Guide Dangerous Virtues: Purity

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Purity, Honesty, Chastity—they were all admirable traits, but when they came in the form of three headstrong, spirited, sinfully lovely sisters, they were.
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In this definition only virgins, or good women, can be raped. This idea seems so antiquated that it is laughable, and yet the purity myth continues, buttressed by the nostalgic ramblings of Senators. Who could want me now? I felt so dirty and so filthy. There are headlines in the news every week that ooze with either evidence or prurience or moral panic. People are drawn to the idea of abstinence only education due to religious or moral reasoning.

We are curious about this great harm that has come to Christian kids, but we surmise that much of it is related to the guilt that came when they broke their promises to God and to themselves. Our children were protected by the purity teaching boundaries and Truth do this , but I can see that certainly the guilt and shame would have been heavier had they given up their virginity before they married.

And here they would have relied on the most crucial of all teachings of the Word — that God forgives our sins. Boundaries are highly beneficial for children and young adults. Beaty appears to be searching for answers that will rightly place the teaching of purity on the positive reasons for keeping the marriage bed and bonds sacred, instead of on the shame of sex outside of marriage.

Sometimes the piece you carry is very unpleasant and worse than drinking a cup of spit as you pick up their herpes, HPV, and a bunch of potential STDs, but sometimes it can be very pleasant memories that should belong only to your spouse, yet your mind wanders to another body at the time it should be bonding in greater intimacy with your spouse.

Yes, sin has its short- and long-term consequences on this earth. Sex before marriage is not free, but comes sometimes at a great cost, including babies outside of marriage, and worse yet, the murder of that unborn baby that follows. We wonder how much Ms.

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Beaty and others want to find a way to whitewash these costs by limiting or eliminating the teaching on the evils of pre-marital sex. They think that if we stop teaching how bad sex before marriage is and start teaching how important it is to keep the marriage bed sacred for its positive benefits, then the psychological and emotional scarring done to her and others when they sin will be lessened or disappear.

Where do we turn?

The Transformed Wife

The Song of Solomon? Does God give us such a complete picture of the absolute bliss of sex within marriage in this little book? Did God just screw up His Word on this important matter when He says repeatedly things like:. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? God must not be teaching us right according to Ms. Beaty since 95 percent of His focus is on the negatives of sin outside of marriage instead of teaching us the positives inside of marriage.

They do not want to take it to the cross where it belongs. The sad commentary on our world is that when shame disappears a society collapses, and now the Christians want to jump on board the feel-good gospel. Guilt and shame are not bad things when they drive us back to Jesus and His saving grace. But if the sinner will not repent and is unwilling to cast their sins upon the cross in 30 A. They want to sterilize the purity movement of its accurate message of the cup filled with spit because after all, is not sex a beautiful thing? It sure is, and that is why God wants to protect us from its scars.

Is it possible that many are simply confusing the scars of their sins by blaming the purity movement because the guilt and shame hurts? Sex outside of marriage and overeating should not be causing emotional pain, should they? My conclusion is that, unfortunately, Ms. Beaty has fallen into the same game that the lukewarm Church wants to play with concerning sin.

Shame on them for emphasizing exactly what God emphasizes in the harms and evils of sin, especially sex outside of marriage. After all, it feels too good to be bad! Teach self-control and abstinence until marriage. Teach the beauty of sex within marriage and that most men godly men, at least do prefer to marry virgins. One cannot keep sinning in the same manner and expect to feel dead to sin, freed from sin, and alive in Christ Jesus Romans 6.

There is truly a lot more to sex than just two bodies enjoying each other for a short time. God intended it to be a fantastic gift within the bounds of marriage. Freedom from all guilt and shame is available to all sinners the moment we place our sins on the cross of Christ. Do so today and God will indeed restore you and make you brand new in Christ, just as He has promised. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit.

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Except you missed the mark of why teaching purity is harmful. But teaching sex as bad has led to sexual dysfunction in women who remained abstinent until marriage.

Protecting the Virtue of Purity

Their bodies physically shut down because being told sex is bad their whole lives made it so ingrained their bodies see it as an actual threat. This is why the purity culture is harmful, it is ruining the intimacy that married couples should be experiencing and causing pain, shame, confusion even within marriage and those who remained abstinent. If people are doing it the right way, remaining abstinent and getting married before having sex, why do they still feel shame?

Purity (Dangerous Virtues Series)

There was an article a woman wrote about how she saved sex for marriage and it was the worst decision of her life and how when she had sex for the first time she hid in the bathroom and cried because of the shame she felt. He taught it was good within marriage; where God designed it to be engaged in just as parents should be doing with their children. I remember reading the story of the woman who cried in the bathroom on her wedding night.

I can relate-I was so incredibly anxious the night of my wedding, I refused a piece of my own wedding cake at the reception. I married at Learning to eagerly share it with my husband and accepting that he does enjoy it has been a challenge. I believe most women have some type of fear on their wedding nights if they are virgins since it can be painful.

Christian Liars: The Most Dangerous of Them All?

KSM — I was 26 — with no past experience and I completely understand both the anxiety and the shame which you felt about your wedding night. The anxiety is as Lori says entirely reasonable and natural as with any new and potentially painful experience. As a very committed Catholic, brought up with the example of Our Lady, I did feel a great deal of shame, to be loosing the purity the importance and significance of which had been drummed into me and which I valued enormously. A new vocation, for which purity is the preparation. The fact that a Godly woman values her virginity and is anxious at the physical side of marriage and the expectation of motherhood, all natural emotions is not a reason to stop teaching girls to value themselves and wait for marriage.

Your statement is exactly what I hope to teach my child-to respect themselves for God and for their future spouse. I felt like damaged goods on my wedding night because of the loss of my virginity to my husband. Thank you for your encouragement! I think you can absolutely teach purity without trappings such as balls and rings—which frankly seem a little creepy to me, putting forward the father in a faux-bridegroom role.

The Bible has plenty to say about the evils of fornication, yes, and so does science STDs, unintended pregnancy. The other item missing is encouragement to marry early. Howevermuch the secular world protests, the sexual revolution has inflicted huge amounts of physical and mental damage—far more than purity culture, which arose in reaction to it. She will be much less likely to engage in promiscuity and will be faithful in marriage. I watched a documentary on the purity culture years ago and the young daughters LOVED having this purity ball with their fathers.

They felt loved and special. I see nothing wrong with this and many things wrong with our wicked culture today. Children must be taught to fear sex outside of marriage as the fear touching a hot stove. After all, the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God. He sure gives us plenty of reasons to fear sexual immorality in His Word. How can we do no less? Like Christ, we can see Socrates attempting different forms of language to try and commune, be unified with, to midwife the truth between himself and others.

Like Christ, Socrates was ultimately killed by his own people, perhaps even by some of the young men in dialogue with him about communicating lies or truth. Adam and Eve run into the shadows away from the pure light, and they live in us in that chiaroscuro world of shadows, complexities away from the unified light, the purity and simplicity of God. Complexity of desires, wounds, ego, and solipsism, all communicated by different kinds of language, or rhetoric, is the rampaging, over-fertile soil in which the liar can grow. It is a battle of life and death, of truth and lies.

Lies are myriad, and the truth has a unity so that even small truths are intimately connected to the Whole, in simplicity and purity. Have we fallen into the lie about ourselves? But if protected by lack of knowledge, lack of relationship, lack of truth, anything—even something that by itself may be good—anything or anyone, even liturgy or doctrine, becomes just a tool for the erecting of a self- eidolon. I witnessed a great writer fighting for Christian causes in public spheres turn and slander a four-year-old child and a family to the Christian community around them, effectively ostracizing and scapegoating an imperfect, yet decent family.

And Christians like this prey on the trust of those basically good people who believe them. I do not know you. If I have done this, even out of fear or insecurity, I may find the Lord saying it to me, and this is the worst thing that can befall me.