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42 (forty-two) is the natural number that follows 41 and precedes Contents. 1 Mathematics Even if the tube does not pass through the exact center of the Earth, the time for a journey powered entirely by The book Douglas Adams' Amazingly Accurate Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything examines.
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ONE: Wow. Pause DT: Though I don't think you're going to like it. TWO: Doesn't matter!

  • My Friends & Heroes?
  • Blue and Green Tomorrow;
  • The 42 Biggest Questions About Life, the Universe, and Everything - VICE.

We must know it! DT: Now? TWO: Yes! DT: All right.

Question A-1: What does 42 mean?

Pause ONE: Well? DT: You're really not going to like it. TWO: Tell us!!!! The Answer to Everything ONE: Yes! DT: Is DT: IS DT: Forty two.

MIT News Office

Actually quite a long one TWO: We're going to get lynched, you know that. There are a few small differences to both the novel and what was eventually heard on the radio: It's apparently evening on the radio but morning in the book. There are three of the aliens talking to Deep Thought in the script but the episode reduces it to just two, a change the novel keeps. They don't get names until the novel.

Question A What does 42 mean? | arc42 FAQ

In the episode, Second Computer Programmer adds a "Yes! Second Computer Programmer's a fair bit more confident about that impending lynching than Phouchg. Withad Withad 2 2 silver badges 5 5 bronze badges. They are NOT Magratheans. Magrathea is the world where they make planets. Deep Thought was someplace else entirely.

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After Deep Thought, the magratheans were hired to build the Earth as a computer to figure out the question to the answer. Except it quotes from the radio play rather than the book.

42 - The Meaning Of Life

JRE You're quite right. I've corrected it to "aliens" since "mice" isn't strictly accurate and doesn't make sense out of context anyway. As far as I can recall, they're never given an actual species name. DougM DougM 1 1 1 bronze badge. New contributor. Adams himself said that it was coincidence: "I may be a sorry case, but I don't write jokes in base F1Krazy: Thanks for that. I admit that I did not spot that when I skim-read the answers. Also, I have only just discovered this site.

All were eventually solved, or proved unsolvable, using various techniques and supercomputers, except for two numbers: 33 and Booker says he received many offers of help to find the answer, but instead he turned to his friend Andrew "Drew" Sutherland , a principal research scientist in the Department of Mathematics. Sutherland, whose specialty includes massively parallel computations, broke the record in for the largest Compute Engine cluster , with , cores on Preemptible Virtual Machines , the largest known high-performance computing cluster to run in the public cloud.

Booker and Sutherland discussed the algorithmic strategy to be used in the search for a solution to Using the Charity Engine network is also more energy-efficient. Booker and Sutherland say there are 10 more numbers, from , left to be solved, with the next number being But both are more interested in a simpler but computationally more challenging puzzle: whether there are more answers for the sum of three cubes for 3. While it is conjectured that there should be infinitely many solutions, despite more than 65 years of searching we know only the easy solutions that were already known to Mordell.

Ryan Mandelbaum writes for Gizmodo about the efforts of principal research scientist Andrew Sutherland and others to use a crowd-sourced supercomputer to solve a math problem that scientists have been working on since the s. MIT News Office. Browse or. Browse Most Popular. This time next year he will be 43, and over-familiarity with his music will be breeding contempt.

The same will be true of Brian Cox. Not him again, we will think.

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So what is it about the age of 42? In biology, geography, theology, history and, oh, everything else, it is all about Mathematicians at Princeton believe that 42 provides the connection between prime numbers and quantum physics. Astronomers at Cambridge have found that 42 is the value of an essential scientific constant — one which determines the age of the universe. And guess what the ideal age for an astronaut is, according to Nasa?

But I suppose there might be a two- or three-year margin of error.

Things had gone downhill for her after that.