PDF Cleaning Out The Refrigerator

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Cleaning out the refrigerator, while a sloggy, smelly, often grotty task, doesn't require a whole lot by way of specialty products. You should.
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Use a homemade air freshener to absorb unpleasant smells and keep your fridge odor-free. Before food goes bad, and starts coating the inside of your fridge with regular blasts of bad odors, it's time to act. Here's what you can equip your fridge with to combat these smells: [14] A clean sock filled with activated charcoal — from an aquarium store, not from your bbq briquettes.

The charcoal absorbs bad odors for up to three months. An opened box of baking soda. Baking soda is another excellent odor absorber.

How to Clean Your Fridge and Keep It Fresh | SELF

Most baking soda packages say you should change your baking soda out every 30 days, but you can probably get away with 60 to 90 days of use before exchanging. Freshly ground coffee, placed in a small dish at the back of the fridge, also works very well at absorbing odors. Unscented chlorophyll cat litter is yet another odor buster. Scent your fridge to give it a subtle fragrance. This may not be for everyone, but some people might enjoy the subtle hint of vanilla, for example, when they open their refrigerator.

The operating word in this whole step is "subtle. Like cologne or perfume, a nice "afterthought" is much more pleasant, especially coupled with food: Sprinkle a little vanilla extract, tea tree oil, or essence of lavender, lemon, or even bergamot in a cotton ball and place the cotton ball in a small dish at the back of the fridge. Exchange every couple of weeks. Crumple a piece of a brown paper bag into a ball and place it alongside fruits and veggies in the crisper for odor protection. A crumpled paper bag works wonders at removing smells in the crisper. Do a seasonal quarterly pass through your refrigerator to keep it smelling fresh and looking good.

Every three months, remove most or all of your food from the fridge and wipe all the surfaces with a baking soda or vinegar solution. Regular maintenance will save you time and energy in the future. Spills or stains that aren't cleaned quickly can set and become harder to remove in the future. Yes, a new refrigerator needs to be cleaned before use. There is still machine oil, factory dust and other leftover grime from creating the machine that needs to be removed first.

Then it will be safer and cleaner for your food. Baking soda is not bad at cleaning up grease on hard surfaces. Add warm water to the baking soda to make a paste. Let it sit on the grease for awhile before scrubbing off gently. In fact, you may prefer cleaning out the vegetable basket before you get your next round of groceries for the week. Your freezer might not be set to a low enough temperature. Try finding the settings usually in the refrigerator section and not the freezer and set it lower. Some liquid has spilled between the shelf glass and the frame.

How do I get it clean? Usually the glass shelves in a refrigerator are removeable, so you need to lift out the glass and clean it separately put a towel in the bottom of the sink to avoid breakage , and then clean the frame after letting it soak with spray cleaner for a few minutes. Buy a new fridge.

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Fly and larva should not inhabit your refrigerator if it's at the correct temperature. If it's due to it being off, I suggest a wet dry vacuum and very strong cleaner. How do I clean the outside of my white fridge door that is moldy due to hot weather? Heather Kenyon-Haff.

You can use the same cleaner as inside the refrigerator. You may also want to try a bleach-based cleaner to kill the mold. Use the same cleaner as inside. Bleach cleaner can also be used on the outside if that's an option for you. If it's stainless steel, just buy a special stainless steel cleaner. Why do my dishes and jelly jars stick to the glass shelves in my refrigerator?

How to Clean Your Fridge and Keep It Fresh

It could be that there is some residual soap stuck to the glass that isn't being washed off properly. Make sure the glass jar bottoms are clean and dry prior to putting them in the fridge. How do I get a glass shelf out of my refrigerator if it is stuck because of liquids that seeped into it and dried? Try to use as little force as necessary. Keep a small jar with the lid off of baking soda in the fridge to absorb excess moisture.

Please note that it has to be a jar and not a box.

Put shelf paper on the shelves in the fridge. It keeps the shelves from getting soiled. Once they get dirty just pull up, toss, and reapply a new design or texture! Easy to take out in one go e. Organize to make things easier to find. Put milk, juices, and other drinks on one shelf, and your dressings, sauces, and similar items in another place. Once your fridge is clean, one easy way to keep it clean is to empty and clean just one or two shelves or drawers at a time.

The entire fridge is never spotless all at once, but it can stay reasonably clean without being an all-day project.

The Right Way to Clean Out Your Refrigerator

Just make sure to cycle through all the shelves. Don't let water or cleaning solution fall into any of the inside vents. Related wikiHows. Article Summary X To clean your refrigerator, first take everything out of it and store it in the freezer or a cooler filled with ice packs. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read , times.

More References. Reader Success Stories. PM Peter Mvula May 17, I also learned the functions of some parts of refrigeration and many more on efficiency.

  1. How to clean your refrigerator.
  2. Fridge Cleaning The Right Way (Hidden Secrets Tips)?
  3. How often should you clean your fridge? Here's the answer.

TM Telly Mason Jul 3, But most people don't. I got a new fridge and wanted to know if there were different ways to clean. I use lemon water usually. Today got some other good tips, too. Rated this article:. CH Carmel Hookham Jul 15, Also, the instructions were very clear I enjoyed reading the humorous ones! Thank you. MM Maria Medina Jul 18, Thanks for this article.

JS Joan Smith Nov 24, I learned a lot.

REFRIGERATOR ORGANIZATION IDEAS - Clean and Organize with me - Tara Henderson

I did a better job of cleaning my fridge from the information provided. GV Geetha Venkat Sep 9, Thank you, very useful tip!

Purge weekly

MG Mitzi Green Aug 23, ST Silvia Timoteo Mar 30, I thought I had all my bases covered but I didn't. RJ Rodgers Juma Jul 5, SM Sharon Mangroo Nov 27, ER Emma Rhodes Jun 9, KR Komal Raza Jun 6, PB Prithee Banerjee Oct 14, BE Barb Evan Aug 29, Ahangama Dec 19, Food should be properly stored in covered, clear glass containers that can be easily identified and cleaned. Wipe off lids, put a paper towel under items that are likely to drip, and pay attention to dates and ages. Even so, at least a few times a year, you may still need to dive in and really deep clean your refrigerator.

Here is what to do:. Be sure the fuse or circuit breaker to the outlet is turned off, then unplug the fridge. You may also want to be sure that you put down a towel to protect floors from any spills especially if you have wood flooring in the kitchen. Place items in the cooler. Be merciless with your purging. For stubborn crusties, use a butter knife or putty knife to gently loosen the gunk. Start shelves and drawers soaking in a sink or empty Rubbermaid bin filled with more water and baking soda. This will help to really get everything clean. Use your spray or a cloth dipped in the cleaning solution.

Thoroughly wash the built-in fixtures, the bottom of the fridge, and the nooks and crannies of the door. Be sure you get in the cracks and under the shelving. Your butter knife may come in handy again here to get in some of the cracks where crumbs and food particles tend to collect. Make sure the inside is fully dry and clean before replacing the shelves and bins.

You should wipe each bin dry with a soft cloth or paper towel.