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The remote has stopped working do you: Did you shower today?, It's the middle of the night and you need to pee.
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In a recent study, we aimed to assess if our automatic attraction toward sedentary behaviours is engraved in our brains. The participants in this study also had to play the manikin game, but this time, electrodes were measuring their brain activity.

How Lazy Are You Actually?

The results of this experiment show that to get away from sedentarity images, our brain has to deploy a greater amount of resources than to get away from physical activity images. In daily life, getting away from the omnipresent opportunities to be sedentary in our modern environment escalators, elevators, cars… would therefore require us to beat this sedentary attraction that is ingrained in our brains. Nevertheless, it should not be believed that we have solely evolved to minimise unnecessary effort; we have also evolved to be physically active.

Nearly 2 million years ago, when our ancestors were adapting to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, physical activity became an integral part of their daily life: they travelled on average 14 km per day. Natural selection thus favours individuals that are able to amass a large quantity of physical activity in an energy-saving way. These individuals were the ones whose physical activity was associated with the secretion of pain relieving, anxiolytic, or even mood-enhancing hormones.

The good news is that these hormonal processes are always present within us and they are only waiting for one thing: to be solicited. The first step toward an active lifestyle is to become aware of this force that is driving us to minimise effort. This awareness allows us to resist the countless sedentary opportunities that surround us. Moreover, much like our ancestors, the majority of us engage in a physical activity only when it is fun or necessary, so the best way to promote physical activity is to make it pleasant. It is therefore necessary to re structure our environment to favour it, especially during our daily trips.

The conflict between reason and emotions

Public policy should for example develop safe and well-maintained infrastructures and open public spaces, in order to favour access to places that are suitable for walking, biking and any other physical activity. This article was originally published in French. Lest we forget?

Masterclass guest lecture: Richard Hughes — York, York. Edition: Available editions United Kingdom. Concrete stairs are often broken down… Shutterstock.

How Lazy Are You? - Take the Quiz

No way! I'm not going to take any sport! I'd take any sport where you can feel the burn, and sweat! You take a look around your bedroom, and thought that it was very, very, messy. Clean up immediately! You just can't stand the mess, plus, you have lots of energy!


Clean up everything! From unmade bed to wall stains. And maybe do some redecorating after! Tidy up a little. The mess really IS bugging you, so why not clean up a bit? Ignore it. You'll clean it Leave it. I never clean my room! Cleaning sucks. It's Saturday afternoon. A time to relax and unwind. So, what are you most likely doing at a time like this? Play video games and stay inside. Sleep in Definitely not slacking around! I'll do anything active, like go for jog, take my dog for a walk, go to my kickboxing lesson Meet up with some friends and do some fun activities together like paintball!

Hang out with friends at a mall or movies. You have free time on your hands. How do you reply?

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Why don't you do it? Go ask someone else to do it! So yeah, bye! I know when it's happening because I spend most of my day focused on responding to emails instead of working on any of the important long-term projects on my "to do" list. If less than 1 percent of your working time is self-directed, then you're a lazy workaholic. Of course, there is no hard and fast rule here, but I'd argue at least 10 percent of your working time each week should be devoted to projects of your choosing.

How else will you ever reach your goals? That is, unless your goal is to become the most responsive puppy in the pen, ready to fetch on command.

You’re tired because … you have a thyroid problem

Please don't say that you're unable to carve out this time within the many hours you're already working. Be honest, and say that you're too lazy to do so. You're more comfortable working your butt off responding to other people's requests -- and that's fine. But come January, just promise not to wonder or complain about why you're no further along with your goals.

First, total the number of hours you worked last week. It's entirely possible that you don't have a clue -- I typically don't.