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Engaging and interesting questions to get to know someone. Perfect for meeting someone new or just trying to get to know a friend or colleague better.
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But remember this: if Pelosi hasn't personally told you when she plans to send them over, you don't know. Will Iran change the impeachment calculation? The early answer, according to lawmakers and aides in both chamber CNN spoke to over the weekend, is emphatically "no.

McConnell and Schumer have, to this point, kept them as completely separate issues, by design. There's no expectation that's going to change in the near-term, aides say. Pelosi said before the holidays she wants to ensure what Democrats would view as a fair trial structure before sending over the articles of impeachment to the Senate. She's aligned with Schumer on the need for witnesses to be addressed up front.

She also wants to know the structure before finalizing her impeachment managers. McConnell has made clear his preference is to structure a trial where the House managers, then the President's defense team give presentations. Then senators can ask questions. Then they will either vote to subpoena witnesses or, if the votes aren't there for that, vote to acquit the President.

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McConnell has made clear he doesn't believe witnesses are necessary, and privately has noted they could very well work against Trump. Schumer has been explicit that he wants subpoenas for four administration witnesses, and a raft of documents, included in any initial organizing resolution.

All 47 senators who caucus with the Democrats support the position and each drip of news or information related to Ukraine has served, according to Schumer, to bolster his push to do so.

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McConnell reiterated his position on the Senate floor. Schumer did the same. Pelosi was mostly silent beyond a statement ripping into McConnell, saying he "made clear that he will feebly comply with President Trump's cover-up of his abuses of power and be an accomplice to that cover-up. That was the extent of what Pelosi has said about impeachment in the last two weeks. So we wait. How the Senate trial rules impasse ends: McConnell isn't going to move, according to people familiar with his thinking.

If at least 51 of the 53 Senate Republicans back him in that position, he won't have to. At this point, there is no expectation a bipartisan agreement on the trial structure will be reached, according to people involved. That's what occurred in as it pertained to the first portion of the trial, but McConnell and Schumer are simply too far apart right now. The most likely scenario is McConnell moves his own organizing resolution, along party lines, that sets up the first half of the trial. The longer game: View everything Schumer is doing through lens of getting 51 votes on witnesses -- eventually.

The witness proposal, the framing, the sharp and fast statements coming after any story that drips out new information about the Ukraine allegations -- it's all driving toward the idea that wary or politically endangered Republicans will have a choice to make: a robust trial with witnesses who have firsthand knowledge of events but declined to show up in the House, or stick behind McConnell.

Schumer has been making this point implicitly for weeks -- that four of Republicans essentially hold the keys to the trial structure in their hands. If they do, we'll have a fair trial.

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To be clear, there haven't been any clear breaks in Republican ranks yet. But Democratic leaders, who are very much aligned now, are using every pre-trial moment they can to try and push them to that point. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska during the holidays, due to their remarks in local media interviews regarding where they stand on impeachment. And rightfully so: all eyes are on both, and both critiqued, either explicitly or implicitly, McConnell's stated close relationship and coordination with the White House on the trial. But it's important to take a close look at what else the two moderates who are often swing votes said.

Murkowski didn't give an answer on whether she'd like to see witnesses and criticized House Democrats for not going through the courts to compel testimony. Collins said she was "open" to witnesses but that it was too soon to make that judgment. Both appeared to pretty clearly line up with what McConnell has laid out as his preferred path, at least for the start of the trial -- presentations by the managers, then the defense, then questions from senators.

Then decisions will be made or votes will be had on whether to subpoena witnesses. These are termed display questions. A research question is an interrogative statement that manifests the objective or line of scholarly or scientific inquiry designed to address a specific gap in knowledge. Research questions are expressed in a language that is appropriate for the academic community that has the greatest interest in answers that would address said gap. These interrogative statements serve as launching points for the academic pursuit of new knowledge by directing and delimiting an investigation of a topic, a set of studies, or an entire program of research.

A rhetorical question is asked to make a point, and does not expect an answer often the answer is implied or obvious. As such, it is not a true question. Similarly, requests for things other than information, as with "Would you pass the salt? Pre-suppositional or loaded questions , such as "Have you stopped beating your wife?

Questions can also be used as titles of works of literature, art and scholarship.

List of common interview questions

Various categorizations of questions have been proposed. The distinction between closed and open questions is applied in a variety of other contexts too, such as job interviewing. Surveys also often contain qualifying questions also called filter questions or contingency questions , which serve to determine whether the respondent needs to continue on to answer subsequent questions.

Some types of questions that may be used in an educational context are listed in Bloom's Taxonomy of educational objectives. These include questions designed to test and promote:. McKenzie's "Questioning Toolkit" [7] lists 17 types of questions, and suggests that thinkers need to orchestrate and combine these types.

Questions can also be infelicitous , being based on incorrect and illogical premises e. Strategic studies also took into consideration the questioning process. In Humint Human Intelligence , a taxonomy of questions includes:. Questions that ask whether or not some statement is true are called yes—no questions or polar questions , or general questions [10] , since they can in principle be answered by a "yes" or "no" or similar words or expressions in other languages. Examples include "Do you take sugar? A type of question that is similar in form to a yes—no question, but is not intended to be answered with a "yes" or "no", is the alternative question [11] or choice question.

This presents two or more alternative answers, as in "Do you want fish or lamb? Because of their similarity in form to yes—no questions, they may sometimes be answered "yes" or "no", possibly humorously or as a result of misunderstanding. The other main type of question other than yes—no questions is those called wh -questions or non-polar questions , or special questions [10].

These use interrogative words wh -words such as when , which , who , how , etc. In some languages the formation of such questions may involve wh -movement — see the section below for grammatical description. The name derives from the fact that most of the English interrogative words with the exception of how begin with the letters wh.

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These are the types of question sometimes referred to in journalism and other investigative contexts as the Five Ws. Tag questions are a grammatical structure in which a declarative statement or an imperative is turned into a question by adding an interrogative fragment the "tag" , such as right in "You remembered the eggs, right?

As well as direct questions such as Where are my keys? These are used as subordinate clauses in sentences such as "I wonder where my keys are" and "Ask him where my keys are.

Indirect questions may also be subject to the changes of tense and other changes that apply generally to indirect speech. Languages may use both syntax and prosody to distinguish interrogative sentences which pose questions from declarative sentences which state propositions.

350 Good questions to ask

Syntax refers to grammatical changes, such as moving words around or adding question words; prosody refers here to changes in intonation while speaking. In English , German , French and various other languages, questions are marked by a distinct word order featuring inversion — the subject is placed after the verb rather than before it: "You are cold" becomes "Are you cold? Also, in languages generally, wh -questions are marked by an interrogative word wh -word such as what , where or how. In languages such as English this word generally moves to the front of the sentence wh -fronting , and subject—verb inversion occurs as in yes—no questions, but in some other languages these changes in word order are not necessary e.

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  7. Intonation patterns characteristic of questions often involve a raised pitch near the end of the sentence. In English this occurs especially for yes—no questions; it may also be used for sentences that do not have the grammatical form of questions, but are nonetheless intended to elicit information declarative questions , as in "You're not using this?

    In languages written in Latin , Cyrillic or certain other scripts, a question mark at the end of a sentence identifies questions in writing. The most typical response to a question is an answer that provides the information indicated as being sought by the questioner.

    40 Favorite Interview Questions from Some of the Sharpest Folks We Know

    From there, I asked if she thought the focus was clear in the article. As a result, the article improved and my direct report learned a valuable writing lesson that she carried into her future work. Your answer can either come from the perspective of a customer or a customer service provider. Instead of simply stating the facts, the flight attendant apologized sincerely and offered me a free drink or premium snack. To me, this apology went a long way in smoothing things over. The freebie was an added bonus that made me feel valued as a customer and choose the same airline for my next flight.

    List of common interview questions Here is a list of the most common job interview questions with example answers below: Tell me about yourself. How would you describe yourself? What makes you unique? Why do you want to work here?