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Mystics and sages often describe enlightenment as a path that leads to and from our heart. In order to accomplish this task, we need to be willing to examine every positive and negative quality we possess.

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If we can learn to truly accept ourselves flaws and all without conditions, wounds heal when our heart embraces darkness with love. When we look at our own reflection and see what we like, positive mirrors occur. This crucial first step requires us to believe we are worthy of love and before we become an engine of love for our self and everyone around us. Stage two invites us to accept the good and bad in others without conditions, the same way we just learned how to accept the dark and light in our selves.

Some religions refer to this stage as the Golden Rule. When self regard blossoms there is a natural tendency to meet our own needs and function in healthy ways.

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This tends to bring the mirror of truth or what some call the law of attraction from the universe. Divine energy kicks into gear and begins to mirror love back to us in forms we treasure the most. When love expands without boundaries, synchronicity occurs. Poets, for example, mysteriously find more words, objects and people to love. Athletes notice how their body responds better. Goals are reached easier with less resistance. As positive reflections from the universe occur, the following transformation occurs within the individual who initiated everything.

Love grows profoundly within our heart during this stage. Soulful energy starts to fill every crack and corner in our wounded neural networks and actual cells. As this enlightened process deepens more messages are sent out to the universe to deliver more love. When we experience more success, we start believing we deserve love and begin to expect positive mirrors from the universe. Self-esteem soars, which ignites a very important internal fire. We believe more deeply we deserve love and then expect more positive mirrors from the universe in our daily transactions. This approach helps us greet the world from a self-assured confidence and expectation that love is everywhere.

Knowing that the world is a loving place starts to take root deep down into our bones. As these patterns anchor into our mind, heart and body like a solid three-legged stool, stage three starts to unfold. When our mind, heart and body bathe in this sea of love sufficiently, a deep longing and spiritual awakening births within. Since our soul is made of and is love, a thirst for all things spiritual begins to develop during stage three. Inspiration expands because the soul is connected with our body and all of divinity. The soul has access to universal spiritual wisdom and all of conscious creation.

When we tap into divinity, we tap into an ocean of love that is more amazing than anything we treasure on earth. So much more than a personal commuter or the Internet, this loving web has access to all of divinity and the universal energy within every single being on earth. This includes every plant, animal as well as every spiritual being on the other side of the veil.

How the Enlightenment created modern race thinking, and why we should confront it.

Those on the other side of the veil swim in an ocean of love everyday. Divine beings love to saddle up to us at this metaphorical bar to drink, sing and laugh with us. We can all get drunk with them on the various nectars and micro-brews we enjoy. Enlightened souls willingly share their enthusiasm for love and will continue to do so throughout time immemorial.

Taking the Enlightenment seriously requires talking about race.

When this seminal event occurs, the desire to experience our divine origins awakens. When the process of enlightenment begins, our fears, isolation and sense of abandonment that often drive our unconscious behaviors start to peal away like an ill-fitting skin. Illusions evaporate as fast as shadows disappear, like how a powerful light enlightens a darkened room.

During this stage we realize love is everywhere.

A powerful sense of safety and serenity wash over our heart, mind and body whenever we remember our divine connection to all of creation. Some people call this fourth stage a soul merge others call it the rapture. Various mystical traditions have different names for this process. You may think merging your mind, heart and body with your soul is hard to do. All it requires is saying yes to love, allowing love in and letting the purist form of love itself do all the work. Once conception occurs a soul merge , the body knows what to do and a natural progression of a deep, internal spiritual wisdom takes over.

This instinctive intelligence knows to allow more love in, which in turn begets more love.

Is Joseph Conrad’s novel a critique of colonialism, or an example of it?

This is the cycle of life that every enlightened lover has known throughout time on planet earth. Stage 5 Service to others becomes a compelling force. The fifth stage is organic. As unconditional love expands within our heart, the urge to pass share it with others is very compelling.

This divine cycle recycles love and helps us remember our roots when we experience oneness with all of divinity. As this process deepens service to others flows naturally. A freshman of Chinese descent from Singapore, who was largely reared on British and Continental literature, also saw the book as a test for Western civilization. But, unlike Henry, she hated the abyss. Kurtz was a seduced man, a portent of disintegration. And many others made similar remarks, All of a sudden, at the end of the course, the students were quite willing to see their year of education in Western classics as problematic.

Does it redeem education in this tradition? The students were in good form, bold and free, and as the class went on they expounded certain points in the text, some of them holding the little paperback in their hands like preachers before the faithful. All year long, Shapiro had struggled to get them to read aloud, and with some emotional commitment to the words.

And all too often they had droned, as if they were reading from a computer manual. But now they read aloud spontaneously, and their voices were alive, even ringing. He cited the voyages to the underworld in the Odyssey and the Aeneid, and he cited Dante, whom Conrad, in one of his greatest moments, obviously had in mind. They were not enemies, they were not criminals, they were nothing earthly now, nothing but black shadows of disease and starvation lying confusedly in the greenish gloom.

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Brought from all the recesses of the coast in the legality of time contracts, lost in uncongenial surroundings, fed on unfamiliar food, they sickened, became inefficient, and were then allowed to crawl away and rest. These moribund shapes were free as air—and nearly as thin.

Dark Heart: Enlightenment

I began to distinguish the gleam of the eyes under the trees. Then glancing down I saw a face near my hand. The black bones reclined at full length with one shoulder against the tree, and slowly the eyelids rose and the sunken eyes looked up at me, enormous and vacant, a kind of blind, white flicker in the depths of the orbs which died out slowly. The fingers closed slowly on it and held—there was no other movement and no other glance. He had tied a bit of white worsted round his neck—Why? Where did he get it. Was it a badge—an ornament—a charm—a propitiatory act?