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Winter cold causes the wall to break in different places, and Frost gives winter the motivation for doing this.

  • Download e-book Hare Inkscapes - Philadelphia and Region.
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The Western States nervous under the beginning change. A single family moved from the land. Pa borrowed money from the bank, and now the bank wants the land.

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Is a tractor bad? Is the power that turns the long furrows wrong?

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If this tractor were ours it would be good—not mine, but ours. If our tractor turned the long furrows of our land, it would be good. Not my land, but ours. We could love that tractor then as we have loved this land when it was ours. But the tractor does two things—it turns the land and turns us off the land. There is little difference between this tractor and a tank. The people are driven, intimidated, hurt by both. We must think about this. Of course the states themselves did not feel anxiety, but the people in those states started to feel nervous about the diminishing returns from the land.

Bankers started repossessing land, and thus Steinbeck personifies the banks to want the land. When death comes like the hungry bear in autumn; when death comes and takes all the bright coins from his purse. I want to step through the door full of curiosity, wondering: She begins here with the image of death as a hungry bear.

Then Oliver gives death the human characteristics of having money and wanting to make a purchase, thereby personifying it. Thus death is full of desire in this poem. Oliver uses this concept to contrast her own desire to live her life as fully as possible before death comes for her. He goes on to personify Nature as full of both kindness and pity. The act of literally making something human. One typical life event was a serious illness either of the woman directly or of one of her parents.

This caused serious self-examination and a determination to honor one's life path. Another life event was the ending of the marriage; again this was a trigger for re-evaluation of the meaning and direction of one's life. Another trigger life-event was a period in which they lived a celibate sexual life, involved themselves in activities without men, realized they could be happy without men being active in their lives.

A fourth life-event was the women's movement which not only allowed but actively encouraged cognitive restructuring. A fifth life-event was coming to an accurate perspective and understanding of the lesbian stereotype. Therapists need to recognize this range of life-events that may stimulate reconsideration.

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Although change and transition are common adult experiences, a significant change from heterosexual life to homosexual life touches all areas of a person's being. To ease the transition a therapist needs to help a client evaluate their resources and deficits in four major categories.

These include evaluating the situation expected or unexpected, voluntary or imposed ; evaluating their sense of self; their support systems; and their strategies with coping with change. Growth and change can be difficult for any of us.

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Those of us who have already made the transition need to be accepting of others who have just entered the transition process. We need to respect their fears, questions, uncertainties. We need to allow them to move at a pace that's comfortable for them. By respecting their pace we set a good example of the lesbian community, and their adjustment can proceed smoothly and positively. John O. Emmaus Ave. BroacI St. The beautiful workmanship; the vast vertical rises; the attention to details unheard of in today's construction.

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These were buildings of true pride, personality and charm. Hare relocated to Easton in the mid-seventies almost by accident. He stayed on and opened his first gallery at 32 N.

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Since that time he has proven to be a strong force in slowing the ongoing demolition of the city's historic and unique architecture. As such, his somewhat accidental landing in the Lehigh Valley turned out to be a blessing to the area. His pen and ink drawings have gained international favor through publication in books both here and abroad. A year later in , his first book was published in this country, Vanishing Ink-Pennsvlvania.

In it, as in his later book; Easton Inkscapes. Hare's paintings, as his other works, have been shown in exhibitions and shows all over our area as well as abroad. The Nudes are modeled after the white marble sculptures that flank the front stairs of the actual building. Recently, Hare opened a new studio to the public at Northampton Street, Easton. The celebration is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend. If you would like more information about Timothy G. Hare works or the Studio hours, please call On December 13, , Anita Kotoris, passed out slips of paper to her sixth grade health class and told the students they could write down any question and she would answer it.

Kotoris answered all of the questions, just as she had promised the students. Some of the students in the class told their parents of the days events. The matter eventually was brought before the School Board which suspended Kotoris for two weeks without pay. Some parents of the children in the class were not satisfied with the board's decision.

They began circulating a petition calling on the board to fire Kotoris. John Thorn, whose daughter was in the class, addressed the board saying, "Our children were extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable. In their words, they were completely grossed out Kotoris' 7th grade Sex Education course, and those students sit in the hallway doing homework for other courses.

A new group, the Methodist Mothers, formed and has been pressuring the school district on this and other issues. The School Board has declined to take any further action on the issue, feeling that its suspension was sufficient. The whole incident is tinged with homophobia. While circulating their petitions, the parents told signers that the teacher was a lesbian. They played on stereotypes and fears about gay men and lesbians and children.

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They purposely tried to force the School Board to fire Ms. Kotoris because they perceive her to be a lesbian. The administration and the district failed gay and lesbian students. The students learned that even mentioning gay men and lesbians has the possibility of getting a person fired.