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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Dexter Low is founder and chairman of the Latter Rain God's Mandate For Transforming Your Nation: Touching Heaven, Changing Earth - Kindle edition by Dexter Low. Download it God's Mandate For Transforming Your Nation: Touching Heaven, Changing Earth Kindle Edition. by.
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And today the bedrock of existence trembles. I helped alert the world to the elephant slaughter about 10 years ago. At first, no one in the media cared. I tried every major magazine to no avail and finally after five months of unrelenting concern convinced Vanity Fair to send Alex Shoumatoff to Africa. It was perhaps the greatest piece of investigative journalism on a single species ever. But the world mobilized.

Touching Heaven Changing Earth - Part 1

China broke down its internal ivory market. Today, barely a decade later, it is every living being on Earth that is menaced. Insects, birds, ocean plankton are diminishing, and the social fabric of humanity is fraying.

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The idea of an environmental court is not novel, but its implementation would be. Is it too much to ask the world to create an International Environmental Criminal Court that would sanction countries who allow environmental activists to be killed by the dozens from the Philippines to Mexico? We have fought against imperialism, slavery and colonialism, although leftovers from all those have helped create the world as we know it.

But the overarching, triumphal issue of our time is the life force of the planet. This decade could be the synthesis of the previous two if we manage to transcend our differences. We still operate with a Stone Age mind, acting with 21st century technology.


The deadliest combination possible. What does this portend? Can we allow humanity to dredge rare earth minerals in the oceans? Can the Arctic be completely devastated by the oil industry? It is time a Global Green Deal be implemented.

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Antarctica needs to be off limits to all mining interests. The IECC would make sure to that. Palm oil extraction that is scouring the forests of the world, and now Africa needs to become a thing of the past. I remember the words of the native Hopi, Dine and Apache elders from the Southwest who warned us of this time 20 years ago. Few in the dominant society listened to them.

Need has been co-opted by systemic greed as EF Schumacher used to remind us. It was there that the elder Mountain Lake admonished Jung that the white people thought with their head. Jung surprised, wondered what they should think with. The heart, the elder answered. It is the same kind of response an elephant researcher told us when she said that saving the Earth will come through poetry and not just science and the intellect.

It will come through an emotional response to what needs saving.

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An environmental court will have its many layers of complications and complexities that make up legal challenges today. We do not need more satellite systems in space despite what Elon Musk tells us. That is economics, technology, the old system. It is the biggest challenge our species will ever face. A court for the environment is only a step but it could function as a much-needed brake towards a behavior that threatens life on a global scale. What we have to do is save the oceans, the bees, the forests, indeed what is left of the human soul.

A small continent with prehistoric wonders is going up in flames. An elder in Kakadu, northern Australia, born under a rock escarpment, told us we needed to listen to the trees and the stars, they are talking to us. The Assemblies also recognize a local church credential , which can be issued by a General Council affiliated church for those engaged only in local ministry, such as prison or hospital ministry. Local church credential holders may perform the ordinances of the church with the authorization of the issuing church's senior pastor.

In , there were a total of 34, Assemblies of God ministers excluding local church credentials. Of these, 11, were senior pastors and 6, were female. A primary reason the General Council was formed in was to create cooperation in Pentecostal missionary work. Missions have remained a central focus of the denomination since that time. In , there were Assemblies of God churches in countries and territories around the world. This ministry provides free optical, dental, and medical care as well as evangelism. One is through church construction and evangelism, and another is through short or long term missions through summer and missionary associate programs.

Youth Alive oversees missionary outreach to elementary and high schools. In , U. Missions reported 1, appointed missionaries, candidates, and spouses. The same year, it reported endorsed chaplains. In , there were , students enrolled in these schools.

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  • Assemblies of God USA.
  • The Assemblies of God operates Gospel Publishing House , located in Springfield, Missouri, which publishes books, curriculum, and church ministry resources primarily for Pentecostals and charismatics, but also for the general evangelical market. The Assemblies of God publishes an official weekly magazine, the Pentecostal Evangel , and Enrichment Journal , a resource for Pentecostal ministers. The Assemblies of God in the United States "has grown steadily during the 20th century".

    Its most rapid growth occurred from to , when the AG grew from a constituency of around 1 million to 2 million over a year period. In the same year, the AG's inclusive membership includes persons of any age that identify with the AG was 3,, people attending 12, churches. That is an increase of 0. The ethnic diversity of the American AG is increasing; however, its constituency is still largely white.

    From to , there was a slight decline in white AG churches while ethnic churches, mainly Hispanic, were responsible for much of the denomination's numerical growth. The remaining 3. The AG has created various non-geographical language districts to serve immigrant communities whose primary language is not English.

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    There are nine Spanish and two Korean language districts in addition to one each for Brazilian and German speakers. In , the language districts oversaw 2, churches with a combined membership of , Members are well distributed across the United States. California has the largest number of members, followed by Texas and Florida. The Assemblies of God has roots in the Pentecostal revival in the early 20th century. The Pentecostal aspects of the revival were not generally welcomed by the established churches, and participants in the movement soon found themselves outside existing religious bodies.

    They were forced to seek their own places of worship, and soon there were hundreds of distinctly Pentecostal congregations. After Charles Parham began promoting the idea that speaking in tongues was the initial evidence of the baptism in the Spirit around , he began to attract a considerable following which he organized loosely as the Apostolic Faith Movement AFM in However, with the rise of the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles, California, and an accusation of sodomy against him in , he lost and never recovered his influence.

    Goss , L. Hall, D. Opperman, and A. They were later joined by Eudorus N. Bell , previously a Southern Baptist minister. In Pentecostalism's early years, organizational affiliation was fluid, and many ministers of the AFM, which was a white organization, were also licensed by Charles Harrison Mason 's predominantly African-American Church of God in Christ.

    By , the name "Churches of God in Christ" was seen as a more biblical name and began to be preferred over "Apostolic Faith". The AFM played a leading role in organizing and institutionalizing Pentecostalism in the Midwest and Southwest and from — absorbed smaller Pentecostal groups. At first, it was greeted positively by the CMA leadership, but the doctrine of initial evidence divided the organization. By , many white ministers nominally affiliated with the Church of God in Christ had become dissatisfied with the arrangement. Pinson, and A. Bell was elected the first general superintendent.

    Five major reasons were given for calling the meeting: [94]. Other actions taken at the 1st General Council addressed women in ministry. The Pentecostals who founded the Assemblies of God had no objections to women being engaged in ministry. The Pentecostal belief in personal experience, Spirit baptism as empowerment for service, and the need for evangelists and missionaries encouraged women to be active in all types of ministry.

    What concerned some Pentecostal leaders, such as Bell, were women exercising independent authority over men. The council therefore approved of the granting of credentials to female evangelists and missionaries while restricting the office of pastor to men, and it was not until that female evangelists could vote at denominational meetings. By the fall of , out of credential holders, were female missionaries and evangelists. After , the Church of God in Christ became predominantly black and the Assemblies of God would remain predominantly white.

    However, there were African Americans involved in the early years of the Assemblies of God. The African-American pastor Garfield Thomas Haywood , for example, pastored one of the largest churches and was an influential voice within the fellowship until he withdrew from the denomination after The founders of the fellowship did not intend to create a denomination and originally had no creed or doctrinal statement.

    However, in response to several doctrinal issues, the most important being the Oneness teaching, the AG felt the need for agreement on central doctrines and to reassure evangelical Christians of its adherence to orthodox belief. Furthermore, Oneness adherents believed that Christians, regardless of a previous baptism, should be baptized in the name of Jesus , rather than in the name of the Trinity. By , it was adhered to by many in the fellowship, including founders such as Goss, Opperman, Hall, and Henry G.