Rakes, Highwaymen, and Pirates: The Making of the Modern Gentleman in the Eighteenth Century

Erin Mackie explores the shared histories of the modern polite English gentleman and other less respectable but no less celebrated eighteenth-century.
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Michael Kimmel demanding situations the declare that gender is proscribed to women's experiences--his compelling and balanced learn of gender comprises either masculine and female views.


In accordance with years of cautious ethnographic fieldwork in Hanoi, Haunting photographs deals a frank and compassionate account of the ethical quandaries that accompany suggestions in biomedical expertise. Extra resources for Rakes, Highwaymen, and Pirates: For while society may no longer so overtly defend status and class privilege, the privilege of outlaw masculinities is preserved where gendered exceptionalism cashes in on the prestige value handed down through a history of status elitism.

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Boys will be boys still; their high jinks, their trespasses against decency and civility, even against the law, are countenanced by conventions of previously aristocratic masculine privilege established in the early modern period. As I emphasize throughout, the glamour of the rake and his outlaw brothers is fabulous and residual, colored by a nostalgia for a kind of fully approved license already becoming outdated by the late seventeenth century, and yet one that through the centuries has retained its currency in fantasies of masculinity.

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The eighteenthcentury escape artist Sheppard is a modern figure most intimately affiliated with disaffection and unrest within an industrialized working-class culture not formed until a hundred years after his death. By Erin Mackie Erin Mackie explores the shared histories of the trendy well mannered English gentleman and different much less good yet no much less celebrated eighteenth-century masculine varieties: Open to the public S University of Western Australia Library.

Rakes, Highwaymen, and Pirates: The Making of the Modern Gentleman in the Eighteenth Century

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Rakes, Highwaymen, And Pirates: The Making Of The Modern Gentleman In The Eighteenth Century

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