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Doctors Gone Wild eBook: Gerry Oginski: Kindle Store.
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Department of Health and Human Services recently said it would fund the development of a new generation of what it called novel, unconventional intelligent applications that could help people make complex health decisions. Specifically, the agency said it is looking to develop intelligent computer programs that could combine a person's computer-based health records and knowledge sources in the public domain. The intelligent computer program should be able to explain its reasoning and defend its conclusions to the patient, and state the certainty and reliability of its recommendations.

Naomi, this is a doctor's office not Girls Gone Wild. - TV Fanatic

Really sensitive chips: While Duke is looking to advanced chips for DNA processing, Stanford researchers say they have developed a new biosensor microchip that could speed up the drug development process. According to Stanford researchers , the microchips, packed with highly sensitive "nanosensors," analyze how proteins bind to one another, a critical step for evaluating the effectiveness and possible side effects of a potential medication. A single centimeter-sized array of the nanosensors can simultaneously and continuously monitor thousands of times more protein-binding events than any existing sensor.

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Over 50? You'll like this: Few things can inspire grown men to shake and sweat like the prospect of the over colonoscopy.

Crazy Busy

Researchers at Tufts University's School of Engineering say they are using fiber optic sensors, quantum dots and digital display electronics to develop a new endoscope, the scary-looking tool that doctors use to perform the exam. Without getting into the gory details, Tufts endoscopic fiber optic shape tracker EFOST basically lets a doctor see and navigate the colon better and most important, with less pain.

Big Blue goes after big disease: IBM and the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology this year said they have developed new types of polymers were shown to physically detect and destroy antibiotic-resistant bacteria and infectious diseases like Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, known as MRSA. Discovered by applying principles used in semiconductor manufacturing, these nanostructures are physically attracted to infected cells like a magnet, allowing them to selectively eradicate difficult to treat bacteria without destroying healthy cells around them.

If commercially manufactured, these biodegradable nanostructures could be injected directly into the body or applied topically to the skin, treating skin infections through consumer products like deodorant, soap, hand sanitizer, table wipes and preservatives, as well as be used to help heal wounds, tuberculosis and lung infections. IT disaster hub? Could telemedicine networks be harnessed to save lives in the event of a national or international disaster? Researchers with Cornell, the University of California-Davis and others think so.

Doctors Gone Wild

They wrote a paper recently that states: "A regional telemedicine hub, providing linkage of a telemedicine command center with an extended network of clinical experts in the setting of a natural or intentional disaster, may facilitate future disaster response and improve patient outcomes. Nano worms under your skin: Researchers at MIT and Northeastern have come up with a system for monitoring biomedical indicators that could lead to implantable devices that would let, for example, people with diabetes check their blood sugar just by glancing at an area of skin.

According to MIT's Karen Gleason these " microworms ," can then be injected under the skin to form a fluorescent "tattoo. The light emitted by the fluorescing chemical "is visible to the human eye, and thus can be directly interpreted by the patient without the need for bulky monitors," Gleason stated.


Robato's wife, the nurse: Surgeons of the future might use a "vision-based hand gesture recognition" technology system that recognizes hand gestures as commands to control a robotic scrub nurse or tell a computer to display medical images of the patient during an operation. The approach uses a camera and specialized algorithms to recognize hand gestures as commands to instruct a computer or robot. The stuff was wildly dangerous it seems and everyone knew it, but kept prescribing it at will and whim.

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The most shocking to me was finding that the best any of them might do is help you sleep 10 to 20 minutes longer every night. Really, is that all?

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  • Why bother? Figures culled from IRS and Affordable Care Act reporting requirements now reveal that nonprofit hospitals with tax exemptions requiring that they provide charity care and community benefit only average 7. Of course the most ludicrous example of hospitals gone wild is the grossly inflated and fabricated costs where a Band-Aid is worth hundreds of dollars and there can be differences in prices for the simplest procedures of many, many times over.