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MY FATHER'S UNFINISHED YEAR (collected short stories and poetry) VOL By Allen Skipper Howlett eBook: Allen "Skippper" Howlett: Kindle.
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If he wants to keep his friends safe, stage his comedy without disgracing Athens and himself, and appease the Furies, Philocles must find the murderer — while navigating a morass of local politics, tricky auditions, and the volatile tempers of hero cultists.

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JM Alvey does it again: as Philocles and his actors leg it up and down the Acrocorinth, worrying about sabotaged masks and elusive clues, the day-to-day workings of Greek theatre and the mutual circumspection between democratic Athens and oligarchic Corinth are brought to rich, vivid life — with plenty of twists and turns, and a touch of humour. Chiara Prezzavento. The Bay of Naples, August, A. Two men will claim to be the deposed Nero. One, posing as a blind Spanish merchant, Alpist, has become a senator.

The Sibyl, a mystic, has predicted that when Nero crosses the Euphrates, mountains will fall. And then Vesuvius erupts. Each of the many characters relates events from his or her perspective. These multiple narratives result in only a few, Pliny, Domitilla and Alpist, having distinct voices; however, the various confusing and contradictory threads of the plot are juggled skilfully with the help of a cast list and welcome maps.

Roman life, rich and poor, slave and free, is excellently pictured. The casual Roman attitude to cruelty and bloodshed is portrayed but not overdone. Pacy prose propels the plot, and when the action heats up, the novel is unputdownable. This is the second of a trilogy based on.

Obviously Vesuvius is a hard act to follow, so if the ending is an anticlimax, we may assume Barbaree will pick it up in Volume Three, something to look forward to.

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Highly recommended. Lynn Guest. AD When Clemestes, captain of a merchant ship, offers Telemachus, a young man surviving on the streets of Piraeus, the chance to join his crew, he little realises the life-changing effect his action will have. The ship is boarded by pirates, Clemestes is killed, and Telemachus is given the choice of joining the pirates or suffering the fate of his captain. After surviving a brutal initiation rite, Telemachus soon impresses his new captain with his resourcefulness and strength, and he rises through the ranks, creating enemies who resent his rise.

However, that is not his only problem. Prefect Canis, notorious commander of the Imperial fleet of Ravenna, has sworn to annihilate the pirates. Originally published as five separate ebook novellas, this book brings the series together in one volume. With a very strong plot and characters, the storyline is dramatic, fastpaced, and exciting. The action sequences are well-written, strong without being overly graphic. Told from the pirate point of view in a factual, non-romantic way, it reflects the harsh reality of life.

This is the latest in a very successful partnership which continues to bring a fresh look to the genre. Mike Ashworth. Bestselling author Richard Zimler crafts a distinctly Jewish view of the mission and execution of Jesus of Nazareth here termed Yeshua, of Natzeret through the eyes of his boyhood friend, Lazarus, whom Yeshua has raised from the dead. Blessed, tainted, and deeply shaken by his experience, Lazarus sees his life, thoughts, even his body deeply entwined with his friend Yeshua and is terrified that powerful forces are massing against them.

Zimler vividly draws daily life under a brutal Roman occupation and complicit Jewish hierarchy and the complex weaving of Hellenistic thought, mysticism, Torah teachings, and yearning for a messianic leader to drive out the oppressor.

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After the arrest of Yeshua, Zimler posits desperate, behind the scenes efforts of friends and disciples to save their teacher from crucifixion. The Gospel According to Lazarus takes us years later, as those now calling themselves Christians establish far-flung. Pamela Schoenewaldt. The Britannia legions are looked upon with suspicion, and public figures are being denounced and imprisoned, or even murdered for anti-Severian sympathies.

In Glevum present-day Gloucester , the duumvir—joint magistrate—Libertus is summoned by Marcus Septimus, the senior magistrate, to join him at the baths. Just as Libertus had suspected, Septimus is requesting a favor.

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While Libertus agrees, for the apartment was gifted to him earlier by Septimus, it gets him into serious trouble. When four murders occur in quick succession, and Libertus is accused not only of murder but of treason as well, he needs to muster all his sleuthing skills to uncover the pieces of evidence and identify the culprits. Rowe has used the turmoil of this period within the Roman Empire, and particularly its impact in Britannia, to craft the plot skillfully. Although it takes time for the plot to develop, and events move slowly from then until the denouement, the events feel realistic, and the superb dialogue and descriptions make us feel as if we are among the characters living in Roman Britain.

The novel abounds with numerous interesting and informative details of that era, making it a pleasurable read. Waheed Rabbani. Only moments after the Pendraig dies, his castle is overtaken by Gauls. After a daring escape, Cadwallon and his family find sanctuary with his brother. But the Gauls are on the move. Cadwallon must quickly gather allies to march against the Gauls, led by a jealous cousin. This legendary cauldron is guarded by the nine priestesses who are rumored to bring the dead back to life, Cauldron-born warriors. From manners of speech to landscape details, the historical richness is a delight.

Editing-wise, I noticed missing quotation marks around consecutive paragraphs of dialogue, which is an indicator for readers that characters are still speaking in spite of paragraph breaks. Despite this, I found the book to be an enjoyable story packed with adventure and well-crafted characters. The plot continues to rise in tension alongside character development. Imagery is vivid throughout, particularly during action scenes, and Thorndycroft infuses a strong sense of culture into the narrative.

I would definitely read more from this author and look forward to the next book in the Arthur of the Cymry series. Lynn Else. AD , Anglo-Saxon Britain. Oswald has been King of Northumbria for eight years. However, these are troubled times, and rival kings seek to expand their realms. Penda of Mercia invades Northumbria with a large army intent on the destruction of the kingdom.

The war brings not only conflict and death, but also a chance to settle old scores. Beobrand finds himself fighting not only for his life, but also his reputation in a clash between Pagan and Christian for the survival of the kingdom. This is the fifth instalment of the Bernicia Chronicles, but can be read as a stand-alone novel.

Bibliography of Willa Cather's Reading

With a strong plot and characters, the story is fast-paced and stimulating with action scenes which are graphic without being gratuitous. The author brings alive this stormy period in an immensely readable, and. If you are looking for Dark Age adventure, battles and treachery galore, this is for you. Reputation is everything. Set during the late 9th century, the legacy of Hasting begins. As his adventure gets underway, Hasting will come face to face with a mythical god and live to tell the tale. Across stormy seas and into hostile lands, from battles to brotherhoods to betrayals, Hasting is a man who will not soon be forgotten.

Because, you see, his reputation has only just begun. What quickly drew me in was the historical richness seeped into every page. The scope was broad as characters travel from the coast of Ireland all the way to the freezing northern fjords.

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Landscapes and everyday life are fleshed out vividly. The intricate details and engrossing characters propel the plot forward. If you want to sit down with an extremely wellresearched tale involving heroic battles, first loves, and the making of a legend, this book is for you. Lassair, apprentice to the healer and magician Gurdyman, has been enduring a string of tragedies. Now, Gurdyman needs to travel to Spain for mysterious reasons, and it seems that Lassair would benefit from going with him. Gurdyman was born in England, but he and his parents settled in Spain after going there on a pilgrimage.

He was raised there and learned much from the well-developed Moorish culture.

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Now he and Lassair encounter a mixed reception from the local population, and end up enduring much privation and danger until they are rescued and taken to the beautiful, hidden City of Pearl. A frightening disaster strikes, and Lassair is removed from the scene and taken on a long, mystical journey. She is led deep under a mountain, and out to a place of great.

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She discovers she will be staying there as a student for the foreseeable future. This story is heavy on magic and light on history and mystery. There is very little Aelf Fen in this mostly Spanish-set book. Fans will read it as a matter of course, and will enjoy meeting lawman Jack Chevestrier, wizard Hrype, and Viking Thorfinn again. New readers will have a better experience by going back to the beginning of the series and reading the books in order. Elizabeth Knowles. In reality, Macbeth appears to have been a strong and respected 11th-century king who ruled successfully for seventeen years — a formidable achievement in an age where the clans were constantly at war for domination of Alba, as Scotland was then known.

Furthermore, there is no evidence to suggest his wife descended into the tragic madness Shakespeare portrayed so memorably. As far as possible, Blood Queen is historically accurate, but records for this period are sparse and, at times, contradictory, which gave Courtney the opportunity to offer her own interpretation.

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