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Anne Bradstreet on the other hand sneaked in through the back door; her writings left much room for interpretation.

Anne Bradstreet

Her voice was equally challenging; not in its demanding strength but in its crafty manipulation. At first reading, this is a love poem written by a devoted wife. She expresses not only her love but also urges others to look to this couple as an example of married bliss. These lines speak of such trivial matters of earthly possessions and payment.

By This Poet

She attempts to place a size and value on love. In this, Bradstreet has strayed from the ethereal to the earthly; and in doing so, she diminishes the value of love. If her love can be compared to such an earthly thing as a mineral, if a value can be placed upon it, if it can be measured, surely its magnificence is overrated. Softly and cleverly hidden in endearing terms of affection towards her husband, Anne Bradstreet gives her own interpretation of salvation and how one can attain it.

In using this genre and style, Bradstreet mimics the writing style of the Great Men; a style well accepted throughout history.

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In doing so, Bradstreet sneaks onto the scene. Yes she is a woman. But her style is familiar, and therefore, she is allowed to continue. She cleverly carries this deceit forward in the next stanza where she hides within her theme, simply mimicking her muse, Bartas:. Bradstreet has set the scene for us.

The Works of Anne Bradstreet

This later poetry does not contain any allusions to public figures, history, science, or philosophy; rather, Bradstreet draws her inspiration from her everyday concerns, feelings, and personal relationships. The Poetry Foundation explains that in Bradstreet's private work, "in place of self-conscious imagery is extraordinarily evocative and lyrical language," and that the most important aspect of Bradstreet's evolution as a poet is "her increasing confidence in the validity of her personal experience as a source and a subject of poetry.

In the poem Anne Bradstreet discusses the themes of death and Solace, or relief from pain.

How and why does the speaker relate these two concepts? What warning does Bradstreet give in lines ? Bradstreet alludes that the book is no good Thus, the book should be kept away from the critics, who are sure to be brutal in their assessment. Anne Bradstreet: Poems study guide contains a biography of Anne Bradstreet, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

Anne Bradstreet: Poems essays are academic essays for citation.

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    Biography of Anne Bradstreet

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    The Works of Anne Bradstreet. Description Anne Bradstreet was one of our earliest feminists and the first true poet in the American colonies. This collection of her extant poetry and prose, scrupulously edited by Jeannine Hensley, has long been the standard edition of Bradstreet's work. Hensley's introduction sketches the poet's life, and Adrienne Rich's foreword offers a sensitive critique of Bradstreet as a person and as a writer.

    The John Harvard Library edition includes a chronology of Bradstreet's life and an updated bibliography. Product details Format Paperback pages Dimensions x x Other books in this series. Add to basket.