say in Amsterdam or Prague. I just don't want to be tarred-with-the-same-brush and cause myself any problems if there is a element of violence in the city towards young foreign British men - which appears from the forum may be the case, hence my question. Vilnius is more beautiful that Kaunas though and if coming in the summer you may also want to try Klaipeda and Palanga for good beaches!

If you want any more help please feel free to try my forum or contatc me direct contact details are on my website.

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In my opinion, you have nothing more to worry about as at home, maybe even less, if you behave in a normal way. Maybe people will even like to find out that there are other Brittish too! A couple of years ago, I lived in Kaunas for 6 weeks. I was a young early 20s female along with two other girls my age. We met lots of locals, and had nothing but a great time. We did at one point, see some very rude Americans in the city who might cause trouble Be respectful of locals, don't be loud and boystrous Just as you would like people to be in your own home country.

A lot of those "Americans" are really Lithuanian, and American. If you thought the Americans were rude, then be glad you can't understand Lithuanian! Klaipeda is the worst city for foreign EU and US people. Vilnius is not dangerous