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Looking to move to London? Then read my living & working in London guide! Tips & advice on how to move, live & find work in the world's greatest city.
Table of contents

Most people in London join houseshares. While the thought of sharing a toilet seat with Jonny Random might freak you out, it is a huge part of London life, a great way to meet new friends and of course save some pennies. Average cost of living London is the most expensive city to live in in the UK and 8th in the world no big shocker there so it is important that you budget accordingly. Yes, the city can be pricey but this is no secret. People have been complaining about the cost of living in London for years.

There are certain things that you can do to help. Things like changing your energy provider, using a railcard and making the most of happy hour can help you to save some cash. London is about so much more than money. If you really love the city that will only be one small part of it. Weekend life London is a hub for young professionals so naturally enough there is an abundance of things to keep you occupied at the weekend.

Pubs, restaurants, theatres, free outdoor events, gigs, shopping, sport. Yes, even things like skiing or beach volleyball.

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The only problem you will encounter is having enough time to do them all. Make the most of living in one of the most exciting cities in the world. Top tips from expats in London We reached out to five people who have lived and worked in London to find out their advice for newbies. This will give you a chance to get to know people and suss out different areas that you would like to live in. Whether it be adult recreational sports leagues, exploring the history of the city or parking yourself in a pub all day.

Load up your oyster card but be prepared to also load up your iTunes and maps as there is no service down there. People move fast and furious and lift tourists out of the way, so get into the right lane and stay there. I mean it, stay there.

The Ultimate Guide: Living and Working in London

She's a keen traveller and a self-proclaimed lazy runner. Press enter to begin your search. No menu assigned! No Comments. London is the place to be for young professionals. The lure of jobs, culture, and an exciting social scene has been drawing people to this urban mecca for decades. In fact, the population is made up of an impressive number of young workers. Are you tempted to take the plunge and join the rat race in the big smoke?

London Expat Guide

Read our ultimate guide first. Average commute The average daily commute for Londoners is 84 minutes. Thankfully there is an abundance of public transport options that you can pick and choose from. Enjoyed this article? Recent Posts. What talent want from their careers in January 3, Why you need to change your career in January 2, Youth Influencer Series.

Australians Working in the UK | What's It Like?

Therefore you can begin to establish a relationship with the appropriate recruitment consultant and potentially have interviews arranged before landing! Employers in London highly respect the skills and knowledge that expats bring and find their experience easily transferrable.

London is a great market to be working in with a huge variety of industries to choose from. A great website for when you are looking for somewhere is: spareroom. Alternatively, you could find short-term accommodation on sites like AirBnB airbnb. Our advice?

How to get a working visa in the UK

Do not bother. London has very busy roads and parking can sometimes cost more than rent! Tolls and charges apply to most London routes.

Public transport is usually the best option for getting around. You will need to register as this will be required by your new employer and attributed to your payroll. Your tax rate will be based on the details you provide.

Find Out How to Get a Job and Work in London

For more information from HMRC, please click here. There are plenty of banks to choose from that would suit your requirements. To open a bank account, you usually need the following. We advise you call the bank before your appointment to double check!


Here is a link to the most recent tax rates. Summer months are great in London and the sun starts to shine around April through to September. The coldest months are usually December to February so make sure you have a nice warm jacket ready. The Summer has really long evenings and can sometimes be light up to 10pm.

Conversely the winter months will start getting dark at 3pm yes, 3pm!