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Buy Secular Wholeness: A Skeptic's Paths To A Richer Life: A Skeptic's Path to a Richer Life by David Cortesi (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book.
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There's no way in the world that one perfect fall afternoon or one evening at "Glengarry Glenn Ross" or even one dinner at Windows on the World can arrest the condition These are two great barriers to Self-realization which flourish in the untended soil of insensitivity, worldliness, and jadedness. Two other notable cohorts of all the above listed negative tendencies are fear and complacency. Fear, at least at the In a recent example in new York City, police officers stood by at a Puerto rican celebration and let a gang of men molest and rape women.

What did these officers see when they looked at the incident? Did they consider the Douglas Perez, J. Moore, The subject is losing its ability to shock, to stir Gary Weissman, Remember: you have invested in these people and they have adopted your company culture; you cannot afford to lose them. Caring for your carers can be a small process that pays large dividends. Mike Faulkner, Valley 49 I jadedness impediment K Kant's categorical imperative kensho 77 L lifestyle change and happiness location and happiness M magic 67 magnificence perception of — cynicism impedes jadedness David E.

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Cortesi, I have mentioned some of its terms: sentimentality, banality, jadedness , pathos, naivete and so on. Misunderstanding of the significance of that fact sustains the common misrepresentation of the nature of those critical concepts as causes Task of the next generation: to lead the way to jadedness by means of surrender to the world process, that is, affirmation of the will to life! Disgusting book, a disgrace to our age! How infinitely more 25 pure, lofty, and moral Schopenhauer's Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, For all the darkness or seriousness or jadedness of the music, I pretty much had a grin on my face the entire time.

This was a really fun show. It's quite challenging [having] lived in the Hollywood environment for thirty years… there's such a jadedness.

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I grew up here in Toledo, Ohio as a kid who loved The slump in form or style or whatever you prefer to call it was as much due to injury,suspensions and the jadedness of the players due to When he quotes Thomas Carlyle, Kant, the Dalai Lama, or Samyutta Nikaya, he isn't just throwing around names for showoff: the words make sense, have to do with his message. Then, as important, his writing style is appropriate to the task.

This is his description of meditation as a Theravada Buddhist, as good a summary as one can make of an experience that does not lend itself to intelligibility. It involves, he tells us, persistent, cool examination of each thought and emotion that floats into the mind. The student labels each mental event, "thinking," "hearing," "itching," or whatever, and observes it: especially observes how the event arises and fades away.

Gradually the student achieves an internal margin on which to stand and observe thoughts as they come and go. Gradually it sinks in: every thought and sensation is ephemeral; nothing in the mind is permanent, and not one is even fractionally as compelling or significant as it presents itself. Perhaps his most interesting chapter treats with ecstasy.

After showing how others define "bliss" "Every little pine needle expanded and swelled with sympathy and befriended me Those who do so are more than likely to be middle or upper class, are well-educated, and are more likely to have a "sense of well-being" before and after the experience and, most surprising of all, 25 percent of unchurched Americans reported having had a religious experience, and a similar number of "agnostic," "atheist," and "don't know" groups claim to have had "an awareness of presence or power.

Cortesi gives us some interesting facts: There is something called "The Blue Letter Bible" on the web where you can view the Hebrew text of a verse, and "view a word-by-word translation from Strong's Concordance" so you will know when some religious nut is putting you on with a conscious mistranslation; Want to know "what it's like, phenomenologically, to be dead?

Proof: "Let's presume for the sake of argument that you're not in Algiers. Fine, then you are, right now, dead in Algiers. You experience no input or output from there, you affect nothing. People and things there are unaware of you. You don't exist there You are dead most places in the universe at this moment;" Exodus - has specific instructions on how you should treat your slaves: "When a man strikes his slave, male or female, with a rod and the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. But if the slave survives a day or two, he is not to be punished, for the slave is his money.

Go on," he says, "I dare you. After all, who else has pointed out to you the ultimate futility of worrying about how they'll think of you on down the line: Do you suppose your great-grandfather would be flattered if he could know how you think of him? Your great-grandchild's concept of you will be just as detailed and just as fair as that.

Finally, he points out that in or so years, all 6,,, people living on the earth right this moment will be sleeping ever so soundly in the ground. Justin Chin was born in Singapore of a Chinese family who valued, he tells us, his becoming "Doctor The family hoped by beating him and putting him under the thumb of a devilishly harsh aunt he would be cured of his artistic bent.

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It didn't work in fact, not only did he end up as a poet, playwright and performance artist in this country, he found, at age thirteen, that rather than hanging out in study hall or playing soccer like his brother, he preferred public bathrooms: I was ecstatic and fearful, but I wanted more. One day, at a local shopping mall, as I was trying to sneak a peek at penises in the restrooms, a man at the urinal actually turned to me and started playing with himself.

He flashed a gold-toothed smirk at me and motioned for me to come over.

I was shocked and I zippered up and ran out, but the seeds had been laid. The whole world of restroom sex had opened itself up to me. Chin lives in San Francisco where he writes and gives readings and apparently falls in love every few weeks with someone new. Burden of Ashes is divided into twenty parts.

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Some of the essays are disjointed and meaningless, others are heavy with regret. Tales of his family are tarnished with bitterness, and journeys with them one recently to mainland China tend to go on and on. Chin is at his best drawing villains, telling of passionate loves, and reports on casual sex. His chapters on the evil aunt have the power that flows from innocent child in the paradoxical position of being dominated by one who prefers to torture rather than to nourish: Jamesy scared the multiplication table into me in Primary Two, months before it was even taught in school. She made me recite the times-tables from two all the way up to 12, while the bamboo cane hovered over me, ready to rain stinging blows on my arms, legs, back, and buttocks if I should falter or hesitate.

Secular Wholeness: A Skeptic's Paths To A Richer Life

I learned spelling and vocabulary, synonyms and antonyms, similes and grammar with the threat of being caned. She told everyone that I was the lazy one and I had to be pushed, watched every step of the way. It was the same with cleaning the driveway and yard, learning the violin, and eating. In one particularly disgusting passage about being forced to eat carrots Oh hell, it's so gross I'm not going to repeat it for you here. I have my limits, you know, and I don't get paid a pfennig for these reviews. Chin's ability to recite the horrible is matched by his ability to recite love.

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