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Laski, Morris Cohen and Felix Frankfurter. Roscoe Pound was pompous and impressive, and made an eminently re- spectable appearance.

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As Frankfurter admits in his autobiography, he was an excellent "Trojan Horse. Legal precedents and the old rights of individuals must give way to "social engineering" — a term later popularized by the Swedish socialist Gunnar Myrdal, whose propa- gandist book The American Dilemma was the chief authority cited by the socialized Supreme Court in its revolutionary school de- segregation decision in Harvard Law School indoctrinated its students, many of whom in turn became proselytizing professors, with the theory that the law is a "social study. Bluntly, it was socialized law.

These professors taught men who are now Supreme Court Justices. According to this new "social science" now administered by the Supreme Court instead of our former law, decisions are based not on precedent, but on their effect on promoting the kind of society which the socialized Supreme Court thinks best for us. This is sub- stantially the same as the legal system openly avowed by the Soviet slave drivers. Most important, communications media — newspapers, maga- zines, radio and television — are dominated by socialistic thinking, and naturally praise each new step of the Court toward collectivism.

Intoxicated by this applause, encouraged by the Federal executive department, and emboldened by the hitherto supine acceptance of its usurpations of authority by Congress, the Court has steadily in- creased the tempo of its lawless march to the left. Scarcely a Mon- day goes by in the nine months when the Court sits, without at least one revolutionary decision, and these illegal amendments to the Constitution are immediately hailed by friendly publicists as "the law of the land".

It has gravely handicapped the prosecution and punishment of criminals of all sorts, including particularly those charged with subversive activities. On Monday, June 22, , the last day of the ses- sion, the Court amended the Constitution twice: first, it annulled an Act of Congress, barring known Communists from foreign travel; second, it extended its ban on the questioning of suspects by State authorities, with the evident ultimate objective of barring all ad- missions thus obtained, whether made voluntarily or not On the same day, it reinforced its earlier unprecedented decisions pro- tecting books from State obscenity laws one case absolved Tropic of Cancer ; and summarily held unconstitutional the legislative ap- portionment statutes of nine states.

As might be expected, all the amendments enacted in this extra-legal way have favored socialized law, and have tended to destroy the power of the States and to create a centralized tyranny of the executive and the judiciary in Washington. The Court has also invalidated Acts of Congress which conflicted with its novel constitutional notions. Most of the enormous inroads upon the American system of government made by the counterfeit "social sciences," hereinafter more fully described, have been camouflaged by wolves in sheep's clothing.

A sketch of this is the frontispiece of The Great Deceit. The old fable has great pertinence to our country's present plight. The wolves unmasked are less to be feared, no matter how much they snarl and show their teeth.

Moral, legal and social attitudes seem to have undergone a drastic change. Human values that have developed over thousands of years, have been discarded or drastically altered. Attitudes as to what is right or wrong have become uncertain. Individual thrift and storing up for the future have been con- verted from fine virtues into social evils.

The building up of private enterprise is pictured as exploitation and economic piracy. Alvin H. Hansen here complains that " This standard college text book used in most colleges declares ". Overstreet, The Mature Mind, W. Norton, N. Under the guise of "social science" Mr. Overstreet a socialist for more than 40 years writes: "Most of the subtler forms of stealing Quiz Show Twenty-One was rigged.

He also admitted that he had falsely denied his misconduct under oath 4 The curious significance of this act went beyond the fact that a professor of a top American university lent himself to such a nation-wide fraud, and then perjured himself. The entire nation was inundated, as if by a pre-arranged signal, with a massive propaganda trying to minimize Van Doren's offense. Since unlike Alger Hiss he confessed his guilt, leftist apologists had to fall back upon the com- mon cliche of the "social sciences" by blaming his crime on society in general, thereby watering down Van Doren's individual guilt, just as they are accustomed to do in the case of the most atrocious crimes.

This campaign was successful to a considerable extent in quiet- ing public indignation, an indication of a deteriorating public sense of morality and ethics. Why was this nation-wide campaign waged to water down the guilt of an obscure professor of English?

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The answer is that Van Doren is a member of a well-known literary family, of left-wing in- clinations. The Van Dorens are deeply involved in the field of writing and publishing thereby reaching millions of Americans.


Mark Van Doren, the father of Charles, has a long history of socialist a ". Chapter I of this work opens up with the mention of "deviates" as being persons guilty of sexual abberations. The final chapter groups leaders, inventors and scientists as being an obstacle in the process to the "socialization of the individual", having already associated them with the smear words "deviate" or "deviant".

This, it must be remembered, is taught to thousands of students in institutions of higher learning, from coast to coast. World Almanac , pp. The children of these "progressives" have been raised upon a diet of unfettered self expression, according to John Dewey's pre- cepts. Not only their own children but the children of millions of Americans have been subjected to these "progressive" innovations.

American cities, by and large, have been infected by juvenile delin- quency which coincides with the growth of "progressive" education. The socialistic innovators of the progressive system, however, did not anticipate that the ravages of this method would reach their own offspring.

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  5. In the case of Charles Van Doren the chickens seem to have come home to roost. This is not the first time that an organized public furor was created as a smoke-screen to confuse the issue when prominent indi- vidual members of the clique known as the Establishment have been involved in some outstanding scandal. The socialist cyst On November 11, , Alger Hiss, the accused Soviet spy and convicted perjurer, highlighted a nationwide television program en- titled "The Political Obituary of Richard M.

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    Richard Nixon like many Americans was convinced that the fight against the enemies of America was restricted only to the com- s Mark Van Doren has an extensive record of activity in communist fronts. Be- longing with him to the first front cited below were such persons as Sherwood Anderson, Roger Baldwin. Merriam, Hendrik W. Van Loon, and E. These were all socialists of the Fabian type, and the organi- zations in question actually were socialist-communist fronts. Attorney General Francis A. Biddle, May 28, ; and waa active on behalf of the Schappes Defense Committee.

    This committee was set up to defend an admitted communist fired from City College of New York and jailed on the charge of perjury. He had built his repu- tation and his political fortunes mainly on his role in exposing Alger Hiss and the Soviet spy system in this country. Like many others he failed to understand that there is a working sympathy and under- standing between all the major radical and left-liberal elements in opposing our institutions of individual liberty and free enterprise.

    All shades of radical opinion rallied behind Alger Hiss. Mark Van Doren was also on the staff of the Nation, the left-wing periodical which has reflected throughout the years the philosophy of Fabian socialism in this country. Chambers wrote that "Mark Van Daren's personal influence on his students was great — in my case, powerful and long-lasting. Van Doren and his fellow-thinkers throughout the nation were influential enough to create a hysteria in behalf of Hiss which is unique in our own nation's history.

    It was then that Chambers realized that ".

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    What I hit was the forces of that great socialist revolution, which, in the name of liberalism, spas- modically, incompletely, somewhat formlessly, but always in the same direction, has been inching its ice cap over the nation for two decades. The great social threat was not just the communist conspiracy but went much deeper. It represented a force which had been insinuating itself into the control centers of our country for a long time. The elements of the socialist forces aiming for control of the United States can be traced back well over years and during that entire period social- ists often covered themselves with the specific designation of "social scientist".

    Whittaker Chambers shrewdly observed that "Were it not for a socialist cyst within it, mere political expediency would scarcely stop any party from cleaning house of its Communists, a project that, pushed with vigor and sincerity, could only redound to its credit. In the 's there was an astounding growth of communist front organizations with tentacles reaching into almost every com- munity in America.

    The director of the Federal Bureau of Investi- gation, J.