Going for the Gold: Sarah Hughes (Going for the Gold (Harper Paperback))

Editorial Reviews. From Booklist. Reviewed with R. S. Ashby's Sarah Hughes. Gr. Books in Going for the Gold: Apolo Anton Ohno (Going for the Gold ( Harper Paperback)) Kindle Edition. by.
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Note that the scope of each subcommittee is not rigidly defined. Each has a broad mandate, and most subcommittees cover a collection of different topics. Further, SCs and ACs are all seasoned researchers, experienced with program committee review work, and each is committed to a process which seeks to assign each paper reviewers who are true experts in whatever the subject matter of the paper is.

Consequently, papers will not be penalized or downgraded because they do not align perfectly with a particular subcommittee. Interdisciplinary, multi-topic, and cross-topic papers are encouraged, and will be carefully and professionally judged by all subcommittees. In making a subcommittee choice you should make careful consideration of what the most central and salient contribution of your work is, even if there are several different contributions.

Perhaps this is a very new topic. It covers a lot of ground. To choose between them, you need to make a reasoned decision about the core contributions of your work. Should it be evaluated in terms of the usage context for the target user community? The novel methodology developed for your study? The system and interaction techniques you have developed? Each of these evaluation criteria may partially apply, but try to consider which is most central and which you most want to highlight for your readers.

Also look at the subcommittees, the people who will serve on them, and the kind of work they have been associated with in the past. Even if there are several subcommittees that could offer fair and expert assessments of this work, go with the one that really fits the most important and novel contributions of your paper. That committee will be in the best position to offer constructive and expert review feedback on the contributions of your research. Each subcommittee description also links to several recent CHI papers that the SCs feel are good examples of papers that fit scope of that subcommittee.

Please look at these examples as a way to decide on the best subcommittee for your paper — but remember that these are just a few examples, and do not specify the full range of topics that would fit with any subcommittee. Subcommittees are listed and described below. Each has a title, short description, and an indication of who will Chair and serve on the subcommittee. Subcommittees have been constructed with an eye to maintaining logically coherent clusters of topics.

This subcommittee is suitable for papers that extend the knowledge, practices, methods, components, and tools that make technology more useful, usable, and desirable. The focus is on usability and user experience of widely used technologies with contributions being judged substantially on the basis of their demonstrable potential for effective reuse and applicability across a range of application domains or across a range of design, research, and user communities. Example application areas and user groups are listed below. This subcommittee is suitable for papers that contribute to our understanding of collaborative technologies for groups, organizations, communities, and networks.

Successful submissions will advance knowledge, theories, and insights from the social, psychological, behavioral, and organizational practice that arise from technology use in various contexts. This subcommittee is suitable for papers across all areas of playful interaction, player experience, and games. Examples of topics include: This subcommittee is suitable for papers across all areas of usable privacy, security, data visualization and visual analytics.

Submissions will be judged based on the contribution they make to privacy, security, visualization or a combination of those as well as their impact on HCI. For example, papers that focus on technical contributions need to show how these relate to humans and user experience. Accessibility papers are those that deal with technology design for or use by people with disabilities including sensory, motor, and cognitive impairments.

We strongly suggest that authors review this Accessible Writing Guide in order to adopt a writing style that refers to stakeholder groups using appropriate terminology. Submissions to this subcommittee will be evaluated in part based on their inclusion of and potential impact on their target user groups and other stakeholders. This subcommittee balances the rigor required in all CHI submissions with awareness of the challenges of conducting research in these important areas.

This subcommittee welcomes all contributions related to health, accessibility, and aging, including empirical, theoretical, conceptual, methodological, design, and systems contributions. This subcommittee is suitable for papers that make a significant designerly contribution to HCI. Papers submitted here include novel designs of interactive products, services, or systems that advance the state of the art; creation and evaluation of new design tools, processes, methods, or principles, including those that explore alternatives to scientistic ways of knowing; work that expands the scope of design thinking within HCI research or practice; work that applies perspectives from other disciplines to inspire or to critique the design of interactive things; or work that advances knowledge on the human activity of design as it relates to HCI research or practice.

We particularly encourage contributions of new designs that broaden the boundaries of interaction design and promote new aesthetic and sociocultural possibilities. Examples of design approaches include: Finally, this committee encourages submission of work that addresses design research issues such as aesthetics, values, effects such as emotion , methods, practices, critique, constructive design research, and design theory. This subcommittee focuses on advances in interaction and enabling technologies, as well as , explorations of emergent computing domains and experiences.

Contributions will be judged in part based on their novelty or on their demonstrated improvements. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: This subcommittee is suitable for papers whose primary contribution improves our understanding of people or interactional contexts. This understanding may be derived from quantitative or qualitative empirical research, or it may be conceptual in nature.

Suitable topics for the subcommittee include but are not limited to individual behavior, human performance, as well as group, social, and collaborative behaviors. Core contributions typically take the form of insightful findings, evolved theories, models, concepts, or methods. Contributions will be judged in part by their rigor, significance, validity, and practical or theoretical impact. This subcommittee is suitable for papers focusing on systems, engineering, and technology contributions that improve, advance, or enable interaction.

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This will include tools, methods, and languages for construction and engineering of interactive systems, as well as software and hardware technologies that enable and demonstrate novel interactive capabilities. Engineering contributions should clearly demonstrate how they address interactive systems concerns such as, for example, scalability, reliability, interoperability, testing, and performance. They can be targeted at end users, offering novel interaction capabilities or supporting improved interactions.

They can also be targeted at developers, improving or facilitating the construction of innovative interactive systems. CHI uses two formats for submissions: These templates should be used for submitting CHI Papers. These template should be used for submitting to the workshops, courses, case studies, doctoral consortium, panels, interactivity, SIGs, works-in-progress, alt. The CHI conference committee is asking all authors to work on improving the accessibility of their submissions.

For the rest of the year, use the links below to access the PDF of each paper for free. To better understand this coverage and its effects, we asked: How do people hear about and share this news? We introduce Deep Thermal Imaging, a new approach for close-range automatic recognition of materials to enhance the understanding of people and ubiquitous technologies of their proximal environment. Our approach uses a low-cost mobile thermal camera integrated into a smartphone to capture thermal textures.

A deep neural network classifies these textures into material types. This approach works effectively without the need for ambient light sources or direct contact with materials. Furthermore, the use of a deep learning network removes the need to handcraft the set of features for different materials. We evaluated the performance of the system by training it to recognize 32 material types in both indoor and outdoor environments.

We conclude by discussing its potentials for real-time use in HCI applications and future directions. In everyday use of CAs, user experience may extend beyond satisfying information needs to the enjoyment of conversations with CAs, some of which represent playful interactions. Through the lens of statistical modeling, we also highlight rich signals in conversational interactions for inferring user satisfaction with the instrumental usage and playful interactions with the agent. These signals can be utilized to develop agents that adapt functionality and interaction styles. By contrasting these signals, we shed light on the varying functions of conversational interactions.

Research has shown that desirable designs shape the use and experiences people have when interacting with technology. Nevertheless, how desirability influences energy consumption is often overlooked, particularly in HCI studies evaluating the sustainability benefits of smart home technology. In this paper, we present a qualitative study with 23 Australian households who reflect on their experiences of living with smart home devices.

We structure these desires as three smart home personas: We use these insights to discuss how desirability can be used within HCI for steering design of the smart home towards sustainability. As the material becomes active in disclosing the fullness of its capabilities, the boundaries between human and nonhuman performances are destabilized in productive practices that take their departure from materials. This paper illuminates the embodied crafting of action possibilities in material-driven design MDD practices with electroluminescent materials. The paper describes and discusses aspects of the making process of electroluminescent materials in which matter, structure, form, and computation are manipulated to deliberately disrupt the affordance of the material, with the goal to explore unanticipated action possibilities and materialize the performative qualities of the sample.

In light of this account, the paper concludes by urging the HCI community to performatively rupture the material, so to be able to act upon it as if it was always unfinished or underdeveloped. This, it is shown, can help open up the design space of smart material composites and reveal their latent affordances.

However, even the most current VUIs regularly cause frustration for their users. Very few studies exist on what people do to overcome VUI problems they encounter, or how VUIs can be designed to aid people when these problems occur.

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In particular, we identify the main obstacle categories and types of tactics our participants employ to overcome them. We analyzed the patterns of how different tactics are used in each obstacle category. We found that while NLP Error obstacles occurred the most, other obstacles are more likely to frustrate or confuse the user. We report on the design of ThinkActive — a system to encourage primary aged school children to reflect on their own personal activity data in the classroom.

The system utilizes inexpensive activity trackers and pseudonymous avatars to promote reflection with personal data using an in-situ display within the classroom. Our design explores pseudonymity as an approach to managing privacy and personal data within a public setting. We report on the motivations, challenges, and opportunities for students, teachers, and third-party providers to engage in the collection and sharing of activity data with primary school children.

Applications of AGR are increasingly being explored in domains such as security, marketing, and social robotics. To begin to address these gaps, we interviewed 13 transgender individuals, including three transgender technology designers, about their perceptions and attitudes towards AGR. We found that transgender individuals have overwhelmingly negative attitudes towards AGR and fundamentally question whether it can accurately recognize such a subjective aspect of their identity. They raised concerns about privacy and potential harms that can result from being incorrectly gendered, or misgendered, by technology.

We present a series of recommendations on how to accommodate gender diversity when designing new digital systems. As online platforms monitor and intervene in the daily lives of billions of people, platforms are being used to govern enduring social problems. Field experiments could inform wise uses of this power if tensions between democratic values and experimentation could be resolved. We situate CivilServant in the political history of policy experiments and present design considerations for community participation, ethics, and replication. Based on two case studies of community-led experiments and public debriefings on the reddit platform, we share findings on community deliberation about experiment results.

We also report on uses of evidence, finding that experiments informed moderator practices, community policies, and replications by communities and platforms. We discuss the implications of these findings for evaluating platform governance in an open, democratic, experimenting society. In rural Kenyan households, property theft is a persistent problem. We present design implications based on these findings, and offer new perspectives on the role of technology in deterring crime. Web user interfaces today leverage many common GUI design patterns, including navigation bars and menus hierarchical structure , tabular content presentation, and scrolling.

These visual-spatial cues enhance the interaction experience of sighted users. However, the linear nature of screen translation tools currently available to blind users make it difficult to understand or navigate these structures. SPRITEs 1 preserve spatial layout, 2 enable bimanual interaction, and 3 improve the end user experience. We used a series of design probes to explore different methods for keyboard surface interaction.

We report on a design-led study of the photographic representation of self and family on Facebook during and after becoming parents for the first time. Our experience-centered, research-through-design study engaged eight participants across five UK homes, in a month-long deployment of a prototype technology — a design research artifact, Admixed Portrait, that served to prompt participant reflection on first-time parenthood.

In addition to pre- and post-deployment interviews, participants kept diaries capturing personal reflections during the deployment, on daily social media use and interactions with Admixed. We contribute design considerations for developing tools to support photographic expression in social media use, and methodological insights about design-led inquiry for understanding transitional experiences. There has been a growing concern over the huge increase in use of smart media by young children.

With MABLE mobile application for behavioral learning and education , parents can provide AR-assisted feedback by changing facial expressions and sound effects. A two-week long experiment with 36 parent-child pairs showed that compared to using just the puppet, using MABLE showed higher amount of engage-ment among preschoolers. For the effectiveness of parental mediation in terms of self-control, our data showed mixed results. MABLE had positive effects in that the amount of rule-compliance increased and problematic behaviors de-creased, whereas the level of behavioral dependency on smart media was not influenced.

The concept of power pose originates from a Psychology study from which suggested that holding an expansive pose can change hormone levels and increase risk-taking behavior. Follow-up experiments suggested that expansive poses incidentally imposed by the design of an environment lead to more dishonest behaviors. While multiple replication attempts of the study failed, the follow-up experiments on incidental postures have so far not been replicated. As UI design in HCI can incidentally lead to expansive body postures, we attempted two conceptual replications: Based on Bayesian analyses we find that incidental power poses had little to no effect on our measures but could cause physical discomfort.

We conclude by discussing our findings in the context of theory-driven research in HCI. Diverse disciplines, including Human-Computer Interaction have explored how mobile health mHealth applications can transform healthcare and health promotion. Increasingly, research has explored how mHealth tools can promote healthy behaviors within vulnerable populations-groups that disproportionately experience barriers to wellness.

Most studies focused on improving the health of individuals, often neglecting factors at the community and society levels that influence health disparities. Moreover, few improvements in health outcomes were demonstrated. We further discuss factors that acted as barriers and facilitators of mHealth intervention adoption. Our findings highlight trends that can drive critically needed digital health innovations for vulnerable populations.

Algorithmic prioritization is a growing focus for social media users.

Sylvia Plath

Control settings are one way for users to adjust the prioritization of their news feeds, but they prioritize feed content in a way that can be difficult to judge objectively. In this work, we study how users engage with difficult-to-validate controls. Via two paired studies using an experimental system — one interview and one online study — we found that control settings functioned as placebos. Viewers felt more satisfied with their feed when controls were present, whether they worked or not. We also examine how people engage in sensemaking around control settings, finding that users often take responsibility for violated expectations — for both real and randomly functioning controls.

Finally, we studied how users controlled their social media feeds in the wild. We present a system that, implemented as an iPhone app controllable from an Apple Watch, can help a blind person backtrack a route taken in a building. This system requires no maps of the building or environment modifications. While traversing a path from a starting location to a destination, the system builds and records a path representation in terms of a sequence of turns and of step counts between turns.

The system was tested with six blind participants in a controlled indoor experiment. Acoustic levitation enables a radical new type of human-computer interface composed of small levitating objects. For the first time, we investigate the selection of such objects, an important part of interaction with a levitating object display. We present Point-and-Shake, a mid-air pointing interaction for selecting levitating objects, with feedback given through object movement.

We describe the implementation of this technique and present two user studies that evaluate it. These results show that Point-and-Shake is an effective way of initiating interaction with levitating object displays. We explore the combination of smartwatches and a large interactive display to support visual data analysis. In this paper, we first identify possible roles for both devices and the interplay between them through an example scenario.

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We then propose a conceptual framework to enable analysts to explore data items, track interaction histories, and alter visualization configurations through mechanisms using both devices in combination. We validate an implementation of our framework through a formative evaluation and a user study. The results show that this device combination, compared to just a large display, allows users to develop complex insights more fluidly by leveraging the roles of the two devices.

Finally, we report on the interaction patterns and interplay between the devices for visual exploration as observed during our study. Low-vision users struggle to browse the web with screen magnifiers. Firstly, magnifiers occlude significant portions of the webpage, thereby making it cumbersome to get the webpage overview and quickly locate the desired content. Further, magnification causes loss of spatial locality and visual cues that commonly define semantic relationships in the page; reconstructing semantic relationships exclusively from narrow views dramatically increases the cognitive burden on the users.

We present SteeringWheel, a magnification interface that leverages content semantics to preserve local context. In combination with a physical dial, supporting simple rotate and press gestures, users can quickly navigate different webpage sections, easily locate desired content, get a quick overview, and seamlessly customize the interface. A user study with 15 low-vision participants showed that their web-browsing efficiency improved by at least 20 percent with SteeringWheel compared to extant screen magnifiers. We propose and evaluate a novel interaction technique to enhance physical keyboard shortcuts with arm and wrist rotation gestures, performed during keypresses: This extends the set of shortcuts from key combinations e.

We implement this approach for isolated single keypresses, using inertial sensors of a smartwatch. We investigate key aspects in three studies: As a use case, we employ our technique in a painting application and assess user experience. Overall, results show that arm and wrist rotations during keystrokes can be used for interaction, yet challenges remain for integration into practical applications.

We discuss recommendations for applications and ideas for future research. Writing introductory help requests is a key part of develop-ing new professional connections, such as through email and other online messaging systems. This paper presents the design and an experimental evaluation of IntroAssist-a web-based tool that leverages cognitive apprenticeship in-structional methods to support writing introductory help requests through an expert-informed checklist, tagged peer examples, self-tagging, and suggested word limit.

In a study of IntroAssist with novice entrepreneurs, we find that 1 expert raters consider help requests written with the tool as more effective, 2 participants are able to perform introduc-tory help seeking skills after the tool is removed, and 3 participants report being more likely to send help requests written with the tool. We present implications for the de-velopment of systems that support the initiation of profes-sional relationships.

Our natural tendency to be curious is increasingly important now that we are exposed to vast amounts of information. We often cope with this overload by focusing on the familiar: In this paper we present a framework for interactive serendipitous information discovery based on a computational model of surprise. This framework delivers information that users were not actively looking for, but which will be valuable to their unexpressed needs.

We hypothesize that users will be surprised when presented with information that violates the expectations predicted by our model of them. This surprise model is balanced by a value component which ensures that the information is relevant to the user. Within this framework we have implemented two surprise models, one based on association mining and the other on topic modeling approaches. We evaluate these two models with thirty users in the context of online health news recommendation.

Positive user feedback was obtained for both of the computational models of surprise compared to a baseline random method. Telling a great story often involves a deliberate alteration of emotions. In this paper, we objectively measure and analyze the narrative trajectories of stories in public speaking and their impact on subjective ratings. We conduct the analysis using the transcripts of over TED talks and estimate potential audience response using over 5 million spontaneous annotations from the viewers.

Our study indicates that it is possible to predict with AUC as high as 0. Additionally, we find that some trajectories for example, a flat trajectory of joy correlate well with some specific ratings e. Such an association could be useful in forecasting audience responses using objective analysis. Despite the ubiquity of touch-based input and the availability of increasingly computationally powerful touchscreen devices, there has been comparatively little work on enhancing basic canonical gestures such as swipe-to-pan and pinch-to-zoom. In this paper, we introduce transient pan and zoom, i.

Leveraging typical touchscreen support for additional contact points, we design our transient gestures such that they co-exist with traditional pan and zoom interaction. We show that our transient pan-and-zoom reduces repetition in multi-level navigation and facilitates rapid movement between document states. We conclude with a discussion of user feedback, and directions for future research. Many people around the world have difficulties in day-to-day conversation due to hearing loss.

Hearing aids often fail to offer enough benefits and have low adoption rates. However, people with hearing loss find that speechreading can improve their understanding during conversation, but speechreading is a challenging skill to learn. Speechreading classes can improve acquisition, however there are a limited number of classes available and students can only practice effectively when attending class. Using our findings, we developed an Android application called MirrorMirror — a new Speechreading Acquisition Tool SAT that allows students to practice their speechreading by recording and watching videos of people they frequently speak with.

We evaluated MirrorMirror through three case studies with speechreading students and found that they could effectively target their speechreading practice on people, words and situations they encounter during daily conversations. Braille input enables fast nonvisual entry speeds on mobile touchscreen devices. Yet, the lack of tactile cues commonly results in typing errors, which are hard to correct. We propose Hybrid-Brailler, an input solution that combines physical and gestural interaction to provide fast and accurate Braille input.

We use the back of the device for physical chorded input while freeing the touchscreen for gestural interaction. Gestures are used in editing operations, such as caret movement, text selection, and clipboard control, enhancing the overall text entry experience. We conducted two user studies to assess both input and editing performance. Results show that Hybrid-Brailler supports fast entry rates as its virtual counterpart, while significantly increasing input accuracy.

We finish with lessons learned for designing future nonvisual input and editing techniques. Digital self-tracking technologies offer many potential benefits over self-tracking with paper notebooks. To inform the design of more flexible self-tracking tools, we examine bullet journaling: Analysing a corpus of paper bullet journal photos and related conversations on Instagram, we found that individuals extended and adapted bullet journaling systems to their changing practical and emotional needs through: We outline two interrelated design directions for flexible and mindful self-tracking: Predicting human performance in interaction tasks allows designers or developers to understand the expected performance of a target interface without actually testing it with real users.

In this work, we present a deep neural net to model and predict human performance in performing a sequence of UI tasks. In particular, we focus on a dominant class of tasks, i. We experimented with our deep neural net using a public dataset collected from a desktop laboratory environment and a dataset collected from hundreds of touchscreen smartphone users via crowdsourcing. Our model significantly outperformed previous methods on these datasets.

Importantly, our method, as a deep model, can easily incorporate additional UI attributes such as visual appearance and content semantics without changing model architectures. By understanding about how a deep learning model learns from human behaviors, our approach can be seen as a vehicle to discover new patterns about human behaviors to advance analytical modeling. We explore how the convergence of the digital and physical into hybrid products leads to new possibilities for customization.

We report on a technology probe, a hybrid advent calendar with both paper form and digital layers of content, both of which were designed to be customizable. We reveal how over two hundred active users adapted its physical and digital aspects in various ways, some anticipated and familiar, but others surprising. This leads us to contribute concepts to help understand and design for hybrid customization — the idea of broad customization spanning physical and digital; end-to-end customization by different stakeholders along the value chain for a product; and the combination of these into customization maps.

Previous research and recent smartphone development presented a wide range of input controls beyond the touchscreen. Fingerprint scanners, silent switches, and Back-of-Device BoD touch panels offer additional ways to perform input. However, with the increasing amount of input controls on the device, unintentional input or limited reachability can hinder interaction. In a one-handed scenario, we conducted a study to investigate the areas that can be reached without losing grip stability comfortable area , and with stretched fingers maximum range using four different phone sizes.

We describe the characteristics of the comfortable area and maximum range for different phone sizes and derive four design implications for the placement of input controls to support one-handed BoD and edge interaction. Amongst others, we show that the index and middle finger are the most suited fingers for BoD interaction and that the grip shifts towards the top edge with increasing phone sizes. Computational notebooks combine code, visualizations, and text in a single document. Researchers, data analysts, and even journalists are rapidly adopting this new medium.

We present three studies of how they are using notebooks to document and share exploratory data analyses. In the first, we analyzed over 1 million computational notebooks on GitHub, finding that one in four had no explanatory text but consisted entirely of visualizations or code. In a second study, we examined over academic computational notebooks, finding that although the vast majority described methods, only a minority discussed reasoning or results. In a third study, we interviewed 15 academic data analysts, finding that most considered computational notebooks personal, exploratory, and messy.

Importantly, they typically used other media to share analyses. These studies demonstrate a tension between exploration and explanation in constructing and sharing computational notebooks. We conclude with opportunities to encourage explanation in computational media without hindering exploration. Skin-based touch input opens up new opportunities for direct, subtle, and expressive interaction. However, existing skin-worn sensors are restricted to single-touch input and limited by a low resolution. We present the first skin overlay that can capture high-resolution multi-touch input. Our main contributions are: They confirm that the sensor achieves a high signal-to-noise ratio on the body under various grounding conditions and has a high spatial accuracy even when subjected to strong deformations.

It can be difficult to understand physical measurements e. We develop tools that automatically re-express unfamiliar measurements using the measurements of familiar objects. Our work makes three contributions: Crowdsourced evaluations of our tools indicate that people find news articles with re-expressions more helpful and re- expressions help them to better estimate new measurements.

National Champion Karen Chen tells the amazing story of her rise to the top, featuring never-before-seen photos and behind-the-scenes details from her journey on and off the ice! The daughter of Taiwanese immigrants, Karen began to figure skate at just five years old.

Ten years and many grueling training sessions later, she broke out at the US Championships with a bronze medal. This was after sustaining a nearly career-ending ankle fracture a year earlier. In , Karen became the US National Champion, winning gold in two programs and receiving the highest score ever recorded for the short program at the US National level.

Karen has already overcome astounding obstacles, and her grit, determination, and positive attitude have made her future truly limitless. The issues from thru are books and the rest are mags. I also have an American Heritage yr cumulative index , yr Dec,and a 50yr Dec Also an American Heritage yr chronological subject guide Also a 5 yr index And yet another American Heritage yr cumulative index from on cd.

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Is any or all of this collectables or worth any kind of money. If so can you give me some options on where or how I can sell them. However, none have appeared at auction in over 30 years. Hello, I enjoyed reading your article, it was very insightful. I have quite a few books that my father collected over 60 years ago while he traveled to different countries while in the military.

I have books by Victor Hugo. In particular, I have Les Miserables. In addition, I was wondering if timing plays a part in how much a book is worth. For example, with the creation of the Academy Award movie Les Misearbles and all of its success, would the books be worth more now? I look forward to your response.

Hi Kelly, Thank you for your comment. Please submit photos of your copy of Les Miserables on our website: Does the sales slip add any value? John, Thanks for the comment. Next is Fifty Famous Fairy Stories. Last is Impatient Virgin Copyright Is there a market for specialty antique books, in particular textbooks? I can find info about the textbooks online old documents showing the approved books for students from this era , but nothing about modern day collectors.

I have several books would like to know WHAT to do with- i. Mary — Thanks for the comment. All pages are intact. It shows its age but is in decent shape. I have an old manuscript of a book … it is for about years ago…. Also in many of its page it has worked with gold. And I want to know how its value? Thank you to guide me and said how Can I do that. To find out what your Persian manuscript may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: Sina, We apologize for the difficulty you experienced with the online form.

Wow do I hope you can help! I have a medical book that was written by a head nurse from Groote Schuur Hospital in South Africa where the first hearts transplant was performed. The book is called Theatre Technique for nurses and students added on the inside and was written by Gladys Solomon in — the year the hospital opened and before it became word famous. The book was written to guide nurses in setting up a makeshift theatre where no hospital was available.

It has illustrations of medical implements in black and white hand drawn and printed. There is no indication of publication date in the book. I have contacted both the publishers and printers and neither have any database of this book. Can you tell me if this book is valuable? I believe it to be very rare as printing and publishing books at that time in South Africa was no small feat. I recently came into possession of a copy of Swiss Family Robinson, dated , the author is not located on the spine, or on the front page, the book is not in great condition, but it is in good condition, the original binding is still intact, but there is a cover page that is separating.

It is illustrated, and the publisher is Henry Altimus of Philadelphia. As you can tell, my curiosity is peaked on this book, what I would like to know, is what the book is worth, and should I hang onto it? Swiss Family Robinson was first published under that title in English in , so an edition that is 81 years after the first would not be collectible on the rare book market. What about books in other languages? Thanks for the comment, Andrew. Marie, These magazines are not something we would handle at auction.

If so, then, I want 2 sell them 4 affordable price…… Genuine Buyers can contact me in my e-mail….. Sudipto — These books are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. I just located 2 sets of books my mother owned,she had stored them in the attic. I was wondering if there is a value to either set. The second set is a semi-hard cover using silk. It is an 11 vol. Each book has a separate publishing date variing from late Is there any resale value here?

Thanks for the comment, Stanley. I have a copy of Elements of astronomy: Descriptive and physical by: It is dated a second copy. First copy is I lived in Vermont when I acquired it. Is it worth to have it appraised by your company? This book is not something we would handle at auction. Before posting a comment here, please look for your book on a used book website: To get an idea of the types of books Skinner offers at auction, browse our past auction catalogs. Could use some Help! Terry, To find out what these signed first editions may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: Manufactured in USA Green with gold antiquing.

I have an old book on dress making, very good condition, some tearing on the spine,slight yellowing on the pages but compleyely intact. Hi Cindy, Your encyclopedia and your book on dress making are both not of high value and are not books we would offer at auction. Thank you so much for your time. I have since learned more about how to tell if a book has any value.

I have come across more boxes of very old books in my parents attic and I will be sure to research them better before taking up any more of your time. Looking for help with value. These Charles Dickens books are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. I have read some of the comments and this site gave Me some ideas to recognize antique books.

I browsed various used book sites like you recommended and could no find it. However, I did notice that it has been republished several times. Just curious as to its value, if any. Please take photographs of the title page, copyright page, and dust jacket of your copy of To Kill a Mockingbird and email them to me at books skinnerinc. I have a book called the poetical works of John Milton Edited with a biographical introduction by dr. Kat, This two-volume book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. Both books are in good condition.

Blackmore, published in and with illustrations by Frank T. Hello, I have a signed copy of Anne Herrick by john Patrick lally. Nice condition but no dust jacket. I just Wanted to know is it his first book. The true first edition is very valuable when found with the dust jacket, i. It is also important for establishing edition that the dust jacket NOT have the Caldecott award sticker.

To provide an opinion on your edition, I would need photographs of the title page and the copyright page. Hello mrs devon gray, how can I get picture to you I never done this before, also the invitation to attend as s honored guest is this something is old as the book. Do I send copy of the picture to by mail tell me how can I get this to you.

Linda, you may send pictures using our online form: You can also send photographs by mail, but please note that original photographs will not be returned: Dated with original cover, marbleised paper interior cover. Front page and back page are in poor condition as is the cover, however the rest of the book seems good. I have photographs available. This book was in a box of books I inherited, all in French and from the 17th, 18th, and early 19th century.

About 12 books total. This is the only one from Jean Struys. Steve, Can you please take a photograph of the title page and send it to me at books skinnerinc. Please also check through the book to see if there are any maps or illustrations. I am a pastor and have been at a church this week in Newark, NJ that was built years ago. We have been working to clean out some rooms amongst other things.

When we got to one of their rooms that looks like it used to be a library of sorts we found tons of old books. They wanted us to throw them out because they are old and taking up space. I asked if I could have some they said sure. I ended up leaving with 3 boxes of books and they told me I could take more tomorrow. Not sure if any of them are valuable. Most are religious books.

The coolest find is a complete commentary set from and it is in great shape. Some of the books are signed or have hand written notes in the front. Some of the books are falling apart but they are old. These old books are likely not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. You may be able to find out more about these books on a used book website: Hi I have about 15 or so book club editions of Dr.

Please get back with me and email as soon as possible. Seuss books are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. My family just brought acreage and whilst clearing out the old homestead we found editions of women weekly magazines in great condition. Sarah, These old magazines are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. I have a book by James Main Dixon, M. E dated before hardcover I do not know how to see the publication dated. I believe these are all first edition. They did not come with dust covers and other then aging are in good or better condition.

How do I find the value with such a wide range. It is complicated to determine the values of books. Edition, condition, binding, association, and any other special qualities and features must be considered and evaluated. The same exact edition of the same book can vary widely in value. Everything changes again when considering retail pricing as opposed to auction results. This is fairly common for 20th century books. This sounds like a reliable benchmark for comparison. Individual volumes will vary.

Copies signed by Cousteau would be worth somewhat more. Incomplete sets, separate volumes, and copies in bad condition would be worth significantly less. I have been researching an old book i found hidden on a shelf in a resale shop a couple months back. I have found out through research only one library in America has a copy.

Please help im totally lost. I have no idea if this book is rare or how much its worth. This book just never matches up to what im told or what i research. I also found reference in a Czech library to an edition, maybe this is the first. Although the edition is rare in American libraries, it is known, and because the text is obtainable, and earlier editions do exist, it would not be particularly sought-after. Not all rare books are collected or valuable, unfortunately, and those by obscure late-nineteenth to 20th century authors who are not particularly remembered and who wrote in languages read by a small minority of the population have minimal value.

I also found out that he was very famous in his time and that he wrote catholic texts. So even though he as very famous in his time for his works his books still would have minimal value? I purchased two books from an elderly gentelman. The books are in russian. I am unable to read them, but they look like some kind of atl they contain maps of all continants. The only thing i can read is the date: Donna, In order to assess the books, you will need someone who can read Russian. Books from the s are unlikely to be very valuable, but if you can determine which works you have, you will be one step closer to finding the value.

Even so, the value will probably not be very great, as the market in foreign-language books from the 20th century is not very strong. I have a not first edition of the Scofield Study Bible. It is in excellent condition. Would it be considered rare? The book includes the color illustrations. Is this worth any value? I also have a hardcopy, with jacket, of The Velveteen Rabbit. Allison, Neither of these books is of high value. I have been searching the net and can not find anything. Could you tell me anything?

Wendy, This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. Part one has the signature of JW Powell. These two books came from the collection of my Great Grandfather who was a book collector. I have questions about about two different items. First, I found a book in very good condition the pages are perfect and the cover has a little bit of damage on the front cover corners and the top of the spine, but everything else is in good order.

Reprinted with permission of modern curriculum Press c , by Robert l. Is this book valuable at all? Also,I have a set of books that were published by F. There apparently was a volume set with Leather bound covers holding 20 volumes each I believe they used to tie with ribbons to hold the volumes in the cover. I have the first 5 leather binders containing all but a few of the books 91 of PLUS 13 of the books of what I think may be the 6th volume although I have no cover for these extra books.

I also have 3 duplicate books. The covers for each individual book looks like a thick kind of waxed linen. Dansville, NY on the bottom. Owen Publishing Co bottom. Diane, These books are not of high value. Book sets very seldom have any value when volumes are missing. Elizabeth, This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. What is paperback worth? Lippincott in by Maria Von Trapp. I was curious of their value. It is a hardcover copy, the front of the dust jacket is in fair condition, the rest of it is missing.

I have come upon a 3 book series- 1st edtion form written my Esther Singleton. One title in the series is— Great pictures as described my Great Writers. Publisher is Dodd Mead. Should i keep for my own library or consider selling? Anne, These books are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. Melissa, To find out what this document may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: Is it rare and what might this book be worth? It is in good shape and there is some minor damage to the spine.

There are pages of poems and then a catalogue of books offered for sale by the publisher. Any help is appreciated. Larry, This Longfellow book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. I have a mini book: I am unable to find any information on it. I have both volumes of Picturesque America by William C. I bought theses fron a consignment shop and would like to find out there value, do you have any suggestions? Stahl, I would appreciate any information you could supply me on this item,value etc.

Thank you very much. It is in great shape for the age, just slightly bent corners. I know this is a rare and sought after book. However; I would like to sell it. My name is kirsten. I came across an old book my grandfather has kept for many years. It was published in The title is das nibelungenlied. Im clueless on how to go about finding more info on this book. Im trying to sell it so anything u know about it wld b greatly apprectiated!.

These are links to the author and the work: I have a book on the binding says wonders of the invisible world mather london Inside the first uncut page says tryals of several witches. The front page of the book has a note hand written in ink lot of the Menzies sale X underneath the script says something unreadable then by Ogden Goelch. Is this of interest? Sarina, To find out what your signed copy of Stride Towards Freedom may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: Is there a book library or somewhere I could donate very old books?

I have books from the and s and they are falling apart. I do not think I am the person to care for them. Would people buy books whose cover had separated from the binding? It appears to be all there, but the cover is in poor condition, the pages have some foxing and some scotch tape has been used to hold the title page in. You may be able to find out more about your book on worldcat. Recently lost a family member, in going throughthe books, i came across a lg. I live in N. Is there some place i could take this book for an eval.??? Look forward to hearing from you. This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction.

I have many old German books that belonged to a high ranking military General Auer Von Herrenkirchen. Among them are hand written letters and notes from High ranking Military leaders from the Franco Prussian War. I also have autographed books from well known German authors from before I also have many many art prints and books of prints. There is a book from on chemestry and Nature that I can only find in Harvary Library. Where can I go for help on apprasials.. It still had the dust jacket on it. Steve, To find out what your books may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: However I have seen the same title and so on on the interweb, I have yet to come across any with the description of such as this.

It, unlike the versions I have seen, is brown. It is also illustrated not in color and has pages rather than the usual The cover is indeed worn, but still clearly states with beautiful illustrations all in which it stands for. It also seems as though it was apart of a series originally. The binding is still very well intact. The Edge has some wear but nothing severe at all. It also seems as though the cover is fashioned out of some sort of pressed fabric. Joleen, This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction.

Mahan, To find out what your book from Persia may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: I have a book called Garden of the Soul dated and it has a photo of the Pope back then. I want to know if the book is worth anything. I appreciate your time and consideration in this matter.

I look forward to hearing back from you. Bridget, This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. Wondering about the value of my volume set of Fielding, edition, pretty decent leather bindings. We have several old first and second edition books. We are trying to find the value of these two first off.

Many more to come. I would appreciate your input please. For the first book, I would need the edition, publisher and date. The cover stamp is round rather than oblong as seen on all other books. There is the signature may be stamped? Frank Scholl and there is water-coloring on the outer edge of pages quite pretty in my opinion. Can anyone explain why this is different than books I have seen on the internet? They are the same are they not? Luther, You may be able to find out more about your book on a used book website: My daughter in law has two books.. Cathie, Thanks for the comment.

These books are not of high value and are something we would handle at auction. I have inherited many old books, none have dust covers. I am wondering if they have any value. Barrett , are a few of them. I would very much appreciate your opinion. Jeannie, These books are not of high value. I have a very old books in Persian leguage… this book is a prosnol library of shahjahan and on the last page for this book stamp of shahjahan available… and this books writed in hijri….

Caitlin, This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. I have some old books published in early Inside the book there is a hand signature in pencil dated in Aug 23, All books have hard over in good shape. I was wondering what would the prices of these books. Sarkar, Thanks for the comment. These old books are not of high value and are not something we would handle at auction.

Is it of any value? Gray Thx for your web site. I, too, have books!

Past Deadlines

These books are not of high value. My mother passed away last year and I got her well read hardback copy without dust cover of Gone with the wind, printed in Great Britain by London McMillan and Co Company. It has NO title on the front and the outside is green. I can not find a similar copy anywhere on the internet….

Thank you so much for any input you can give me. Madelon, This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction.

Finding the Edge: My Life on the Ice

Some say that it can be worth Martin,What is this one worth? How much can I get for this one? These books are likely not of high value. I own Missale Romanum, Pustet from in excelent shape Book is in original Latin writing, with ornamental borders, has tons of gilt illustrations, front page is gilted and there are 4 metal bumps, and on side two gilt brass buckles. How can I clearly be sure on its rarity and its value? I am able to provide photos of book if someone is interested.

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  7. Buri, This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction.