Rocks and Plants (Gods Creation Series)

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Day 3- God Created Land and Plants

There is an amazing variety of dog breeds — poodles, Labs, pugs, basset hounds, and Dalmatians. But, they are all still dogs! We can see the change in variety happening among animals. But, we never see one type of creature changing into a different type of creature. There are no in-between transitional animals alive today or in the fossil record that can be proven without a doubt.

Because of the way DNA works and because of all the information that would have to be added for a creature to become something totally different. Over the years, scientists have learned much, much more about genetics. And they have barely even scratched the surface in this deep, complex field of science. The DNA in every living thing is absolutely astounding.

The more I learn about it, the more it amazes me. Your DNA is packed with lots of information. These are the instructions that make your body. Since the information to make a living thing comes from its DNA, new information would have to be added to the DNA for a creature to evolve into a different type of creature. Little changes in DNA, called mutations, do happen. But, there are some big problems with mutations. First of all, you have to have information to begin with and information only comes from an intelligent source.

Every book has an author. Every masterpiece has an artist. The same applies to your DNA. Imagine if you had a copy of a page book and it accidentally had two copies of page It would just confuse or annoy the reader. Same with DNA — doubling a section of information just causes problems. So in summary, no: Information only comes from an intelligent source.

Where do plants come from? Seeds from parent plants. Where do babies come from? Where do chicks come from? Eggs laid by a chicken. Life only comes from life. This is an important law of science, officially discovered by Louis Pasteur. Many people of his day thought that living things could just spontaneously come into existence. But, with his experiments, Pasteur proved that living things can only come from something that was already alive.

Pasteurization is a process that kills bad microbes, created by Louis Pasteur. One of the most famous of these experiments is the Miller-Urey experiment. In this experiment, the two men put together a bunch of chemicals with the right conditions to make some amino acids, which are essential for life.

But there are a number of problems with this experiment: Complex amino acids are also necessary for life 2 The conditions that made the amino acids would also destroy them. In summary, what Miller and Urey really did is put together a bunch of chemicals that have to do with life. They were a far cry from creating the beginnings of life. You can have all the parts of life together and still not make life. You have to start with something that is already living. This fact points back to our Creator God. He is eternal has always been alive and is the original giver of life.

Have you heard of Lucy? What about Java Man? Evidence shows that Neanderthal are humans. In reality, science is a slow process.

Exploring God's Creation

It takes a lot of time to gather all the right information, do all the right tests, and get papers published and peer reviewed. Sensational science stories should always be taken with a grain of salt. New Human Footprint Discovery? Did the Grand Canyon take millions of years to form? Fossils, rock layers, and minerals are all closely tied to the age of the earth. Geology is the study of the earth. This branch of science covers fossils, rocks, minerals, rock layers, mountains, volcanoes, and many other things. It steals from many other branches of knowledge and has its own character, too. This science simply cannot be isolated from other aspects of learning and life.

Last week we looked at questions on what the Bible says about origins Read that article: Is the Genesis Creation Account Literal? From the Bible, we can tell that the Earth was created about six thousand years ago. Nope — mud layers can form quickly, and if they are in the right conditions, they turn into rock. The amount of time is less important. Many people think that rock layers must have taken many thousands or millions of years to form.

If you look at the way mud and sand build up naturally today in special areas around rivers, oceans, or deserts, it does look like it might take a long time to turn those small deposits into the rock layers you see in road-cuts. Growing plants and burrowing animals would mess up the clean, flat contacts between mud layers long before they could turn into rock. If you look at rock layers in the Grand Canyon, you can see lots of perfectly flat contacts between layer after layer.

This flat contact makes more sense if the layers were all made around the same time, before animals and plants messed up the surfaces. A fossilized teddy bear toy. A petrified sack of flour. What exactly is a fossil? How does something fossilize? In this process, minerals replace the once-living cells, turning bones to stone.

The geologic column or timescale is simply the general order in which we find rock layers. The logical rules used to put rock layers in order were first created by Nicolaus Steno. Steno did not believe that the rock layers were millions of years old. In the rock layers, he thought that we could clearly see a record of creation and the global flood as recorded in the Bible.

Often you will see evolution tacked on to the geologic column, showing only the fossils that fit their evolutionary order. This order is better explained as different ecosystems being buried throughout the global flood. The geologic column is not a record of evolutionary history — of new creatures coming to life.

Rather, it is a record of the progression of catastrophic death around the world during the global flood. These methods include the increasing amount of salt and sediments in the ocean, the moon drifting away from Earth, our decaying magnetic field, and much more. Here are a few highlights of other evidences for a young earth from geology:. In , a group of paleontologists had to break a T. Inside the bone, they discovered soft tissue. Just look at the food decaying in your refrigerator if you leave it in there too long!

Soft tissue cannot last millions of years.

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But, it is possible for soft tissue like this to be preserved for a few thousand years, under the right conditions. In some places, multiple rock layers all stacked together are smoothly bent at a dramatic angle. If each of these layers had taken long, long periods of time to form, the bottom layers would have hardened long before the top layers were made. Although enough heat and pressure can smoothly bend rock layers like this, that kind of heat and pressure changes the rock type from sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock.

These two rock types are very different. There are places where the sedimentary rock is dramatically bent e. This means that all the layers still had to be soft when the top one was laid down. Some fossilized trees stand upright, going through several different rock layers. By then, the trees would get scavenged, fall apart, and decay.

But, if they are covered quickly by catastrophic flood waters, trees can be preserved upright with layers around it. Upright trees were found at the bottomSpirit Lake by Mount St. Helens after this volcano erupted. Trees were torn from a mountainside during an eruption and dropped into the lake. As the trees became water logged, the heavier root side floated lower in the water and sediments started building up around them. Fossilized upright trees are much better explained by a catastrophe, like Mt. Saint Helens only much, much bigger! Have you ever noticed the way a normal birthday-party helium balloon slowly sinks as time passes?

The balloon sinks as it gradually loses those slippery little helium molecules which are replaced with heavier air molecules. Weird as it may sound, there is actually some helium trapped in little crystals inside granite. There is way too much helium in granite for it to be millions of years old. Helium slips out of rock crystals sort of like it slips out of a balloon.

Today we have covered some of the basic questions about geology and the age of the earth. How old is the earth? Short answer — about six thousand years old. The Bible records this history and science confirms it. Next week we will look at some common questions about evolution and biology. Did God use evolution to create everything? Is there space for millions of years between the first two verses in Genesis?

Is the creation account in Genesis literal or just a moral story? These are just a few of the common questions that people ask about the creation account in Genesis. Most Christians, especially kids who grew up in church, have heard the story of creation in Genesis. God made all things in six days, then Adam and Eve sinned, bringing thorns and death into the world.

But, when confronted with the ideas of evolution and an old earth in school, people wonder which is right — the Bible or science class? Or are they both true? Last week, we covered a few common questions about the reliability of the Bible. We also looked at what the whole origins debate is all about — history.

And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. First, as adults we tend to over-complicate things. Give this passage to a kid who has absolutely no pre-conceived ideas about the age of the earth. With a plain, straightforward reading of the text, it simply looks like verse one is an introduction followed by a detailed explanation of how God created. As Christians, the unchanging Word of God should be our ultimate standard, not cultural whims.

In the Hebrew, there are a few main words that will help us interpret the text. Describing the soon-to-be earth as formless and empty is a great way to start. The following verses explain how God formed the earth and how He filled it. This pretty clearly indicates regular, historical days.

The whole book of Genesis, from creation to Abraham and Joseph, is all written in the style of a historical narrative. Each of the people, Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, and Joseph are all portrayed as historical characters, not a vague story. How can we figure out the age of the earth from the Bible? Well, all the genealogies, listing those difficult to pronounce names, give relative ages of people.

If you want to try to figure out the numbers yourself, click here to read an article on how to do that. For example — Adam was years old when Seth was born, and Lamech was when Noah was born. The Genesis creation account of the six days of Genesis clearly shows the order God used to create. Much of this order contradicts the order of evolution. For example, God created the sun, moon, and stars after He created dry ground on earth with growing plants.

Whales were created with other sea creatures before any land animals which also goes against evolution. To top it all off, birds were created a day before dinosaurs dinosaurs are land animals — we will go over dinosaurs separately later. Most importantly, evolution requires a lot of animal death. Survival of the fittest really means death of the less-fit.

Genesis and the rest of the Bible makes it clear that death of animals and people only came because of sin, not before it. Sin is the reason why animals died as sacrifices throughout the Old Testament. This is also why Jesus came and died on the cross — to save us from our sins that bring both literal and spiritual death. When He returns and makes a new creation, there will be no more pain, death, or tears. It will be very good, just like His original creation. Question — what do you have to do to be saved? Look it up yourself. Basically, you have to repent of sin and believe in Jesus.

Believing in a young earth and no evolution is not essential for salvation. But, it is essential for being logically consistent with your beliefs. People are watching to see if you really believe what you say you believe. People need to know that the Bible can be trusted from the very first verse. Next week we will talk more specifically about a young earth, geology, and the global flood. Does evolution disprove the Bible? Is God even real, or is He just a myth? People have a lot of questions about our origins. Regardless of what camp you are in curious, apathetic, or thinking you know all the answers , knowing where we came from is crucial to understanding our identity and purpose as individuals.

What you think about your origins will have a profound effect on the way you live your life. In this series, we will cover the Biblical creation account, evolution, the age of the earth, dinosaurs, and the impact of how people think about origins. While this series will by no means be exhaustive, I will provide some helpful resources where you can learn more about each topic at the end of the article if you would like. For finding answers to any question, the best place to start is by gathering clues, like a detective.

Rephrasing the original question: Why do you need both knowledge and beliefs for history? Because unlike knowledge about things we can see and test today, knowledge about history requires that you believe what someone else said. Just like in solving a mystery, we can gather clues, do chemical tests, and evaluate evidence, but the most powerful, needed evidence about history comes from an eye-witness account. Sometimes the facts, or evidence, can be put together several different ways and an eye-witness is the only thing that will clear up the mystery.

To learn about history, we must know who is a trust-worthy witness and who is not. No matter what origins account you hold to, you must start with a set of beliefs, or a worldview. These beliefs include who or what you think is trust-worthy. That leads us to the next question, asking if the Bible is a trust-worthy source for history. There are many questions people have about the Bible, but many point back to this core question, asking if the Bible is reliable history.

Here are some clues that speak of the historical reliability of the Bible:. Claims to be inspired by God Only trust a witness who claims to be a witness. Since the Bible claims to be the inspired Word of God see Daniel 9: Throughout the Bible it is re-affirms itself as the Word of God. Manuscripts There are way more copies of Bible manuscripts than of any other ancient writing. The copies of the same passages always match, with about These manuscripts were copied very carefully over the years. Archeology Although once thought to disprove the Bible, we now know that archeology provides a lot of support for the historical accuracy of the Bible.

Unity of the Bible Despite the fact that the 66 books of the Bible penned by over 40 different authors in 3 different languages over the course of about 2, years, it remains consistent. It does not contradict itself and maintains a common theme of redemption. Fulfilled prophecy Fulfilled prophecies are all over the Bible, many of which are statistically impossible to have happened by chance and were prophesied many years before the event.

Scientific accuracy Long before microbes were discovered by scientists, the Bible gave instructions about hand washing to avoid sickness. The history in the Bible has a reputation of being accurate and trust-worthy. Today we have covered some basics about worldview, history, and the Bible, answering the first two questions.

Next week we will address questions about the creation account in Genesis. The howling dry wind whipped all around, making my hair go wild. The sand was so deep, it swallowed my feet more and more with every step. My sweaty skin felt sticky as it mixed with the pure white sand. Sometimes the wind was so strong in my face that I felt like I could barely get a breath.

When I first visited this place, I had no idea how much fun it would be. We got to sled down the enormous sand dunes. It may have looked a little like snow sledding in that pure, white sand, but it was definitely not as cold as snow — even on a cold winter morning in this desert! They can be made by wind or flowing water. Dunes usually move slowly, but keep their shape while moving because the wind or water makes their shape. White Sands is a desert, made up of some very special sand.

Unlike other types of sand, gypsum can partly dissolve in water. It acts a little like salt.

Grizzled gods of rock

Gypsum sand like this would not last long on a beach. These colors are made of different minerals. What makes them all sand is the size of their little sand grains. Why is this white sand so special? Since it is so soft, but still hard like a rock, gypsum gets used in many different ways. Artists use it to make sculptures. Builders use it to make walls in houses.

Farmers use it in soil to help crops grow. Doctors use it to make casts around broken bones. If you have ever done a craft project with plaster of Paris, it is also made of gypsum. You can even find gypsum in your toothpaste and some food! Minerals are made up of chemicals designed to go together in a special way by God. Minerals can form into beautiful crystals. Rocks are made up of minerals. Where did all this white gypsum sand come from? The Flood created many of the rock layers we have all over the world.

This includes layers of gypsum. But, many scientists have used the Bible to make some good models of how this could have happened. This probably meant underwater volcanic eruptions and much more. Super-hot, extra-salty salt water probably mixed in with the lava coming from underground. The mountains rose up at the end of the Flood and for a while after.

Being stuck between mountains, with nowhere to go, most water just had to evaporate in the hot sun, leaving the gypsum behind. Since the ground is made of sand dunes that move slowly in the wind, only special types of plants can survive the moving sand around them as they grow. Plants trap water at their roots, making the gypsum sand stick close to the roots. This creates a chunk of almost solid ground underneath the plant, even when the rest of the sand has moved away. Do you like lizards? Did you know that there are white lizards, white mice, white spiders, and white moths all living in White Sands?

Some of these special types of white creatures can only be found living in White Sands. These creatures got to White Sands and adjusted to the harsh desert environment using their special God-designed abilities. Living in the desert can be hard, and not all creatures are up for the challenge. But, there are some creatures who have learned how to live here and have adjusted to the desert environment around them. God created animals with the special ability to adjust themselves to different environments.

This is why many of the creatures in White Sands can survive. God made creatures to be able to adjust because He loves variety — he loves putting different colors and shapes in His creation. Of course, not all creatures can adjust to the harsh desert environment. God made creatures with the ability to adjust themselves to fit different environments, but there is only so far that a creature can adjust.

Creatures can adjust themselves a little, but they never turn into other types of creatures, no matter how long they adjust. Just like the creatures in White Sands, sometimes God puts each of us in different environments and sometimes we have to adjust. God has given you everything you need to adjust, if needed. Sometimes we need to be flexible when change comes and learn to do things differently than we used to do. But remember to always stay true to the special person God created you to be. Like the creatures at White Sands, you were not made to evolve into something else!

We made a video to teach you more about White Sands and show you how it looks! Sign up to get every new issue of Creation Clues for Kids in your email inbox! With the help of a parent, send us an email at CreationCluesForKids gmail. Please share them with your friends or church — Creation Clues for Kids was made to be shared! CCK is written by Sara J. Many thanks to Richard Gunther for sharing his cartoon! Special thanks to Dr. Andrew Snelling for geology review. We encourage you to print as many copies as you like for yourself, friends, church, private school, ministry, or other groups, free of charge.

Years ago, when I first heard about this cool idea for a 3D movie of Genesis, I was very excited. Now after watching the movie, I am even more excited! I thought my son would baulk at the hefty notebooking pages I printed ours and placed them in a large 3-ring binder since he usually dislikes writing, but he looks forward to doing it because of the variety and he is proud of the pages he has completed. This is an excellent resource for an unbeatable price. Lisa — May 6, I used this program when my children were young. Now both are in college, in scholarships.

Creation Clues – Exploring God's Creation

The one is a chemistry major and the other is in engineering. They are both juniors. I still have the notebooks we made from this curriculum. I am happy that I had more children so I can use it again! My older children have such great memories from using it too. Oh, and we spread it out over two years.

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