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This represents the proof of a systematically proportioned presence at Lepanto of crew members from all three largest and most important regions of the Venetian Republic. Thus the Senate in ordered the population of Zadar be spared the galley service, beacuse of grave casualties they suffered RR, Furthermore, during the fall of Cyprus the Ottomans killed and enslaved many soldiers, originating from the Eastern Adriatic.

Venetian military, merchants and administration, stationed at Crete, were mostly composed of Italians, and to a lesser extent also of newcomers from Dalmatia and Istria. Between and as much as 4 Venetian mercenaries served there Baroutsos, , p. On the other hand, there were many imigrants from Greece, who came to Istria and Dalmatia, where they were called Greghi or Greci. Upward social mobility of Greeks in their new homeland was quite high, so they often held important positions in urban administrative and military structures, but mostly they served in Venetian cavalry, called the Stratioti, as they were trained and experienced in fighting the Ottomans.

General conditions in the Venetian navy around Situation in the Venetian Armata was extremely bad, as is clearly visible from the decree of the Senate, passed on the 5th of May , stating that war galleys are ill ecquiped, undermanned and in need of repair RR, However, the biggest problem was widespread mass desertion that left the majority of Venetian vessels inoperable. One of the supreme commanders of the Venetian navy, Provveditor dell'Armata Cristoforo da Canal, complained in over the lack of population and especially oarsmen in Venetian Dalmatia.

Every year, with the disarmament of the galleys during the winter and their rearmament in the spring, as much as one third of oarsmen deserted the Venetian navy and fled, mostly to the Ottoman territory. The problem of deserters from Venetian galleys who sought refuge on the Ottoman territory was already very worrying for the Venetian authorities in the first half of the sixteenth century.

Those who declined to serve on the galleys as oarsmen, where they lived a harsh and dangerous life, were banned from the Venetian territory and had all their belongings confiscated, so they started fleeing to the Ottoman side of the border CCD, Desertion and insubordination were direct consequences of harsh conditions of service upon galleys. In fact, epidemics posed an even bigger threat than the Ottomans. Venetian authorities on the 15th of March and 7th of April concluded that in the initial stages of the Cyprus war majority of oarsmen on galleys in Dalmatia and the Levant have either fallen ill or died, and ordered the mistreatment to stop, by strict adherence to hygiene RR, The Senate informed the supreme navy commander, Capitano Generale da Mar Sebastiano Venier, that galleys disarmed at Corfu and brought to Venice were so filthy those who were sent to clean them nearly suffocated.

The blame was put on bad management and indifference of the Venetian naval commanders RR, The oarsmen were completely aware of what they were getting into and before embarking draw wills, leaving their earthly belongings to their closest family members, as well as to the Church and guilds.

Furthermore, even the chaplains, serving on galleys, failed to perform their ecclesiastical duties beacuse of the plague, thus leaving many to die without confession and holy sacrament RR, After Lepanto numerous oarsmen were left crippled or otherwise inadequate for service and landed in poverty. For their merits they were granted certain financial compensation by the Venetian authorities RR, However, the lack of oarsmen in Venetian navy, acute even before Lepanto, intensified as the day after the battle Venetian Republic officially liberated all convict rowers.

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In a desparate attempt to solve the problem Venetians forced the subjects from other Holy League members to serve as oarsmen upon their galleys, while the Senate decided to enlist Christians who fled to Venetian territory from the Ottoman Empire. However, following the complaint by the Pope, the Senate on the 21st of December ordered their release RR, Thus, much more attention was put on the enslaved Ottomans, who reppresented an important resource of forced labour, although such unilateral actions were strictly forbidden by former Venetian-Ottoman peace agreements Pust, a, p.

Influx of Ottoman slaves was especially high after the battle of Lepanto, but constant supply was achieved by enslaving Ottoman merchants, who were supposed to be granted immunity.

Furthermore, by the authorisation of the Senate inquisitional procedure was introduced to prevent any possible withholding of Ottoman slaves by private owners RR, For the Venetians the Eastern coast of the Adriatic constituted a gateway to their main sources of income Novak, , p. Beacuse of its total control of the Adriatic the Signoria was obliged to ensure the safety of travel. For this purpose the Venetian Republic concluded numerous treaties with foreign powers, pledging itself to protect the vessels and population from naval attacks and guaranteeing safe passage.

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However, it proved helpless against numerous Ottoman incursions in the Adriatic, carried out both by corsairs and the Ottoman imperial navy. The largest invasion of the Ottoman fleet in the Adriatic occurred during the Cyprus war in The main intention of the Ottoman attack in the Adriatic was to pin down the Venetian naval forces and compel them to defend in their backyard, so the Ottoman Empire would have greater chances of winning the war. However, the entire Ottoman naval operation was misguided, as the Ottoman fleet prefered corsair tactics of attacking smaller, less important Venetian forts, instead of engaging the Holy League itself, thus missing the opportunity to weaken the Christian forces before they could assemble in Messina and head for Corfu, towards Lepanto Praga, , p.

Signoria was well aware of the threat, posed by the Ottoman fleet and committed itself above all to defend Zadar, the capital of Dalmatia and the most important military and naval center of the entire Eastern Adriatic, from where Venetian troops and ships were sent across Dalmatia and Venetian Albania. However, the majority of the Venetian navy already left Adriatic and headed towards the meeting point at Messina. Efficient defence was therefore not an option for weakened Venetian forces Pust, b, The harshness of the situation is clearly evident from lamentations that the local population directed towards the Venetian authorities.

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Signoria was afraid of a possible repeated attack by the Ottoman navy directed towards Venice itself. To prevent this it approved great expences for the reconstruction of the Dalmatian forts and replenishment of their armories, while at the same time appointing new officials in the administration of local towns, in order to prevent future disobedience and desertion RR, Corsairs of the Adriatic The invasion of the Ottoman navy in the Adriatic was facilitated by corsairs or levends from the local Ottoman naval centers, who continuously pestered the Venetian possessions.

This was not an ephemeral phenomenon in the Mediterranean, but was rather directly linked with the everyday life, revealing different nuances of a permanent arrangement, supported by infrastructure and commercial outposts of major merchants, thus gaining enormous profits from the booming slave and stollen goods markets De Nicolo, , p. Ottoman corsairs from Neretva Narenta and Hercegnovi Castelnuovo raided Venetian ships and territory across the entire Eastern Adriatic.

Signoria was struggling to preserve control over the situation and on the 26th of May the Senate ordered war galleys to protect ports and islands, while at the same time preventing desertions RR, Such provisions had rather limited success, also due to corruption of the Venetian local officials. Nevertheless, Venetian war ships actually seized a number of Ottoman vessels and forts, the most important among them being Skradin Scardona , which was burned to the ground.

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This was only possible beacuse of the cooperation and great initiative from the local population. During their raids the Ottoman corsairs captured many noble Venetians from distinguished families. His brothers immediately proposed he be exchanged for Caracozza's brother, who was also a corsair, at that time imprisoned on the island of Crete. Their motion was approved by the Senate on the 1st of September RR, The Ottoman corsairs raided the Venetian lagoon as well and even threatened Venice itself.

Panic reactions of the Venetian authorities and their desparate attempts to at least contain the unhindered movement of the Ottoman ships across the entire Adriatic clearly demonstrate the impotence of Signoria in its struggle against the Ottoman naval power at the very doorstep of Venice.

Social unrest on the islands The ferociousness of the Cyprus war left the Eastern Adriatic and particularly Dalmatian towns in deep economic, social and demographic crisis. However, this version has been discarded by Grga Novak , pp. To strengthen the loyalty of its people and to mitigate economic and social problems Signoria alloted the merited individuals various privileges RR, However, only a few years later the Venetian authorities ceased with the distribution of free grain, despite the appauling poverty of the population.

To make things worse, plague broke out on the island and throughout the Venetian Republic itself RR, Circumstances were almost identical on Hvar, also ravaged by the plague epidemic RR, 43 , causing great famine already in RR, Hinterland and majority of the forts were burned down, and the Senate, after the departure of the Ottoman navy from the Adriatic, took great concern in renovation of the local Arsenal, crucial for the maintenance of the Venetian fleet RR, Ecclesiastical buildings and possessions were also badly damaged, among them the Santa Maria delle Gratie convent and the domenican convent of Santo Pietro Martire.

Signoria granted both financial aid and instructed its ambassadors to Rome to solicit additional support from the Pope himself RR, Supply has not improved in the years following the battle of Lepanto, so the local population was left with little alternative but to turn to banditism out of necessity and need. Venetian authorities reacted promptly and on the 14th of November ordered strict punishment of all those responsible for plundering the Ottoman merchants RR, Procurement of oarsmen and other crew members for the Venetian fleet, present at Lepanto, as well as the attack of the Ottoman navy, caused great shortage of adult males, capable for rowing and fighting.

Signoria answered with a ban on any further enlistment on Hvar and other islands RR, Nevertheless, at the end of the Cyprus war the community of Hvar was completely exhausted, and traditional conflicts have evoked among different social groups on the island. Social unrest reached its climax on the 27th of March , when a long dispute ensued in the Senate between the representatives of both the aristocracy and the populace.

It is therefore not surprising that the contrasts escalated into an open mutiny, dubbed 'scandalous' by the Venetian authorities and the Venetian navy was immediately dispatched to crush the rebellion RR, However, the tensions between upper and lower social classes were not pacified, as in February Venetian authorities were once again informed about new feuds among the local population that spread throughout Dalmatia RR, Conclusion The impact of the battle of Lepanto in was particularly destructive for the Venetian possessions of the Eastern Adriatic.

The direct consequences were clearly manifested in the lack of the local male population, either recruited for galley service and killed in action or deserted to foreign lands, which facilitated the demographic decline of the entire region. This however was only part of the problem, as the parallel invasion of the Ottoman navy in the Adriatic caused great destruction, famine and outburst of epidemics, which in turn contributed to popular uprising that had an inherent social background. Could we claim that all this has only been triggered by Lepanto?

Definitely not, the scene has already been layed years before. The effects of such actions and manipulations by the competing superpowers have been felt in the Eastern Adriatic at least until the eighteenth century, and reveal a distinct imperial subordination of the region, thus making it a zone with fascinating research possibilities for contemporary post-colonial studies. Therefore, it also represents a privileged area for the research of border history and coexistence, intercultural exchange, religious dialogue and intertwining of different civilizational patterns, as well as of specific local contexts to be found underneath multiple layers of official myth-making and state policy.

Bibliography Archival sources RR, RR, ASV, RR, registro CCD, Literature Anderson, R. Naval Wars in the Levant.

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Liverpool: University Press. Bacchion, E. Baroutsos, P. Cavaciocchi ed. Atti della 'Trentottesima Settimana di Studi' maggio , Firenze: Le Monnier. Bicheno, H. Crescent and Cross. The Battle of Lepanto London: Phoenix. Benzoni, G. The Mediterranean in the second part of the 16th century in the light of Lepanto.

Atti del convegno di studi promosso e organizzato dalla Fondazione Giorgio Cini Venezia, ottobre Firenze: L. Braudel, F. London: Collins. Cacciavillani, I. Venezia: Corbo e Fiore. Caetani O. Diedo The battle of Lepanto Palermo: Sellerio.

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Canosa, R. Lepanto, the story of the 'Holy League' against the Turks. Roma: Sapere I enjoyed it and found it both light and mysterious, distant and intimate, and compelling. While some of the stories held virtually no appeal for me "Interpreter," anyone? Hello, crazy cat lady , others I picked up this book a whopping six years ago while perusing a bookstore in Venice with my family. Hello, crazy cat lady , others were pretty and somewhat touching. Though I didn't grow attached to any of the characters there wasn't enough time for that , I still enjoyed Reynolds's style and insights into Venetian life in that crumbling city and society.

Jul 25, Tori added it.

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The descriptions of Venice made it come alive, and the different viewpoints encompassed a wide variety of people from a visitor to the city to the mayor. You could really tell that the author wanted you to see that the city's upper-class life was fading in most of the stories. However, I had some problems as well.