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Women, Recollection, and Film History In Cupboards of Curiosity Amelie Hastie rethinks female authorship within film history by expanding the historical.
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You might as well have added in more psuedo-clap trap babble about the raison d'etre of Gnomic lore. More information about text formats. Leave this field blank. Subscribe to theartsdesk. Seberg review - lightweight script, heavyweight performance Kristen Stewart dazzles in this glitzy, puddle-deep account of Jean Seberg.

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The Runaways review - a road trip worth taking Charming British flick carried by three children's bravura performances. In the Line of Duty review - brazen absurdity Lazy, loopy entertainment as Aaron Eckhart races against time.

The Gentlemen review - it ain't woke but don't fix it Guy Ritchie's rambunctious caper movie is just like old times. Jojo Rabbit review - a risky balancing act Decidedly novel approach to a tale of a year-old German boy obsessed with Hitler. Long Day's Journey into Night review - Chinese art-house stunner Director Bi Gan's hallucinatory sophomore drama is a thing of beauty and daring. Little Women review - a beguiling adaptation Greta Gerwig and a sterling cast return Louisa May Alcott's timeless classic to the screen. Hastie builds a study of historiography around these engaging case studies, exploring the various traces that have been left and the different methods that have been used to reconstruct the past.

Rather than offering a revised historical narrative, the book uncovers disparate voices and different approaches that have investigated and reconstructed cinema history.

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What emerges is a wider perspective on the ways in which the women who helped to shape the history of cinema also participated in the writing and interpretation of that history. Throughout the book, Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford.

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