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Table of contents

Scientist and Spiritualist - Bridging the Gap with Dr. Bruce Lipton

There's a lot of research that's been done on the fact that we are electrical beings, our brains emit an electrical frequency, and other people or even animals can actually detect this. The heart, like the brain, generates a powerful electromagnetic field. The electrical field as measured in an electrocardiogram ECG is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain waves recorded in an electroencephalogram EEG.

While this signal is strongest when people are in contact, it is still detectable when subjects are in proximity without contact including when they are lying in bed without touching! They observed that although additional research should be conducted, there were potentially important implications raised by this research when viewed in conjunction with the success of numerous healing modalities. In another HeartMath study, The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Communication Within and Between People , they found that the clear rhythmic patterns in beat-to-beat heart rate variability are distinctly altered when different emotions are experienced.

If the heart is in rhythm, if the heart is in a state of what is called coherence, it can actually positively influence your emotions and thought patterns. Now in addition to that, if the heart rhythm is coherent, it can also affect your brainwaves meaning it can shift your brainwave into a more healthy, focused pattern of what are called Alpha brainwaves or less stressful brainwaves.

This is called the heart-brain interaction. Electromagnetic fields, such as those generated by the heart of an individual in a caring or loving state, can be detected and amplified by biological tissue those very proteins discussed earlier , and produce measurable effects in living systems. This means that human beings can control gene activity and even rewrite their genes by focusing on their beliefs. These beliefs, true or false, positive or negative, creative or destructive, exist not simply in our minds, but are directed to the level of the cells of our bodies.

The fact that energy impacts cells as profoundly as physical molecules provides a scientific explanation for the efficacy of conventional medicine, alternative therapies, and spiritual healing.

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This also means that DNA does not by itself control biology, and that information can be transmitted throughout our bodies and to our descendants in ways other than through the base sequence of DNA. Emerging evidence in the field of epigenetics has demonstrated we can, in fact, change the expression of our own genes within our own lifetime.

Joseph Daeges

This week, start to experiment with a simple 10 second exercise. Pick someone around you right now and wish for their happiness. Well written article and it expresses your beliefs in a thoughtful and scientific way. The challenge we face is integrating epigenetics and the Holy Spirit in a understandable lifestyle. It is not simply an excuse when we dismiss the American cultural world view as Newtonian, it is at the heart of what makes materialism so dangerous.

I pray that you can influence a wide audience with your programs. This is so good, Ben, and to me, explains what happens when The Bible talks about putting off the old man, and putting on the New Man! We literally become new physically, mentally, everything, as we rewrite our genes by focusing on our beliefs. So cool how science backs this up physically; Holy Spirit does His thing and takes care of the rest. This problem should not happen because his incarnated mind already developed unlimited compassion and love during his previous lifetimes.

Explanation given by Dalai Lama is that his father was very angry man, and it seems that his gens affected mind of young , Dalai Lama.!!! Worthy to mention that because of years of meditation , anger disappeared from mind of Dalai Lama. I have wrestled with trying to understand this stuff, you really presented it I.

A way that opened up new insight for me. I bought the book based on your recommendation and wow! I wonder if this will make it to mainstream science and medicine and if anything will actually change. This is of course the very stuff that Dr. Are you going to interview any of those woo woo people? Deepak can match you on science, biology, quantum mechanics, etc and I think it would be amazing!

Love reading this, I look forward to the day when we break through and can apply this information for the common good. Well written and very pertinent for the bodyworkers amongst us. Out intention therefore, to help and heal and change the way our clients move and feel is ever more important knowing that energy is palpable. Somehow I always inherently knew this to be the case but your article really puts energy into the forefront of what we do. Thanks Ben. Fantastic article, we need to treat thoughts as things we need to deal with.

Bad or negative thought I need to throw out. Good or positive thought we need to hold onto and cherish. Thanks for being so helpful Ben. Ben, Great stuff. This is why I read your post.

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Brand new Book. Mind control plays an integral role in modern society, manipulating the population into specific actions or behavior by reducing each individual's ability to make independent choices-and it is all done covertly. This manipulation isn't always negative. Drivers stop at red lights because they have been conditioned to do so.

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  • This benevolent form of mind control helps save lives. The techniques of mind control are tools to be used for good or evil as those wielding them see fit.

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    Unfortunately, as Joseph Daeges makes clear, manipulative individuals and groups can use mind control to bend the populace to their will, removing choices and free will so deftly that those affected never notice. This is the dictator's use of mind control, and its effects can be devastating. In Mind Control The Invisible Forces, Daeges explores the tactics and motivations of those who use mind control, what mind control accomplishes, and who benefits. Discover who is most susceptible to mental manipulation and how parents can protect the most vulnerable citizens of all-children.

    Mind Control The Invisible Forces is a bold, controversial examination of a phenomenon that affects us all. Discover how easily we can be manipulated. Seller Inventory APC More information about this seller Contact this seller 2.

    Invisibility in fiction - Wikipedia

    More information about this seller Contact this seller 3. Amber Alert Lord of Wrath is a tale of a haunted mansion.

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    • Paul purchased the house of his dreams Not too long after the family moved into the dream house, Paul is confronted with the dark history the mansion was plagued with. The whole family is on the edge from all the peculiar happenings around the house until one day Angelo goes missing without a trace. Paul takes the matter into his own hands and hunts the perpetrator responsible for his son's disappearance as well as the family's misfortunes. The US Review stated - "Every family packed up and left the mansion without giving anyone any addresses or telephone numbers.

      I believe, after the technology becomes matured, there may not be many opportunities to be left to targets as what was left of me. It is therefore my duty to take the opportunity to tell the world what is coming. As I read through literatures, there is an impression that the combination of enabling technologies has become quite affordable and can be packed in a suitcase, potentially allowing many evil minded people to target innocent civilians.

      Unfortunately, by doing nothing, those of value to society, with wealth, intellectual properties, or high political ranks, can be prey for handsome gains, although those of helpless ones may be the targets for developing the technologies. Without notice, the very fiber of human society, independence while collaborative mindset, will be replaced by full control of individual brains in the hands of few powerful perpetrators the technology may be like a sink of negative force, the more it take juice out of individuals, the more powerful it is to target more ….