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Anthropology of tourism: A case study of Chitwan-Sauraha, Nepal: Ramesh Raj Kunwar: Books.
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Ghumante Chitwan - Sauraha - Travel Nepal - Chitwan Vlog - Tourism Nepal

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Anthropology of Tourism: A Case Study - AbeBooks - Kunwar, Ramesh Raj:

Each and every manifestations of human existence e. Similarly, the numerous behaviors like economic, social, political, religious, educational, recreational and more others that govern the way of life in any society are also covered by culture Roy, Culture is very vague and multivariate concept. It is more difficult task to generate the appropriate definition of the term culture. Therefore, it is better to insist what culture is not and what particular things it does not include then insisting what culture is. Whatsoever, there are more than hundred different definitions have already been given by the scholars of different disciplines.

It is still not stop to deliver the definition of it. So the number of definition could be increased in coming days.

Anthropology of Tourism: A Case Study

Anthropologists, in particular, point to human origin of culture. For the first time in the history of anthropology, the British scholar, Sir Edward Burnett Tylor wrote a book entitled Primate Culture in He introduced the term culture in anthropology, borrowing the German word Kultur and provides an excellent definition.

Since then, several scholars of different disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, psychology, archaeology, philosophy, and literary criticism and so on defined culture on their own way which ultimately created confusion for understanding culture in better way. In this respect, E.

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Tylor, F. Boas, Herbert Spencer, B. Kroeber, R. White, M. Horskovits, E. Hoebel, G. Lunberg, L.

Anthropology Of Tourism A Case Study Of Chitwan Sauraha

Morgan, H. Majumdar and other numerous different scholars tried to define culture as per their own conceptions. The earliest definition was delivered by Tylor as follows: Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by as a member of society Tylor, Similarly, B.

He further adds culture comprises inherited artifacts, goods, technical processes, ideas, habits and values. He regarded that these things are interrelated and form a total way of life, which secures for an individual the satisfaction of his bio-psychic drives, fulfillment of other wants and relativistic.

He emphasized on the plurality of local cultures as functioning and organized whole.


Likewise, Dictionary of Anthropology defined the term culture as follows Culture refers to all that which is non- biological and social;;y transmitted in a society including artistic, social, ideological and religious patterns of behavior, and the techniques for mastering the environment. On the basis of above mentioned definitions finally we come into conclusion that in the broad anthropological sense, culture may be define as everything people learn about taking our place in human society and underpins the farming of world views, and conditions human negotiated path through everyday social reality.

Hence, culture can be described as software of society, a design of living, and as a code of conduct. Still it is believed that culture as a product of body and mind, marks off man from other higher primates. Essentially, culture has been viewed from two perspectives. First one views it as an ideological entity encompassing values, norms, customs and traditions.


The other perspective views culture as a combination of ideological and material elements such as what and how people eat, what they wear and what they use Kunwar, 3. Culture is universal phenomena. Each and every society has own certain culture in accordance with the available situation and ecology. Usually, some features and traits can be resembled between each other. But there can be measured vast differences in major practices. Existing religion and philosophy as well as available geography, ecology, economic situation and other culture are considered as the major components which played creative and guiding roles for the formation of culture.

In the real sense, culture represents a system of tangible and intangible components. Tangible components of culture represent material culture and comprise productive force and physical elements necessary to support human life, such as clothing, tools, food, buildings, paintings, and many other culture objects and artifacts.