Implementing SugarCRM: A Step-by-step Guide to Using This Powerful Open Source Application in Your B

A step-by-step guide to using this powerful Open Source application in your business. Your complete guide to SugarCRM implementation - assess your needs.
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Implementing SugarCRM

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Actions for Sugar Developers

Puffed rice — 2 bowls Handful of chana jor garam Lemon juice as per taste Onions, finely chopped R Carnegie Institution of Washington. Other form of the research of the Mount Wilson Observatory , S. The Physics of Selenium and Tellurium. The Essential Office by Stephen L. An by Harry J. Women Writers of the Provincetown Players: As the documentation shows, the API request payload can be quite complicated, so to simplify it, it seemed intuitive to make the execute method on the Bulk Endpoint Class, accept an array of REST PHP Client Endpoints objects, as they contain all the data needed for the Bulk request, saving the developer time by not having to build out the complex payload manually.

As of right now, not all Endpoints have been added to the REST PHP Client library, however the major Endpoints used for manipulating data have been added, and more will be added in continued releases. Check out the current Endpoints that can be used here which also includes a short code snippet showcasing how to use each one.

I would love to see more PHP developers using the library, which is why it is being released as an Open Source community project. Any issues that are found can be added to the GitHub repository under the Issues tab. Likewise, if you have features you would like added you can add them to the Issues tab on the repository as well. Check out the screenshots below. His job title becomes " doloremque " and his country " magnam ". Now how do we work in realistic conditions with that kind of anonymization? Indeed, we need another solution that works with any Sugar instance.

The solution we are demonstrating below is implemented in our open source CLI tool sugarcli.

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You can customize the core. It is also required that we use the custom directory structure for Sugar customization. Sometimes developers will just copy and paste libraries or other dependencies into the custom directory that they need to use for each of their Sugar projects. If you haven't used Composer before, then check out Composer's Getting Started guide for installation instructions. Let us suppose we have a project where we need to read YAML files.

This will generate a composer. Importantly, using the config. That will check if the file exist, complete the installation or create both the files. Inside that folder you should create 3 files:. You should have something that looks like the following screenshot: While technically optional, we will also utilize the Language extension in order to provide multilingual support for our example dashlet. Dashlet metadata is going to look almost identical to our previous "Hello World" dashlet.

We're not doing anything too fancy here, so everything should look basically the same. Currently there are two main dashlet filter keys that you'll see in the codebase; "module" and "view". You only need to add filters if you desire to restrict your dashlet to a specific module or view. Let's look at the filter keys in more detail. The module filter lets you add an array of modules where your dashlet can appear.

The view filter lets you add an array of views to limit on which views your dashlet can appear. Currently, there are two possible values for the view filter. The List View is indicated by using "records". Enough metadata nonsense, now for the fun stuff! However, we do recommend leveraging Sugar's Styleguide so that your dashlet appears like a seamless extension of the Sugar user interface. It is a great reference for you to leverage that allows your dashlets to appear as just another seamless part of the Sugar 7 application. In this example, we leveraged some dashlet design patterns and CSS pulled directly from the Sugar 7 Styleguide.

Finally, in the above Handlebars template and in the dashlet metadata file we have defined some display labels that need to be translated into human readable strings. If you wanted to created translations for other locales, then this value would be different. It should look something like what you see below. For a more detailed look at how Sugar 7 Dashlets work then you should read up on the topic in the Sugar Developer Guide.

Just some quick advice to anyone about to embark on the Dashlet development journey. We recently featured a post on a common Sugar 7. Basically, dashlet metadata gets copied into database when you add a dashlet to a dashboard. You'll need to delete the dashlet or the dashboard and add it all over again whenever you modify dashlet metadata.

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We are working on making this seamless in future but this is something you should remain aware of when building dashlets. This tutorial will be brief because creating a basic dashlet is incredibly easy. As with any Sugar 7 view, we will need three files: This is just like any other Sidecar view in Sugar 7. To make this "hello-world" view a dashlet, all we need to do is add one line to the view's JS Controller. This applies a bunch of changes in behavior to your view that gives it a Dashlet nature.

Just know that all dashlets needs to include the 'Dashlet' plug-in in their controller. Dashlet metadata is also fairly straightforward. Make sure your metadata is wrapped in an array labeled 'dashlets' and it should have the following params:. The template can be as basic as you want it to be.

There is no requirement for the content you put into the template. So that is all the programming we need to do. If you login now as any user and try to add a dashlet to any dashboard, you should see your "Hello World" dashlet listed. This dashlet is an option within all dashboards because we did not specify and dashlet filter criteria in Step 3 when we defined the metadata.

After adding it to a dashboard and saving it, you should see your dashlet appear just like the one below. There are three basic Sidecar components in Sugar 7 user interfaces: A layout contains views and other layouts. It is primarily used to lay out various components of a page.

For a simple application, a layout should be lightweight. It should create and define other components and nothing else. A view is where most of the work happens. It is also where fields are created and are defined. Components consist of three parts: Component definition specifies the components to be created and its customizable attributes.

Controller adds behavior and logic to components via JavaScript. For more information, you can read about layouts , views , and fields in the Sugar 7. There are two ways to create and define your components. The first is to reference an existing component definition. The second is to specify it directly in your component. So, the application will retrieve these definitions from the two views to create them. In the above example, the view definition indicates that this is a "foo" view, and it has two buttons: The two buttons, which are defined directly, are fields with type "button" with one named "cancel" and the other "save.

In the above example, since "foo" layout has type attribute specified, the application will use the "foo" layout JavaScript controller. In the above example, "foo" view does not have type attribute. So, it will look at the name attribute to get the JavaScript controller. For the button inside "foo" view, JavaScript controller for button field is used.

In the above example, "foo" layout will use "bar" template in "foo" layout. If the template does not exist, it will use "foo" template. In the above example, "foo" view will use "detail" template in "foo" view. If that template does not exist, "bar" template will be used. If "bar" template does not exist, it will use "foo" template. Luckily, we program things. We write scripts that make our lives in that moment a tad bit easier. But it's easy to lose track of these things; we might even write the same tool over and over again. In this series of posts, we're going to build a command line utility tool whose only purpose is to make life more beautiful.

If you've ever used the laravel framework , you are familiar with the "artisan" tool which is built with the symfony console component.

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We are going to do the same thing. We are going to be using symfony console composer , so if you aren't familiar be sure to read-up on it. The first thing, we need to do is pull in our symfony console dependency in composer. Notice that we are using psr-4 for are auto-loading our classes, as we will be using psr compliant namespaces. You can view the github repository here. An entirely new paradigm was offered for solution providers to add new features to the power of SugarCRM. One of the features to be added to the new release of PM was the ability to see all the processes for a single object.

Our intent was to show both processes that had been completed and process that were currently active. We approached John Mertic at SugarCRM and asked him if there was an extensible framework for action buttons, as we wanted to build a solution that was both upgrade safe and would be global across all modules. He suggested we meet with the engineers at SugarCon. David suggested an approach in which we would keep the. Then a new file that would enable us to include the javascript code behind the button click event in every module in SugarCRM that displays the record view.

This pm-record-logic layout was the key to ensure that custom javascript code was guaranteed to be present for the modules record view and this javascript would be available on the click event of the new action button. The final file that was created with the help from David this was the most important piece for us was the pm-record-logic. The code snippet is:. We will now present the code in its entirety with instructions for other solution providers to accomplish the same thing:. This file adds the action button to the action menu. The next file is also named record. Which allows us to inject our custom view into every record view.

And finally our pm-record-logic. The remaining files used in this customization are the view and layouts for the actual data returned by Process Manager to be shown in the drawer. What was key to this customization, and what we learned from the outstanding support from John and David, was the ability to be able to guarantee that our new action button click event function in javascript would be placed on the action menu for most modules excluding Leads and that we had confidence that the javascript functions on the click event would also be present.

You have found yourself in a bind, and you need to query the database directly. There is no other recourse than to write a query to get the data you need.

It is used extensively within the core of the application.