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Kenny Ramzai was a dispatcher for a small town on a remote planet. It was just a job while attending college to study alien races. Or was it? His superiors.
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Star formation happens on relatively short timescales, while galaxy-galaxy interactions occur on longer timescales; both are fundamental to shaping a galaxy.

Confessions of an Intergalactic Anthropologist

Secondly, in astrophysics one cannot separate space and time, just as here, one cannot separate the music from dance. This makes me wonder if there is a framework in Kichwa language that is closely connected to my research on how galaxies grow through merging. We could argue that Kichwa performance of Pachamama provides an alternative framework or scenario to explain galaxy evolution. Jessie : I agree. I know that people in the Andes have had an advantage of being able to see stars and galaxies in both hemispheres, plus they have had many mountain peaks to use as a means to measure their observations.

But how would it have been possible for people to observe galaxy evolution without a telescope? Jorge : The Milky Way our galaxy and its two satellites, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, are visible with the naked eye from sites in the southern hemisphere with little light pollution. Persian astronomer Al Sufi discovered Andromeda, our nearest galactic neighbor, in the tenth century.

See a Problem?

All throughout history, Indigenous Americans, Australians, Polynesians, South Africans, and Middle Easterners have observed and admired galaxies in the night sky. Jessie : This makes me wonder how our knowledge of galaxies in the sky is connected to the notion of spacetime in physics.

Jorge : On the astrophysics side, our understanding of galaxy evolution relies on the notion of spacetime in remarkable ways. For instance, the evolution of a galaxy in time depends on its location in the cosmos: galaxies in empty regions experience strikingly different histories from those inhabiting crowded environments. Jessie : This sounds a lot like us. My experience growing up in upstate New York was probably a lot different from yours in Mexico City. People are shaped by their interactions with other people. Similarly, galaxies are shaped by interactions with other galaxies.

And more crowded environments allow for more interactions. But there is more. The very existence of our own Milky Way galaxy is the result of generations of tiny galaxies contributing their stars to create our majestic home. And just like people, galaxies carry with them an ancestral memory!

Is this how astronomers describe galaxy evolution? Jorge : Not quite. Massive galaxies are considered to be at the pinnacle of galaxy formation because their growth relies on the destruction of smaller galaxies. Jessie : Such violent language. There is a term, tinkuy , which describes an energetic and sometimes violent process of entities meeting and balancing each other out.

Even if there may be violence, such as when people charge each other or throw large stones, a tinkuy is not viewed as a negative act. There is a strong taboo against going out to these dances with the intent to kill or severely injure someone e. To many, this may still seem extreme, but consider how people sometimes react differently to injuries or deaths in other activities, such as concussions in football or crashes in NASCAR.

Magnetic field may be keeping Milky Way's black hole quiet

Jorge : I would posit that the violent language we adopt in mainstream science to describe the universe is influenced by a history of colonial violence that gave rise to the dominant Western culture. Jessie : Many fields in academia, including ethnomusicology, are guilty of this too. Pacari We conceive of Indigenous people as distinct entities in terms of their customs, languages, dress or music, which come to be the most expressive elements that define them as unique.

However, it is not assumed that Indigenous people are bearers of their own system of thought. Pacari ; translation by Jessie M. Jorge : I agree. And the first step is to challenge the language we use in our fields, which is something I have been working on in astronomy. Jorge : Absolutely not. Changing the language is just a first step to challenging academic culture. The fact that violent language exists in my field is not just a mere historical curiosity, but as reflection of the fact that my community continues to be an exclusionary and hostile environment for marginalized folks.

The use of such language is not the problem itself, but a symptom.

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What we need to do is to interrogate institutions that allow such cavalier language to be the norm. Scientific knowledge is the result of collective effort, and often the labor of junior scientists—especially women of color—goes unrecognized.

Another step is to recognize that the glorification of competition, productivity and being busy in astrophysics culture is problematic. In my experience, the moment we value collaboration over competition, everyone benefits.

Intergalactic Courage - Entering the Field

We discussed how Western science employs violent language to explain galaxy evolution from one cultural perspective. This not only highlights how science is not truly objective or universal, but shows that science itself is a reflection of the underlying culture. If members of a society value capitalism, exploitation, and hierarchy, science developed within this culture will inevitably reflect these values.

Allowing ourselves to cross-pollinate ideas between the sciences and the humanities is powerful. Because our society values Western science over other types of knowledge, creating these bridges is important and urgent. In order to explain complex ideas, academics too often default to Western science, which is assumed to be objective. This is problematic and arrogant, and it effectively diminishes and erases Indigenous systems of thought.

As scholars embedded in the Western academy, it is our duty not only to interrogate our own frameworks, but also to make space for Indigenous ideas in order to decolonize our fields.

The McKee-Fields Sessions Part 1: Story Takes Flight

Jessie M. Vallejo is an assistant professor of music at Cal Poly Pomona. She identifies as Mexican Italian American; she is fluent in Kichwa and is a comadre of the Maldonado family in Kotama. She first began traveling to Kotama and studying with local musicians in Jorge G. Moreno Soto is an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at Pomona College and visiting scholar at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

Escape From The Forbidden Planet

Kristina Nielsen, Charlie Weber, Prof. His mom has a better idea in her mind, which is to put the controller down and go outdoors and find something creative to do. As if that's not enough pressure on Greg, Halloween is coming up and Greg wants to go to a big halloween party that one of his school mates are throwing. He doesn't have a costume which you need to even get in the party, and you also need to know how to play an instrument. His best friend Rowley plays an instrument, so Greg comes up with the bright idea that him and Rowley should get a costume that needs two people to complete the costume; and fortunately it works and they both get in.

I feel everyone should read a Diary of a Wimpy book at least once in their life. It is for sure my favorite series of books and no other book tops it, and always Jeff Kinney is a great author as well. Collard lll Date Publish:March 28, Gener:Non Fiction Pages SUMMARY: Catching Air taking a leap with gliding animals is about exotic animals in the forest gliding out of danger by spreading there skin apart and making a way for the animals to glide on the air from high areas and flying off.

There really asnt any main character in the book because it gave a description of each animale that could spread their skin out to get out of danger such as :a squiral , lizzard ,bats an d birds and finally but not least a frog. Basical its just somthing that will help the animal live longer. KEY TERMS: Tricky; i chose the word tricky is because its could be hard to get away from an predator ,but with the gliding Technics they have a better chance of survival Determination: with the way that the animals was made to get away from there predator they had determination to live My opinion through this whole book that i was amazed at how many animals had stretchy skin i never knew lizards could fly.

I think that was the best thing i read through the whole book and also when i read about the little bats. This book was about a 13 year old boy named Greg, whose family decides to skip Christmas one year to go to a resort in Mexico for a week. Greg was instantly against this idea, but he didn't have a say in this decision. Once Greg saw the promotional video for the resort, he saw all of the fun activities that he could do and was getting excited. Once he got to the resort, he was in for a bad surprise. It was going to be a very long week. My opinion on Diary of a Wimpy Kid is that it is hands down the best series of books for young boys.

I have always loved the series and continue to read them to this day. Jeff Kinney is one of my favorite authors of all time. He grew up in a household with his parents and two younger brothers. His father was never around and his mother suffered from mental and alcohol-related problems. This lead up to his mother brutally abusing Dave. He was starved, beat, and mentally abused.

Intergalactic Beings

Dave's main goal was to survive and push through his mother's wicked games. My opinion on this book is that it is one of the main books that I enjoyed reading and that I didn't want to stop reading. I would ever enjoy reading it a second time. I am hoping to read more of Dave's books. Later on in the story he had a race with an automatic drill to see who could go through the mountain the fastest. In doing so, it left a big twist in the end of the story. Key Points: - Courage John Henry had the courage to battle against the automatic drill -Determination - He was really determined to finish his goal and to not give up Opinion: I think this story was pretty cool, it was a different kind of book that I never read before.

I looked at all the books that the author wrote and I think this book is the one that looks the most interesting. They aren't love letters that anyone else wrote for her; these are the ones that she wrote. One for every boys she loved. When she writes, she can pour her heart and soul and say all the things she would never say in real life, because her letters are for her eyes only. Until one day, her secret letters were mailed and suddenly Lara Jean's love life goes from imaginary to out of control. Opinion: My opinion about the book is that it is really good and I enjoyed it.

Rafe does not really like the idea of Middle School, he thinks of it as jail, in the book there's a picture with him in the back of a police car. Of course he is not really going to jail but that's the way he pictures middle school is and will be and he makes the readers picture certain people and things as he wants us to. Rafe only has one friend named Leo the Silent.

The last part of Leo's name is important because Leo can't really be seen and doesn't actually speak because he's Rafe's imaginary friend. Leo sometimes influences Rafe to do bad things which leads to Rafe getting in trouble at home with his mom or at school with teachers and his principal. Rafe already has made another "friend" the school bully Miller who is making middle school even harder for him and the teachers insist on all of the students following every single rule.