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If a difficult, slow-healing wound has worn you down, whether it's from a procedure, an accident or disease, wound care help is available.
Table of contents

A clean non-sterile dressing is better than an icky surgical one. You have bacteria all over your skin. Keep the wound dry. Before epithelization has occurred, the outside world still has access to your innards. Change the dressing and watch. If the dressing sticks to the wound it can really hurt taking it off. Getting the dressing wet will help it let loose. Use as little water or saline as possible.

It will be much less traumatic than ripping the thing off.

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What is normal: Weeping from the wound the red Kool-Aid or yellowish clear fluid. Some bleeding can be normal. Spurting, not normal; pouring onto the floor, not normal. Pus in the wound — not draining all over the place, but a fluorescent yellow-green layer between the skin edges or on the dressing can be normal.

A lot of surgeries are done with small incisions these days.

How Wounds Heal

There can still be a lot of dissection on the inside. Bruising is blood spreading between tissue layers. We are built the same way.

Moist Wound Healing - Wound Care Education

Blood can find those planes and spread. Usually all this is is ugly. Rapidly spreading redness.

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This is rare. Aggressive infections can occur immediately after surgery. Check frequently to see if the redness has spread beyond the mark. A little spreading is probably okay but a lot of spreading in a short time can be a big deal. Again, rare. New tissue growth. After swelling subsides, new tissue should begin to form.

You should see new skin forming over the wound, and the exposed wound should shrink. This process usually lasts two to three weeks, but deeper and more severe wounds may require more healing time. Scar formation. Deeper cuts, scrapes, and burns often result in scarring, which can last for several years.

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This is typically the final stage of the wound healing process. The initial scab is replaced by a scar, and you may notice that the new skin feels tougher and less elastic.

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Depending on the severity of the wound, the scar may gradually fade away. While some wounds can remain painful at the start of healing, worsening pain or lack of relief over many days indicates a non-healing wound.

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  5. Foul odor. A strange or unpleasant smell may indicate dead tissue or necrosis. Avoid applying scent-masking products to the wound, which can interfere with the healing process and lead to other complications. If your prescribed wound care supplies are not reducing odor , you may have an infection or other wound complication. Thick discharge.

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    You may notice a clear fluid coming from your wound at the start of the wound healing process; this is normal. However, if the wound emits a thick, yellowish liquid, it is likely infected.

    How Wounds Heal

    Carefully wash away the discharge with warm water and soap, and consult with your doctor. Avoid scrubbing, peeling, or aggravating your wound. If either of these ladies comes across your path, rest with great ease that no stone shall be left unturned to get you back to health! Thanks so much for treating your patients so wonderfully! You are commenting using your WordPress.

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    Signs the Wound Healing Process Is & Isn't Working

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