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Jesus' Teaching on Prayer - One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to.
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As you do, put yourself in the place of the disciple who steps forward and boldly asks Jesus how to pray. Instead of a theoretical discourse on the finer points of contemplative prayer, Jesus simply tells you what to do and what to say. Pray with the same confident playfulness that animated the relationship between the little girl and her father.

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After all, what kind of a parent would play a cruel game of hide-and-seek with a child, one calculated to frustrate and disappoint rather than fondly engage and delight? What Jesus teaches us is that we never approach God as reluctant beggars hoping for a handout, but as persons and communities confident that winding up empty-handed is never our lot.

When you hear them, give them time to take root. They may come as a word or phrase or image; but however they come, notice how they strike a deep chord in you. As you do, remember that the real word God often speaks to us is holy, silent presence, an experience that starts in God and returns to God, a presence that has a life of its own.

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Be sure to write down what comes to you: writing has a permanent quality to it that keeps us faithful in remembrance, accountable in practice. As you write your words, which ones familiar in both their comfort and their challenge, and which ones are new, fresh, and surprising?

Lord, Teach Us To Pray | The Disciple Maker

Think of the familiar words as the continuities of your life with God, and think of the words that seem new as the discontinuities of your life of faith. To what dimension of your life do your words speak? Might God be trying to coax you into a fuller, deeper life? Do you find a different word each time you pray this Gospel, or do you keep coming back to the same word, phrase, or image each time?

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How might these words be opportunities of grace for you? Or, stated differently, what might love require of you right now? Instead of thinking of a word as a mere abstraction, step into the fuller biblical sense of word as how God speaks life into creation, the place where your life resides in God.

In this Blink segment, he explains how our response to the question "Who do you say that I am? In this segment, he explains there is nothing more fulfilling or exciting in this life than to follow the Lord Jesus and the way of love He shows us.

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Sanctify your day. El padre Carlos Suarez, celebra la misa del 12 de enero de There is no such thing as a bad prayer. Stay in Touch! Prayer is about relationship, conversation, and just spending time with God.

Lord, Teach Us To Pray

Virtuous Habit. Holiness is tangible and practical.

TEACH US TO PRAY by THE HAVEN OF REST QUARTET (Pls. see description for the Lyrics)

We should be able to see holiness in our every day lives. Virtues Lead to an Abundant Life. The Baptismal Call.

  1. See a Problem?!
  2. The Curse;
  3. What Do You See.
  4. A Good Scare;
  5. Baptism is the beginning of our life with God.