The Beauty Industry: Gender, Culture, Pleasure The Beauty Industry: Gender, Culture, Pleasure (): Paula Black: Books.
Table of contents

The Beauty Industry: Gender, Culture, Pleasure

Introducing the work of the beauty salon 2. The history of the beauty salon 3. Identity in the beauty salon 4. The Hidden Labour of Beauty 5. Look Good, Feel Better: Promoting health in the beauty salon 6. Some concluding comments 7. Campbell Biology by Peter V. Urry and Steven A.

The beauty industry: gender, culture, pleasure

Wasserman , Hardcover 8. Fundamentals of Pathology - Pathoma: Step 1 Review By Dr. The Sociology of Health Promotion. Rethinking Gender and Youth Sport. Key Themes in Youth Sport. Medical Sociology and Old Age.

Children and young people's worlds 2e. Care in everyday life.

5 515,64 RUB

Critical Thinking in Health and Social Care. Art, Education and Gender. Routledge Handbook of Leisure Studies.

The Body in Health and Social Care. Health, Medicine and Society. Relational Autonomy and Family Law. Young People in Risk Society: Young Working-Class Men in Transition.

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