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SYNOPSIS: Michael Shayne's 35th case. It started when Anita Rogell's little dog died after eating a plate prepared for her spinster sister-in-law. This after Anita's.
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The Private Practice of Michael Shayne by Brett Halliday

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Washburn said. And she can certainly claim to know her stuff, having written, or co-written with her husband, fellow crime writer James M. It continued for almost three decades as one of the few digests to offer detective fiction of a noticeably harder type than was generally available.

Die Like a Dog

Each issue featured a Mike Shayne story by "Brett Halliday," ranging from word short stories to 20, word novellas. However, this "Brett Halliday" was not Davis Dresser, but a house name used by a variety of other writers, several of them quite accomplished detective writers themselves, including Dennis Lynds aka Michael Collins , the most prolific, with 88 stories , Sam Merwin Jr. In fact, Halliday also gave up writing the Shayne novels in with Murder and the Wanton Bride , although of course it continued, being ghosted by such other writers as Robert Terrall , Ryerson Johnson and Dennis Lynds.

One of the ingredients of the formula Halliday had concocted in , and to which he had faithfully adhered during his tenure as Shayne's writer, was a certain timeless quality.

  1. HJ Girls On the Road: Beat of the Drums: They know how to handle a man ... and theyre coming to your town (HJ Girls On the Road - Hands Across America Book 1);
  2. The Great China.
  3. Heat: A Monsoon Island Novel.
  4. e-book In a Deadly Vein (Michael Shayne, Book 7).

This allowed Shayne's other writers to continue writing novels into the seventies and for the short stories and novellas to regularly appear in Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine well into the eighties. But no matter who was doing the writing, Michael Shayne proved to be a popular character, not only in print, but in film, radio and even television. In , Michael Shayne, Private Detective , the first of a what would turn out to be a long string of films, was released with Lloyd Nolan playing Shayne as a cocky, wise-cracking chucklehead.

The comedic elements of the novels, such as they were, were definitely played up, with Shayne and Phyllis going at it in madcap screwball fashion, and Peter Painter was along for the ride, as well. The film was based primarily of the Halliday novel, The Private Practise of Michael Shayne , but it would be the last time one of his novels would be used as source material. Instead, novels by other crime writers were used, including Chandler, Frederick Nebel and Richard Burke; shoehorned into the Shayne mantle.

As a result, neither Phyllis and Painter were never seen again in subsequent films, although assorted girlfriends and wrongheaded cops seemed to be always on hand to complicate Shayne's life.

Series: Michael Shayne

Although mystery writer Brett Halliday got the credit for creating this detective and bringing him to radio, he never actually wrote any scripts -- although he was happy enough to pick up the royalty checks. There were three separate versions of this show over the years. In October it went coast-to-coast, lasting until November This third and last series went off the air in July In all versions, Shayne was "that reckless, red-headed Irishman" Halliday originally described, who used brain and brawn equally, though the writers tended to have Mike take the physical approach to solving most problems.

Easier to write, I guess. His assistant, a lovely blonde named Phyl Knight, was not prominent in most of the episodes. In , Michael Shayne having pretty much conquered almost every other medium, moved onto television, with Richard Denning, who had previously starred in Mr. North , stepping into the gumshoes of Shayne.

Patricia Donahue played Lucy Hamilton, but was replaced by Margie Regan about halfway through the show's first and only season. A few of the shows, however, were actually based on the books or at least named for them , and a number of episodes were penned by William Link and Richard Levinson. Turns out there was one more field to conquer, after all. The television show proved popular enough to spin off a Dell comic book tie-in. Surprisingly, perhaps, at least some of the comic stories were actually based on Brett Halliday novels, and not merely adaptations of T. You Lose , where Phyllis dies in childbirth.

I've always wondered what made Dell choose to go this route. Those early Halliday novels contained material that wasn't normally found in "good" comics -- drugs abounded, adultery was rampant, and the shortages in America during World War II were noted. And having the hero's wife die in childbirth? Not your typical comic book fare.

Dell made similar decisions with Ed McBain's 87th Precinct comics.

Masur, Frank Gruber, Brett Halliday, etc. The first of several collections credited to "Mike Shayne. The Shayne story, "Death Goes to the Post," dates from Adam Lounsbery writes: "I know that a lot of secondary material and even experts in interviews contradict me, but I read the first two Shayne mysteries recently and realized that this movie's plot was clearly taken from the novel The Private Practice of Michael Shayne , and not from Dividend on Death , which is generally credited as the source.

For instance, the key plot point of switching pistol barrels to fool ballistics, the racetrack setting, and even the racehorse named Banjo Boy are all from Practice , not Dividend. A solid B, in all senses of the word. Based on Frederick Nebel's novel which had previously been filmed under its original title by Fox in A fellow P.

A surprisingly hard-boiled adaptation, complete with stabbings, shootings and plenty of rock'em sock'em action. Looks like I'm not the only out there with a serious jones for the Man From Miami. John Samony 's site just rocks the web. Bibliography, film, television, comics, radio, it's all here. He's also got the greatest collection of Mike Shayne cover art you've ever seen.

Unfortunately, the site is currently inactive, although it's been archived. Check it out, ya lout! Respectfully submitted by Kevin Burton Smith.

Michael Shayne: Private Detective () | Robert mcginnis, Elizabeth patterson, Mystery

And thanks for the "Gotcha! Copyright , thrillingdetective. All rights reserved. FILM But no matter who was doing the writing, Michael Shayne proved to be a popular character, not only in print, but in film, radio and even television. The pages in between are reserved for alcoholic refreshment.

Buy this book.. Kindle it! The Private Practice of Michael Shayne The Uncomplaining Corpses Tickets for Death Bodies are Where You Find Them The Corpse Came Calling Michael Shayne's Long Chance Murder and the Married Virgin Murder is My Business