Manual Running the Salt: Final Battle of the Civil War

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When the Civil War broke out in , the new Union and Confederate armies were made up largely of amateur soldiers who were poorly trained, equipped and organized. Northern troops generally enjoyed better provisions than their southern counterparts, especially after the Union blockade of the Atlantic coast made it difficult to get goods and supplies in and out of the South.

Music proved to be a much-needed diversion for both Union and Confederate troops. Before , new volunteer regiments usually included a regimental band; when the proliferation of bands became too unwieldy, many regimental bands were dismissed, but some survived, or were replaced by brigade bands to serve a larger contingent of troops. With the invention of the telegraph and a better mechanical printing press , the newspaper business had begun to explode in the years leading up to the Civil War.

By , the country could boast some 2, publications, many of them published weekly or daily. Widespread use of the telegraph meant that war-related news reached Americans across the country, in both rural and urban areas, in an extremely short time. The Civil War would become the most well-reported conflict in history: Reporters traveling with the armies sent dispatches directly from the field, and many soldiers wrote letters for their hometown newspapers.

In addition, mass-produced newspapers were selling for just a penny, enabling them to reach a much greater audience than ever before.

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In addition to straight reporting, newspapers particularly pictorial ones published a wide variety of political cartoons. By satirizing controversial leaders, celebrating victories and laying blame for defeats, the cartoons became an integral part of how many Americans processed the staggering events of the war.

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The Civil War was also the first major conflict in history to be extensively photographed. Like newspapers reporters, photographers went into army camps and onto the field of battle to capture images of wartime life and death. Mathew Brady , who by had built a successful career taking daguerreotype photographs of politicians, authors, actors and other famous figures, decided to make a complete record of the war. Hiring a staff of photographers including Alexander Gardner and Timothy H. He got behind the camera himself on only a few occasions notably at Bull Run, Antietam and Gettysburg but generally refused to give his staff individual credit for their photos.

Photography in the war years was a difficult and cumbersome process. Lincoln believed that, under the Constitution, states had the right to maintain slavery, which is why the prospect of changing the Constitution permanently with an amendment was so important. The only agreement representatives struck at Hampton Roads was to resume prisoner exchanges. Lincoln was negotiating from a strong position by early and he wanted both victory and abolition. They needed to kill the whale, regardless of how many lives it cost over the late winter and early spring of He got his way, barely, when a lame-duck congress proposed the Thirteenth Amendment and sent it to the states.

The North fought the war to keep the South in the country, but already it saw the advantage of keeping the rebellious states out long enough to pass legislation favorable to its cause. With language drawn from the old Northwest Ordinance of , that banned slavery north of the Ohio River, the Thirteenth Amendment outlawed slavery in the U. Indeed, Lincoln went on to point out that the bloodletting would continue until the South gave up. Abolitionism might have been a psychological necessity, along with being good politics.

At no point in the Second Inaugural did Lincoln mention earlier promises to compensate slaveholders for emancipation. Lincoln could produce a paper so slip-shod, so loose-jointed, so puerile, not alone in literary construction, but in its ideas, its sentiments, its grasp. Even Lincoln? The South was running out of men and supplies, its soldiers now outnumbered by a ratio. Richmond fell to Union troops on April 3rd, The gossip was that Davis escaped in drag, but that was probably just editorial revenge for the stories of Lincoln covering himself in a shawl as he switched train cars in Baltimore on his way to Washington in Union troops finally tracked down Davis and temporarily jailed him, though he retired in relative luxury to his plantation in Biloxi, Mississippi and in New Orleans.

The Last Victim Lincoln, though, was about to make the same train trip as in reverse, this time back to Springfield, Illinois as part of his own funeral procession.

Food During the Civil War (from Tar Heel Junior Historian) | NCpedia

Booth told his mother that he felt guilty having spent the war in theater while others fought on the battlefield, and it was too late for his original idea of kidnapping Lincoln to be worthwhile. Perhaps Booth could put his talents to even better use by killing him instead. Amazingly, Booth was engaged at the time to the daughter of an abolitionist senator, Lucy Hale. The actor was also locked in a bitter rivalry with his brother, Edwin Booth , a Unionist and abolitionist who was perhaps the most famous actor in America.

John Wilkes Booth and his conspirators all rented at the boarding house of Mary Surratt , in Washington. Together, they resolved to take out the upper tier of the Lincoln administration, including the president, vice-president, and secretary of state. Booth knew that Ulysses Grant was supposed to attend the play that night with Lincoln and he planned to kill him, too. He never left the tavern he drank in to steel his nerves.

The Seward men were seriously wounded, but both survived. During the first act of the play, he drank beer across the street. Booth entered the box with an eight-ounce. Like Brutus, Booth saw himself as a patriot, but his patriotic duty compelled him to slay his tyrannical leader. Suiting his profession, Booth at least had some dramatic flair. Coincidentally, Booth had napped in the same bed a year earlier when visiting a friend. Even in the countryside, mourners lined the tracks to catch a glimpse through an open boxcar door of a soldier guarding two caskets, one big and one small. After his horse fell on him, breaking his leg, Booth limped across Maryland, getting his leg set by Dr.

Samuel Mudd.

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Eventually, forces surrounded Booth in a barn at the Garret Farm in Virginia, set it ablaze, and shot him. They drug him out as he choked to death on blood while photos of actresses fell from his pocket. Like Brutus, Booth only succeeded in elevating his victim to sainthood. Conclusion Outright slavery was dead in the U. Texas under Obama, California under Trump. But at least full-blown slavery was abolished and the country stayed intact. Civilian casualties are harder to measure, but most historians estimate north of 50k, almost all in the South.

Most of the guerrilla fighting around the periphery, extra-judicial executions, and torture never made the history books. Old estimates of k soldiers killed have been revised lately as historians have learned how many immigrants died that were never registered with the U. Entire towns in the South lost all their eligible husbands and fathers, leaving young women with no one to marry.

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An astounding 73k Union soldiers died of syphilis contracted from camp-following prostitutes. Another 44k died of dysentery diarrhea. Counting both sides, dysentery was the biggest killer in the war. A quarter of the 60k who underwent amputations died from diseases caused by unclean saws and hands.

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Virtually no one in the South and few in the North were untouched or affected by the psychological trauma, as nearly everyone had loved ones killed or wounded in the war. They freed the slaves but never sent them to South America or Africa. Through Lincoln, the Republicans fused Free Soilers with white evangelical and free black abolitionists, bound together by a commitment to preserve the United States.

Backed by superior industry, a bigger population, and an army whose leadership improved over the course of the war, they outlasted the Confederacy, eclipsing their dreams of independence, slavocracy, and free trade. Even as the war was being fought, Northern congressman un-encumbered by southern representatives were giving away western land to farmers and railroads, encouraging expansion.

Lincoln launched the first transcontinental railroad during the war as a way to tie the North to the growing California economy, and a telegraph line preceded it. The government and military grew around 10x bigger each, spelling doom for the Plains Indians whom the North turned their wrath on even before finishing off the South. When he arrived in Washington, Lincoln saw three separate countries: the North, the Confederacy, and a remote economy in California spurred by the Gold Rush. In between the Midwest and California, Indians lived freely on the Plains and in the Rockies, obstructing the advance of white settlers and railroads.

By the time Lincoln left office, the government was well on its way toward tying the three regions of the country together and subduing Plains and Southwest Indians. There were several horrific but little-known battles between the military and western Indians during the Civil War, including the Dakota War of and brutal Bear River Massacre of Shoshone Indians in Idaho. The U. Lincoln was also motivated to bring the West under Union control because he feared that the South would encroach on that territory if they won. Lincoln also wanted to educate workers, especially in frontier areas.

Land grant money also built up schools that began before the war, like Louisiana St. LSU and Wisconsin. The country maintained its strong agricultural base, but embraced industry, banking, and construction wholesale, while the Old South faded into memory. Congress passed tariffs for many years to come, helping to incubate American industry.

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The Industrial Revolution kicked into high gear and was itself propelled by the war. Samuel Colt won the contract to provide rifles. Government orders demanded that military uniforms be sewn on a mass scale, propelling the advent of sizes in clothing. Before that, tailors measured people individually. Hospitals with nursing staffs evolved so that the Union could triage casualties. The government stepped into a new role coping with the dead during wartime, using dog-tags, notifying next-of-kin, developing an ambulance corps, building national cemeteries, and establishing Memorial Day.

The military started a pension system for survivors. Baseball spread from big northeastern cities across the country as bored troops passed the time between battles, spreading to the South and becoming the American Pastime. Then there were more intangible costs. There is nothing so heart rending to a Mother as to have her children crying round her for bread and she have none to give them.

Sometimes they tried drastic measures to get food. In the town of Salisbury in March , a group of fifty to seventy-five women armed with axes and hatchets descended on the railroad depot and several stores looking for flour. The women thought that the railroad agent and the storekeepers were hoarding flour, hiding it to sell later at a higher price. According to the newspaper Carolina Watchman , the agent at the railroad depot insisted he had no flour.

Shortages in the western county of Madison had a more tragic result. A group of Union sympathizers from Shelton Laurel raided the town of Madison for supplies. Lieutenant Colonel James A. Keith rounded up thirteen suspected Union sympathizers and had his men shoot them. One victim, David Shelton, was thirteen years old. One of the things that the Unionists had hoped to get in their raid was salt.