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We've yet to make contact with ET, but scientists and mathematicians have raised serious questions about the future of the search for extraterrestrial Alien contact: Brits pick scientists over politicians for first contact · How.
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A self-replicating probe would most likely stay somewhere with plenty of resources, like the asteroid belt, Kuiper Belt, or Oort Cloud, and we have scarcely explored any of these places. Even if a probe was left on Earth, we may not yet have the ability to recognise it for what it is. Microscopic bio-engineered life forms or molecular nanotechnology, for example, could go completely unnoticed and - to paraphrase the British author Arthur C. Clarke - extremely advanced technology may seem like magic to us. In , Sagan and the Russian physicist Iosif Shklovsky suggested that the superhuman beings discussed in early myths and religions could really be aliens.

The idea that aliens visited Earth in our early history has been extensively explored in science fiction. Aliens may also be intentionally invisible, which means they could make contact with us at any time. Aliens may hide by intentionally cloaking evidence of their planet. This method could also be used to block evidence of molecules created naturally by life, or even to block evidence of the whole atmosphere. There are many reasons why aliens may be intentionally hiding from us. We may be the subject of a scientific experiment, or being used for entertainment.

Aliens may be treating the Earth like a wildlife preserve, or they may just be waiting until we reach a certain epoch. One reason for this is that it might help preserve our culture. They may also worry that people would become afraid if they revealed themselves, especially if their appearance is very different to our own. They are equally likely to avoid us because they find us disturbing to look at or to communicate with.

This is possible; the first spacefaring life forms could be billions of years more advanced than subsequence civilisations, and so may affect their behaviour even after their demise. This is not dissimilar to life on Earth, where we are all born into set political and religious traditions that we have very little way of controlling.

It may be relatively easy for aliens to hide from us. If there were an alien spacecraft in the Solar System, then we are very unlikely to detect it unless it makes direct contact with us. This is because objects in the Kuiper Belt are small and far away, and so the Kuiper Belt is largely unexplored and unmonitored.

If an alien spacecraft did happen to pass the field-of-view of a telescope on Earth, then it would have to be extremely large and extremely luminous for it to be visible from the Kuiper Belt. To get a rough idea of its shape it would have to be comparable in size to Pluto which is over km wide.

The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, for example, is thought to contain at least 3 million asteroids, [20] yet only around , of these have been identified. Once it passed the orbit of Mars, a spacecraft sized object would be large enough to be detected from Earth. Sky surveys are designed to detect near-Earth objects such as asteroids, comets, and space debris.

They work by taking photographs of the sky every night and then comparing the photos to see if anything has moved relative to the background stars. Near-Earth objects are objects that come within about 45 million km of the Earth. There are thought to be about 15, near-Earth objects larger than metres in diameter, and about larger than 1 km. Sky Surveys tend to focus on the plane of the Solar System that the planets and asteroids orbit within, and so an alien spacecraft could also evade detection by bypassing this plane completely. Figure The Earth and Moon to scale, showing the distances that various objects would have to be from Earth for the Hubble Space Telescope to produce a pixel wide image of them.

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This means an object that takes up 0. To take up this much of the sky, an object needs to either be really big or really close. This means a spacecraft that is about metres across about twice the width of the International Space Station , would not be visible until it is about 3 million km away.

Intelligent Ways to Search for Extraterrestrials | The New Yorker

To discern the shape of an object, it needs to cover enough space to produce more than 1 pixel. To cover a width of 20 pixels an object would have to take up 0. A pixel wide image of a metre spacecraft could be made when it is about , km from Earth. This is just under half the distance to the Moon. For a pixel wide image, it would have to be within 33, km of the Earth.

If an alien spacecraft does travel at the same speed as an asteroid, then it may be detected a few weeks before it arrives at Earth. The faster the spacecraft is, the less likely it is to be identified, and if it travels close to the speed of light, then we would probably not be able to detect it until it arrived. We might be able to detect an alien spacecraft if it were to decelerate as it approaches Earth. This is because an object cannot decelerate without expelling energy, which we may be able to detect. It may do this with chemical rockets, nuclear power, or solar sails, all of which would produce excess radiation.

Once it entered the atmosphere, an alien spacecraft could be detected over military or commercial airspace using radar, assuming it is not using stealth technology. Although, only a minority of the Earth has radar coverage, and there is no coverage at all over the oceans.

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Perhaps the most disturbing possibility is that we have not communicated with aliens yet because something is systematically destroying life in the Galaxy, either intentionally or unintentionally. In this scenario, any life forms that do remain may not want to make their presence known. Aliens may be intentionally destroying life for selfish reasons. There is no definitive link between intelligence and ethics, and so no reason to believe that an intelligent species would be benevolent.

Selfish spacefaring aliens may want to eat us, enslave us for labour or entertainment, or destroy cultures through evangelism. They might attack us out of aggression, or because they consider us a threat. Many have criticised attempts to contact aliens for these reasons. This despite the rich seam of African sci-fi usually grouped under the header 'Afrofuturism'. Latin America doesn't fare much better, with the exception of Mexico. A charming example is La Nave de los Monstruos , which tells of an expedition from Venus to recruit males to help repopulate their all-female planet.

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The titular ship is filled with male 'monsters' from all corners of the galaxy. On Earth, the Venusian crew fall for Lauriano, a singing Mexican cowboy. Mexico's sci-fi production also includes The Incredible Invasion , a low-budget flick featuring Boris Karloff, set in s Germany. In the latter movie, an alien delegation lands in the middle of a New Year's costume party in a Soviet House of Culture. They fail to convince anyone of their extra-terrestrial origin. When the clock strikes midnight, they realize they've landed on the most beautiful planet in the universe and, as is undoubtedly implied, the country with the best ideological system on that planet.

One of the most remarkable post-Soviet sci-fi movies is Abdullajon , judged by many to be the greatest film ever made in post-USSR Uzbekistan, as well as probably the only sci-fi one. A local Uzbek farmer discovers a crash-landed alien — a white boy — when looking for a lost cow. Dubbed Abdullajon, the alien can perform miracles, but doesn't always understand his hosts. When asked to produce 'big money', he fashions a giant one-ruble coin, for example.

Alien Contact: What Happens Next?

He does succeed in making the hens lay 50 eggs per minute, though. The alien manages to escape back to space before the Russian Army captures him.

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Looking at the dates for first-contact movies set outside the U. From the s to the early s, the U. But then, ET starts visiting other places, including non-western ones, such as India, China, the Philippines. Unless and until the first real extra-terrestrial lands, the future of alien first-contact movies could very well be Asian.

We keep looking for space aliens. Are they looking for us?

Meanwhile, I've got to check out what must be Greece's definitive contribution to the genre: Attack of the Giant Moussaka Find them on Reddit , Twitter and Etsy. Got a strange map? Let me know at strangemaps gmail. There's a lot we can do with current technology to help stem the tide of climate change, but future technology may help even more.

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Big Think Edge For You. Big Think Edge For Business. There are no civilized species on the Red Planet, and no evidence that there ever were. In addition, a recent survey made by Arizona State University shows that most earthlings would welcome intelligent aliens. Apparently, they think it probable that such beings would be friendly. Thanks, E.