Juive, La

La belle juive (literally, "the beautiful Jewess") was an archetype of 19th-century Romantic European literature. The typical appearance of the belle juive.
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During the imperial procession Leopold returns to his family and joins the baptizing ceremony of his third child. At the sharing of the matzah consecrated bread , Rachel notices the movement with which Leopold gets rid of it. The princess wishes to obtain from Eleazar, as a gift for her husband Leopold, a magnificent chain that had belonged to the Emperor Constantine. As Eudoxie leaves, the Jews conclude the Seder. Rachel waits in anguish for Leopold, whom she has allowed to return.

La Juive (Highlights); Tucker, Arroyo, Giaiotti, Moffo, Sabaté & De Almeida; 1974

Leopold confesses that he is a Christian and nevertheless begs her to elope with him. Eleazar, realizing that Leopold is a Christian, gives his blessing to his marriage to his daughter only because Rachel begs him. Yet now it is Leopold who realizes that he cannot marry Rachel and so he flees. She flings herself at the feet of Eudoxie, greatly moved by her beauty and her tears; the Jewess begs the Princess to employ her as a servant, suspecting that Leopold has left her for the Princess.

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But Rachel leaps forward, tears the chain from Eudoxie, and reveals the unforgivable crime for which Leopold and she are jointly condemned to death: Eleazar anathematizes the iniquitous Christians for their constant readiness to exculpate their own but to show no mercy to others. All three are cursed and arrested. But Rachel decides to save Leopold by sacrificing herself alone. Her generosity and nobility of spirit make a deep impression on Cardinal Brogni, who has Eleazar brought before him in an attempt to save him from the sentence to be passed on him by the Council.

If he recants, Rachel will be saved. Yet Brogni himself had had to leave Rome after an attack by Neopolitans in which his wife and daughter were said to have been killed. After this fateful event, he entered the religious order.

La belle juive - Wikipedia

Now the two meet again by coincidence in Constance. Meanwhile, Rachel invites her secret lover to the evening Passover feast at her father's house.

In the meantime, the people crowd together to witness the Emperor's ceremonial procession. When Ruggiero spots this blasphemy, he wants to execute them again.


He orders the seargent Albert to recall the guards and, at the same time, he makes sure he isn't recognized. A knock on the door interrupts the meal. Rachel is shocked, since she knows that relations between Jews and Christians are forbidden on pain of death. Yet the moment she decides to flee with her lover, her father bursts in. Mad with rage, he wants to kill the Christian who has seduced his daughter, but she stops him.

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She's left with a broken heart, and so she decides to follow him in order to finally uncover his secret. Act Three Eudoxie is looking forward to being reunited with her husband. Completely unaware, Eudoxie hires her. The moment Eudoxie goes to hang the necklace on her husband, Rachel steps between them. In front of everyone, Rachel accuses the Prince of committing adultery with a Jewess, namely herself. All three are arrested and taken to be executed.

La Juive (Halévy, Fromental)

Act Four Eudoxie goes to see Rachel in prison. Yet faced with Eudoxie's true love, she softens and promises to retract her accusation in front of the court. After her husband's betrayal, she can see no future in life and wishes only to die.

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Brogni prepares Rachel for the trial. She is determined to die and wants to face the court alone. The fate of the Jewish woman, who will die so young, awakens unexplained fatherly feelings in Brogni. He wants to save her, so he summons her father to him. Horrified, the Jew refuses. He wants nothing more for himself and his daughter than redemption in death.