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John Farris pulls out a classic. I've read many of John Farris's novels and stories over the years but I was not prepared for how this left me, days after in fact​.
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If an item is no longer available because it sells out, your listing's ranking on the search page may take a hit.

Phantom Fright Nights is Creepy, Essential Kennywood

Amazon might then move on to another vendor, for instance. In August, it also introduced an additional cent fee per item per month for products kept longer than a year.

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Depending on how many items you have, the costs start to add up. Losing performance points can sting--especially when you're not to blame. Some sellers, in the past month, are reporting week-long delays in processing inventory shipments in Amazon's fulfillment facilities, according to Simply Sales's Rundle. If before it took a week and half for you to ship your items to Amazon and have them processed and logged, now that wait time has increased to two and a half weeks, she says.

These Phantom Nights by Martin Yan

This causes them to lose out on potential sales and have their listings' ranking affected. To be sure, Rundle says that processing times are still within the day window Amazon provides, but it's taking longer now than, say, a year ago at this time.

LUIGI'S MANSION SONG ▶ "Phantom Dancing" [SFM] - CG5

Amazon says it is investigating this claim, but offered no further comment. Other business owners who ship products directly will receive warnings from Amazon if shipments are delayed in getting to the customer. Basic Outfitters had shipped orders from its warehouse to the buyers on the same day the products were bought. Probably one of the biggest things keeping sellers up at night is worrying about Amazon itself.

As the company extends into new types of businesses, many founders wonder if--or even when--they will need to compete directly with the retail giant.

America’s Most Exclusive Lodge? The Answer Might Surprise You…

The rustic oasis and lodge was built in and remains the only lodging facility within the canyon. But for the hearty souls who are willing to work for it—less than one percent of the five million annual Grand Canyon visitors—the real magic lies below the rim. Bragging rights aside, staying at Phantom Ranch is something special. Most importantly, with no cell phone reception and total seclusion from the outside world, staying at Phantom Ranch allows you to reconnect with yourself.

While the solitude at the bottom of the canyon can be magical, so is sharing the experience with some of the other people who are on the same journey as you. The moments you share with them and their stories will stick with you in unexpected ways well after the journey is over.