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In Ancient Dogon Wisdom: Life Lessons from the Hogon, Dynast Amir interviews the Hogon, the spiritual leader of the Dogon, and gains.
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But skeptics and ancient aliens proponents generally seem to agree that the Dogon could not have observed Sirius B or its orbit around Sirius A themselves. The only way Sirius B would have been visible to the Dogon and all other cultures is if it were a red giant a few thousand years ago, according to Liam McDaid, an astronomy professor at Sacramento City College and a senior scientist for non-profit organization The Skeptic Society.

If this were the case, anyone could have easily observed both Sirius A and Sirius B in action. Some say the ancients indeed described Sirius as a red giant. If Sirius B had been a red giant only a few thousand years ago, there would still be a bright and noticeable planetary nebula around it today.

No such nebula is seen. An X-ray image of the Sirius star system. Public Domain. Sagan and McDaid said it must have come from modern Western culture, others say this is unlikely.

A Hogon, a Dogon spiritual leader. Senani P. The theory that the Dogon possessed this advanced knowledge of Sirius B is based on the anthropological accounts of Dr. Marcel Griaule who visited the tribe together in the s. Dieterlen] has spent most of her life living with the Dogon and knows them and their traditions more intimately than anyone else alive, her opinion on a possible Western origin for the Sirius traditions of the Dogon is of the highest importance. During an interview for a BBC special, she had shown a year-old Dogon artifact representing the three stars of the Sirius system.

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They say that their ancestors were given the information from visitors from the system of the star Sirius. In —, anthropologist Walter van Beek studied the Dogon. He found the Dogon cosmology much different than reported by Griaule and Dieterlen. Van Beek said the Dogon understanding of the Sirius system was not clear or unified. He received various explanations from various Dogon sources, and some of them said what they knew of the system came to them from Griaule. A Dogon village.

Griaule has been criticized for using leading questions and planting the astronomical knowledge in the Dogon.

But, some interaction did occur, so it is not impossible that they came into contact with the information this way. Top Image: A n artist's impression showing how the binary star system of Sirius A and its diminutive blue companion, Sirius B, might appear to an interstellar visitor.

Public Domain Dogon people, Mali. CC BY 3. At Ancient Origins we believe that one of Read More. The rest of the Dogon do not support his claim nor do they support that Sigu tolo is Sirius at all. The entire thing was created to sell books and has not any basis in actual fact.

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The existence of the sirius twin stars and the fact that they circle one another was known to Indians several millenia ago. As a part of the marriage ceremony newly weds are shown the star s and asked to be like them always be close,havering around each other and be inseparable.

Point of Origin: Gobekli Tepe and the Spiritual Matrix for the World’s Cosmologies

This custom has been part of our marriage ceremonies foe years. Whether the knowledge came from 'aliens' or from a now-lost advanced civilization of earth-based humans, the fact remains that SOMEBODY in the distant past had to be capable of long distance space travel. Personally, I think it was both. If the Dogon Tribe was the only one with knowledge they "couldn't possibly have," I might buy the fact that it came from Western culture. But since ancients all over the world mysteriously knew what they "couldn't know," it had to come from somewhere! Puhleeze, if this site is going to maintain even minimal academic integrity, the least the article could do was reference the Conehead invasion from SNL.

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Ancient Dogon Wisdom: Life Lessons From The Hogon by Dynast Amir

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