The Accidental Adventures of Dogget Mann

The Accidental Adventures of Dogget Mann - Kindle edition by Lester Milton. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.
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At its end I was left wanting more. Hopefully a second installment is in the works! One person found this helpful. Looks like the author just gave up on it, though. Too bad as I found it quite good reading. Loved this book, pure and simple! This book might be classified as Young Adult, and I think most teens would enjoy it tremendously, but this is one of those rare books that crosses over into adult fiction with just as much impact.

I wasn't reading this book wondering if my kids would like it; I was reading it for my own enjoyment. Another reviewer wrote that she had to fight with her daughter over the book during a vacation, and I can totally understand that. The book is funny, insightful, touching, and more than a bit intellectually stimulating. It deals with issues to which kids can relate but which also are of import to adults.

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Dogget is one of my favorite protagonists of the last few years. He is witty, observant on the human condition, and totally likable.

Lester Milton (Author of The Accidental Adventures of Dogget Mann)

I found myself caring about what happened to him. He either had me laughing out loud with his comments or worried about how he was going to overcome a dire situation. The author's writing is quite superb. Characterization was outstanding, and that is why I liked Dogget so much. But there is more to the writing. For lack of a better term, I think the author's wordsmithing was "rich.

There was no simple "Dogget does this" then "Dogget does that. I am eagerly awaiting more of Dogget's adventures, and I enthusiastically recommend this book not only for kids, but for the kid in all of us. I received a free copy of this book for review.

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One person found this helpful 2 people found this helpful. If the legend of JK Rowling is to be believed, great youth-oriented fantasy epics are born in lonely kitchens or small rented flats during the few hours the writer can steal for themselves. I imagine Lester Milton might have tapped this book out in similar circumstances. Dogget Mann is every bit as engaging a lead as Harry Potter, a precocious but relatable kid striving to keep his curiosity and optimism alive in the face of a brutal orphan's existence: That's okay, because he can rectify that by revisiting it in one of the many sequels we should all force him to create, at gunpoint if need be.

This is the kind of young adult book that doesn't insult the intelligence of an older reader. Full-on grown-ups will be eager to read it to their kids, or have their kids read it to them, or to sneak it out of their kids' rooms and read it by oneself in bed or on the john. It's just that good. Let me begin with a deep and heartfelt apology: Doggett Mann has been sitting on my shelf, unread, for a long, long time.

For that reason alone I am ashamed for not having told the world about it sooner. I don't think the slightly increased knowledge of this story would have improved the world noticeably in the past few years, but perhaps exponentially as the years passed for certain. I feel a genuine sense of guilt for not adding my voice to the support of this book, author Lester Milton, and to the bright but hapless Dogget Mann himself, who seems to find himself everywhere but the right place in the right time.

Dogget's matter-of-fact view of the world lends to some amazing insights about human behavior--it's easy to warm to him quickly, particularly contrasted to the chilly nature of the world in which Dogget lives. We take abuse seriously in our discussion boards. Only flag comments that clearly need our attention. As a general rule we do not censor any content on the site.

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The Accidental Adventures of Dogget Mann 4. Rate this book Clear rating 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. Want to Read saving… Error rating book.

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The Accidental Adventures of Dogget Mann

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