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Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. In this New Age Western The Chroma, a headstrong, young woman, Rain, struggles.
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Remember, great sun- sets are the consequences of violence and cataclysm, Kraka- toa and Popocatepetl. I blink, there's Red Riding Hood in the dark forest. A bright red cloak in the gathering gloom. The red-eyed wolf licks its scarlet chops. But should we trust a Red Coat either? We might be at the other end of his musket. That most secret and coveted of places, my mother's dress- ing table, a shrine to Aphrodite, the rosy one - scarlet lip- stick, delicately scented, rouge, and bright red nail varnish. I stumble around the room in the ruby slippers - they're too big for me.

I'm no Cindcrella. Jungle red I admire my mother's dexterity. Red lips, cheeks, fingernails - which I help her to paint.

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The varnish gives you a high. I try painting my own nails and get caught in a fiery row. I'm the scarlet Whore of Babylon dancing in the Hang- ing Gardens. My father shouts at me, red in the face, 'Oh why doesn't he just Fuck me! He's fucking me about! Rose Red and Light Crimson have the serious disadvantage of rendering the com- plexion more or less green. Michcl Eugcne Chcvrcul In the s, Mary Quant betrayed red with a blue lipstick which brought the shadow of death to many a lip. Red has its place. Lips arc ruby. Blue lips make me shudder. Colour has its boundaries, though we are pushing at them.

Imagine a blue geranium. They are imagining a blue rose- which will he a contradiction until the end of time. He bought me a dozen blue roses to declare his love! One cannot bring a message of love in the blues The Red Sea heals, crossing it causes a transformation, a baptism.

The exodus from Egypt was a flight from sin. The Red Sea brings death to those who are unconscious, but those who reach the other side are reborn in the desert. Hauled by porters. The excitement boarding the great liner in Liverpool to sail to India. The journey took us through the Bay of Biscay, sick as dogs with a hurricane blowing, all the decks battened down.

The first stop the rock of Gibraltar, then across the Mediter- ranean and the skies turned blue. Port Said, conjurers and miracle-working gully-gully men, elaborate gifts from Simon Artz. The ancient Egyptians regarded the sea as untrustworthy, the home of the dark god Set, Typhon, a place of storms. We sailed one evening into the Red Sea, in a calm sunset, flushed pink and red. I took a silver ball off the Christmas tree and tied it to a cotton reel, lowering it into the wake of the ship where it sparkled across the waves, red sails in the sunset. Red sky at night, shepherd's delight.

Red sky in the morn- ing, shepherd's warning. Red, Red, Red. The daughter of aggression, mother of all colours.

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Extreme red, the colour of brigades and flags, marching Red, Red on the borders and fringes of our lives. I saw that when I lost my innocent eye. Red f11lcd the intervals between the musical notes, was a rousing anthem, 'Onward Christian Soldiers' and 'The Internationalc'. I did not paint the town red until I was in my twenties.

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Our queer world was imprisoned in shadows. Not the shop windows in Amsterdam or Hamburg where the girls flaunted themselves in the red light. Red Hot Mammas! Scarlet Women! In our world the flashing red light warned us that there was a police raid. Caught red-handed, we waited for hours carrying a number like a lottery ticket before we were questioned and checked out. Home alone again.

Red hot with anger.

I sacri- ficed time and money pursuing red hot sex, which the legisla- tors had made so difficult to find. I left books unread, and pictures unpainted.

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Mercuric sulphide. Sanguis draconis dragon's blood , the alchemic uroboros, the dragon of the philosophers. Found as a natural mineral and also produced artificially. In antiquity it was mined in Spain. There arc numerous medieval recipes. Artificial vermilion is identical to that found naturally - but the price is not! Vermilion is a red with a feeling of sharpness, like glowing steel which can be cooled by water.

Vermilion is quenched by blue, for it can support no mixture with a cold colour. The glow of red is within itself. For this reason it is a colour more beloved than yellow. It is the 'Rubia' of classical writers, the red of the Turkey carpet.

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It's one of the most stable of all natural dyestuffs. Rose madder was in- troduced from the East by the Crusaders to Italy and France, where it is known as La Garancc; and gave its name to the guarantee, as its price was fixed - controlled by government. Red tetroxide of lead, the classical mmtum secondarium or 'sandarach'. Gave its name to the miniature. It is the colour of red letter days in a medieval manuscript.

Natural oxide of iron. Used as a warm ground in Venetian paintings. A late arrival. Cadmium red was first used as a pigment at the start of this century. Red is the most ancient of colour names from the Sanskrit rudhira. The face of the Sphinx was painted red. Ellsworth Kclly. Painter of Red.

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The child of fire is the child of disobedience.