Guide Nurses Scrubs (A Sweet Release Quickie: Nurse Series Book 1)

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Nurse's Scrubs (A Sweet Release Quickie: Nurse Series Book 1) eBook: Lesa Fuchs-Carter, Ember Rose: Kindle Store.
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Lisa is accused in the complaints of causing poor outcomes and delayed recovery, due to excess blood loss during the surgery. This is not a criminal case and it is not a civil case.

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The burden of proof is on the Crown to prove that the defendant practiced unauthorized practices according to the Midwifery Act of Saskatchewan. If one reads the applicable section of the act quoted in the charge above, it is vague in its definitions. This case will set a precedent as it is the first in Saskatchewan and will have national implications. The trial date is now set for October 24, I submit the above to help people see the bones of this complaint and action against Lisa Kusch.

Thanks for reading. Gloria Lemay, July 12, The email address is lisakuschfund gmail. From www. This is an online conversation that I had with a grand multip woman who has given birth more than 5 times. There are special things about birth after the fifth baby. I like to read things by the midwives in the USA who serve religious groups with big families. Lots of little anecdotes like that. I was reading your post about the 30 Minute Third Stage , and saw your comment about the anti-bleed tea.

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Can you share with me how it differs in the tea, as opposed to using the tincture? Also, is this safe to use as a grand multip?

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This is my 10th baby, 14th pregnancy. I tend to go quickly, and feel a strong need to be prepared this time. Thank you for any input you are willing to share smile emoticon. One of my clients found some research on it and it really seems to work. We worry more about after pains with grand multips. Increasing magnesium supplementation after the birth. Emptying the bladder more often than you think you need to.

Apparently these 2 things are very helpful for cramps. Thank you for writing. Gloria Is this something your recommend in labor? Or for the days leading up to birth? I feel so much peace about our upcoming birth. But I also am loving to learn as much as I can about birth as a whole, and things that could be useful for my own as well. Thank you again.

I mean a walking program starting NOW. I never ask women to walk when they are in the birth process. By a walk I mean a brisk walk with no kids, no purse, flat shoes and really walking as fast as you can. I also have to say that I love following your page and reading on your site. So much information that has been so useful. Thank you for everything you do!!

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Makes me wish I was in Canada and could meet you! I am loving the learning! I have been trying to dig as deep as I can, and find as many different ideas and perspectives as I can. Will you be offering your online class again in the future? I would be very interested in taking part, if you do.

Added: Another tip I will give to grand multips. When you have lots of older children, they ALL want to hold the new baby. This gets to be a competition and a struggle and it could be a reason why the mother might bleed too much. If we want Mommy to stay at home and be healthy, we are ALL going to wait until the baby is 24 hours old before we take turns holding the baby. Quote by the woman who wrote the Vagina Monologues. I have had this article from the New Statesman a British magazine in my files for decades. Remember when reading it that no one had home computers in and there were no search engines.

We had to rely on TV, magazines, newspapers and medical libraries back then. There was no email so the British postal service was the way these women contacted each other. For this young woman to undertake this project in those days is truly amazing.

Gloria Lemay on natural birth, breastfeeding, and other womanly matters

Enjoy the read and leave comments. Two years later, she was invited back by the Senior Nursing Officer to the hospital where her baby was born, to explain to the midwifery staff what she believes are the causes of toxaemia of pregnancy and how it can be prevented. Abdominal pains, headaches and blinding flashes of light may alert a pregnant woman that something is seriously wrong.

At its extreme, the condition becomes eclampsia, the epileptic-like convulsions that can be fatal to mother and baby. Diagnosis of pre-eclampsia is confused by the fact that all three of its cardinal symptoms may arise from other causes, many of which are entirely benign. This is often not recognized by doctors, who may begin treatment of healthy pregnant women, sometimes causing problems where none in fact existed. Even in genuine cases, standard medical treatment with bedrest, sedatives, drugs to control blood pressure, and early induction of labour does little to ameliorate the condition.

Many doctors believe that the only effective treatment is to end the pregnancy. Because of this it is not possible to give advice on how to avoid it. She had replies. She sent them a questionnaire, and compared her findings with what she had learned from the textbooks. Pre-eclampsia was supposed to be more common in twin pregnancies, overweight women and diabetics, and to run in families. None of these categories fitted Dawn James, and none was common among her correspondents.

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These women, anxious about their future, had invariably been reassured by their doctors that pre-eclampsia was a disease of first pregnancies only. Yet out of the 32 respondents who had undertaken another pregnancy, 23 had suffered pre-eclampsia again! With the support of many of these women, Dawn established P. But alongside continuous reportage of this work in the quarterly P.

Here was an account of the aetiology of pre-eclampsia — from inadequate nutrition, through liver dysfunction, low blood albumin and reduced blood volume—which made sense and was supported by the evidence amongst the severely undernourished subjects involved. But how could this apply in Britain in the s? I felt really hungry all the time and would sneak a potato or some bread until my husband would remind me of the expert advice and I would go back to mostly salads.

When I was in hospital. I hardly ate at all during those two weeks prior to my induction. Underweight and premature. Nancy Stewart, another P. And it has to do with health, rather than disease. This is the approach of midwives, as the guardians of normality. Obstetrics is not about health, but about diagnosing and treating disease. It is a male science, and within the political structure of maternity care it is these men, trained to approach pregnancy as a medical event, who have the power to define health care. Pre-eclampsia is more prevalent among unskilled working class people and teenaged, Asian and single mothers—those statistically least likely to meet the extra nutritional demands of pregnancy.

How can a few informed women hope to change the system of maternity care to benefit these in greatest need? Midwives may learn eagerly from P. Perhaps P. But in the meantime as many as 15 per cent of women in pregnancy are diagnosed as pre-eclamptic, and very few of them discover in time the protective effects of sufficient high quality foods.

Instead, they are categorized immediately as high risk and referred to the obstetric clinic, where sophisticated, expensive diagnostic procedures chart with scientific precision the worsening and irreversible damage to their babies. I had a great time being interviewed by Alain Desaulniers, DC, recently.


Enjoy this podcast. Love, Gloria. I hope that millions are transformed through your words and message! I look forward to connecting with you soon! You rock! I would be honoured if you would share with your circle of influence! All rights reserved. Someone asked me recently what things are done differently with vaginal births after cesarean VBAC as opposed to a first baby.

The full history of the events leading to the cesarean is very important. Often the couple did not get full or accurate information about what was going on.