The Runaway Debutante

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Preview — Runaway Debutante by Jamie S. Runaway Debutante by Jamie S. Runaway Debutante it was amazing 5. The last time they had spoke was imprinted into her memory, she had crushed him.

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Their romance was never going to work. He was studying for the ministry and she was no saint. The only thing that had changed since college was her list of lovers had grown and her selfish decadence had become the stuff of gossip columns. As their lives become intertwined; the passion of their youth is ignited with an intensity neither expects, leaving Millicent wanting one thing, to be loved by Stephen once again.

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Doubts of her worthiness erode her self-confidence leaving her longing to be the woman Stephen could give himself to, body and soul. Nook , 0 pages.

Runaway Debutante by Jamie S. Hill

Iago, Mordred, Sauron, Scrooge, Macbeth, Lucifer himself — they all had reasons for becoming what they are. I kept waiting for some small show of concern that their daughter might be hurt or dead, but there was nothing but concern for their own situation and how her taking off threatened them. While this is useful to the story in a way — you see? More to their characters might have been helpful: The parents are just escapees out of a bad fairy tale.

What bothered me more than the parents was character name choices. But to offset that by naming another character Wallace is abhorrent — and for that Wallace to be a cowardly little weasel is inexcusable. The Kindle edition I received had some typos, occasional dropped letters: Hopefully those can be cleaned up.

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Polly seems to be on her way to it, which is fine; if Miss Alford had fallen for MacLeod or something it might have pushed this into wall-banger territory. Why were there two weddings?

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Why did they pick up, ride off not knowing if the rival claimants might not arrive sooner than expected, hie them off to Gretna Green, pledge troth, weep copiously, ride back to the castle, and — on the same day, forsooth — have a big wedding there, Bruce having arranged it all with the minister well beforehand? Also, why were there two dresses? And she did love the thing, even if it was silly. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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Runaway Debutante

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