Born on a Blood Moon

We'll be getting a blood moon in the form of a total lunar eclipse, which entails It's your birthday season, so you'll inevitably feel some energy.
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With tonight's impending blood moon eclipse the first of four over the next 18 months or so , many people are discussing its cosmic significance; some are even suggesting that it may be a sign from God such as a portent of the apocalypse. As an ABC News story notes, "for some it signals a certain foreboding. The Changing Face of the Moon. Among the more alarming Biblical verses referring to the moon can be found in Joel 2: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness. Pretty heady stuff, though the moon has turned "into blood" several times before, and nothing apocalyptic happened.

Moon Myths and Folklore The moon has always held sway over human fears and imaginations.

Blood Moon Has Long Sparked Superstitions - Seeker

Moonlight - which is, after all, merely sunlight reflected off the surface of the moon and back onto Earth - is said to be powerful indeed. According to Iona Opie and Moira Tatem's classic "Dictionary of Superstitions," as late as the s, "mothers refused to hang their baby's nappies out in the moonlight for fear of bad luck. The infamous witch-finding manual "Malleus Maleficarum" published in notes that "The stars can influence the devils themselves Certain men who are called lunatics are molested by devils more at one time than at another; and the devils Many police and doctors believe that people go "a little extra crazy" on full moons, though the evidence seems largely anecdotal and has not been borne out in scientific studies.

Researchers Ivan Kelly, James Rotton, and Roger Culver, in their study "The Moon was Full and Nothing Happened" published in the book "The Hundredth Monkey and Other Paradigms of the Paranormal" examined more than studies and found no significant correlation between phases of the moon and disasters or homicide rates. Pointing at the moon has traditionally been considered unlucky, though various explanations are offered for why; some say that the "man in the moon" who resides there considers it rude. Periodically, there are a sequence of four Blood Moons at six month intervals.

Each of the four Blood Moons is due to a total Lunar Eclipse. The sequence of four Blood Moons is called a tetrad. The first one occurred in — The second one is in — The Sun will be darkened and the Moon will be blood red during the Tribulation before the Lord returns. The Moon itself symbolizes the congregation of Israel or the Church. Today, it symbolizes the Church. In the Tribulation, which is in the Dispensation of Israel, it symbolizes Israel — i.

A Jew is not a Jew unless he believes in Jesus Christ. Just as the Church reflects the Light of Christ, the Moon has no light of its own but reflects the light of the Sun. If the man walks in darkness, the woman is also darkened. The blood red color of a total eclipse is a further symbol of suffering. Further, since men are in the Church along with women, a Lunar Eclipse may symbolize suffering of the man as well as the woman. The six month interval of the second group of two corresponds to the time between the middle of the Tribulation and the Second Advent. Six months later Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and told her that she would have a son, who would be the Christ.

Gabriel also told Mary that Elizabeth was in her sixth month of pregnancy Luk 1: After John was born, his father Zacharias prophesied about him Luk 1: This is the future kingdom of Israel predicted by the prophets.

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The next day Jesus came to John to be baptized. He recognized Jesus Christ as the redemption solution for the sins of all mankind. The second half of the Tribulation is called the Great Tribulation because it will be a time of the worst suffering in the history of the world. Satan will be thrown out of Heaven permanently in the middle of the Tribulation. Knowing that his time is short, he will pull out all the stops to defeat Israel and vindicate himself. It will be a time of the devil's desperation. They previously met Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration Matt They will appear in human bodies on Earth, since they will not receive their resurrection bodies until the Second Advent.

Why The Moon Turns Red During A Total Lunar Eclipse

Moses and Elijah will be hated by Satan and the world rulers under his power. They will have great powers to defend themselves, however. They will be able to throw flames from their mouths to kill their enemies Rev They will have the power to stop rain from falling, to turn water into blood, and to cause plagues Rev This is probably Abaddon Rev 9: This will likely be reported worldwide on the news.

Then God will call them home, and they will ascend to Heaven Rev Satan will torture the woman, who symbolizes Israel in the Tribulation. He is empowered by Satan, who rules a third of the angels of Heaven Rev Satan is waiting to torture the woman's child when she gives birth. Later, during the Tribulation, the woman Israel will flee into the wilderness high desert country , where she will hide for days 3.

When Satan is cast down to the Earth, he will try to destroy Jewish believers, who are personified as the woman who gave birth to Christ Rev When he fails, knowing that his time is short, he will start a world war to destroy Israel.

What about other cultures?

This will become the War of Armageddon. The Lord Jesus Christ will return at the Second Advent and destroy all the armies that are fighting against Israel in that war. Before the Second Advent, the Sun will be darkened Amos 5: The Moon will also be darkened Isa And there will be a Blood Moon Isa All of these refer to eclipses. Any Lunar Eclipse, regardless of color, can symbolize Divine punishment or Eclipse Testing of the congregation of Israel or the Church or the woman in relation to her husband in Marriage or her Right Man.

The woman will survive child bearing to bring the Savior into world 1 Tim 2: Child bearing was the Judgment of the woman in the Adamic Covenant Gen 3: Through child bearing of the woman the Virgin Birth was possible Matt 1: The first two eclipses in each tetrad are related to the First Advent, and the last two eclipses in the tetrad are related to the Second Advent. The individual eclipses are then associated with: The Coffin is for burying the dead, and the Wagon smaller than a Mystic Rectangle is for transporting the Coffin.

Capricornus corresponds to Texas. An application can be made immediately because R. The Lunar Eclipse followed at Thus, the eclipse occurred the next day after Thieme fell sick.

Blood Moon 2018: Does a blood moon have a prophecy? Spiritual meaning explained

The sickness was Alzheimer's Disease, which led to his death in Thieme, as the pastor, was the head of the congregation. God removed him under dying discipline with the judgment of his head. Now, the Sun was on the cusp of Taurus and Aries. Since the other eclipses in the Tetrad have the Moon in Aries, this could be assumed to be Aries also. However, because the Sun had been in Taurus and had not yet technically arrived in Aries, it will be left in Taurus, and the Moon will be left in Scorpius.

Therefore, the Sun is taken to be in Taurus, for the king's glory, but it is at the Bottom of Heaven, for a rich man's tomb. Nearby in Aries is the Savior Planet, for a pastor. The Moon was in Scorpius, for the Synagogue of Satan. Also in Scorpius was the Last Adam, for the victim of Satan.

So, the story continues. The head of the congregation has been removed, and the flock was counterattacked by Satan. Now, the attack of Satan on the Church was not isolated to Berachah or Thieme's extended flock.

Blood moon astrology

It occurred in other congregations also. So, the signs in the Chart do not only apply to Thieme but to other pastors and congregations as well. Thieme with Alzheimer's just became the poster child. Another fallout from the punishment of the Church was the hurricanes that followed. The Mediator Planet in Aquarius symbolizes landfall, and Aquarius corresponds to Florida, which was pounded by hurricanes in and The Mediator was in Aquarius throughout Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in A hurricane symbolizes rejection of the Grace message of the pastor as a Right Woman rejects the authority of her Right Man.

Thus, hurricanes symbolize rebellious congregations and Right Women. The Chart contains a Castle, a Coffin, and a Carafe. A Castle is the domain of a king. Jesus Christ was a King and a High Priest. Church Age Believers are kings and priests. It also symbolizes Jerusalem, the capital or royal city of Judah. However, with the Castle is a Coffin along the Ascendant and Descendant.

And there is a Carafe being poured out, corresponding to the pouring out of Christ's blood for the sins of the world. The Sun was in Libra, for a Sovereign power, but it was in conjunction with the Bottom of Heaven, for execution, or the judgment of death. This happened to Jesus Christ in the Crucifixion. There were three planets nearby in Scorpius, symbolizing the strong Satanic attack that sent Jesus to the cross. The Moon was in Aries, for Jezebel. This also relates to the Royal Castle in that the Castle corresponds to the Galleria and surrounding buildings around Berachah Church.

The wealth on the West side of town is like the wealth of Laodicea. The people in the royal castles may be lukewarm toward Bible Doctrine. The first Chart associated with the Tribulation contains an overturned Castle and a Field. A Field rectangle symbolizes an allotment or inheritance. The fall of Jerusalem corresponds to loss of inheritance just as rejection of Bible Doctrine corresponds to loss of inheritance for the Church Age Believer.

The Ascendant was Capricornus with the Redeemer Planet, for being redeemed by blood. This symbolizes the redemption solution for the punishment symbolized by the eclipse. The redemption solution for unbelievers is faith in Jesus Christ, and for believers it is Rebound and faith application. Capricornus corresponds to Texas, which indicates that what happened to Berachah Church is still an example of the punishment in the Church universal in spite of the selection of a new pastor for Berachah on March 28, However, the Savior Planet in Pisces symbolizes the Savior of the congregation.

The Savior is the Lord Jesus Christ, but by application it signifies the human pastor as the under shepherd. The Descendant is Cancer, which signifies a loss of prosperity. The economy of the United States and the world suffered because the eclipse signified the judgment of the Prostitute of Babylon, who controls commerce.

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The crisis in the US economy was revealed in the latter part of The Sun was in Aries, for a leader's glory, but it was in conjunction with the Bottom of Heaven, for the death of a leader. And the Moon was in Libra, for the Judgment of the woman Gen 3: Corresponding to the woman, the God of the Covenants in Gemini symbolized Marriage Culture as an issue. And the Red Planet in Gemini symbolized a bloody bridegroom, corresponding to the suffering of the man in relation to the woman in Eclipse Testing.

The Morning Star was in Taurus, for the Feast of Trumpets, when the trumpets are blown to call Israel to holy assembly. This symbolizes the ingathering of the Diaspora of Israel from all over the world at the Second Advent.

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  • Blood Moon Tetrads.

It is also the sign of a herald corresponding to Moses and Elijah as the heralds of the Second Advent. The back-to-back Plows are not a Grand Cross, since the ends of the square are not right angles. The back-to-back Plows along the Ascendant, Descendant symbolize separating the sheep from the goats at the Second Advent Matt The sheep will be taken into the sheepfold of Cancer, and the goats of Capricornus will be cast into Hell in the Baptism of Fire.

The judgment of the goats is also symbolized by the Redeemer Planet on the Descendant in Capricornus, for being sacrificed for sins redeemed by blood. In any case, the goat dies.