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Start by marking “The Stonekeeper (Amulet, #1)” as Want to Read:​ Graphic novel star Kazu Kibuishi creates a world of terrible, man-eating demons, a mechanical rabbit, a giant robotand two ordinary children on a life-or-death mission.​ Amulet’s story is about a young girl named.
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When I get my chance to read them which I hope is soon then I'm sure it will be just as awesome as the first one! I recommend this book 4 stars out of 5. I left it as 4 just because I'm waiting for the other series so I want to see how it continues. Otherwise, this book is 5 star worthy. Overall, I recommend this book to people of all ages. It's an awesome book!!!

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LibraryThing member ChelseaRose. This book begins tragically, when a family gets into a car accident and the father dies, leaving his daughter and wife behind. The story then fast forwards to the mom, daughter, and a son driving in a car to their new house. Once they get to the house, it is clear that there is a lot of cleaning to do and while snooping around the girl, Emily, finds a necklace the Amulet and puts it on. In the night their mother goes into the basement to investigate a strange sound, and is eaten by a giant creature.

Emily and her brother, Navin, then enter an alternate world to save their mother. They find out that their grandfather has left the amulet and that Emily is the last chance of the alternate world for good to conquer evil. Their grandfather dies shortly after their arrival, but with the help of his assistants and friends they are able to get their mom back. She is unconscious and they have to get a special fruit in a dangerous place. They gain more help from a group of rebels and make several narrow escapes. The Elf King wants them dead, and at the end of the book the mom is still unconscious and we are left to breathlessly await the sequel.

The Stonekeeper: Amulet, Book 1

This is a fast read that is very engaging and the art work is stunning! Great for hesitant readers and potentially readers who struggle with English because the pictures are so vivid. LibraryThing member johnlobe. The first book in the Amulet series will engage readers with its accelerated plot and Kibuishi's gorgeous illustrations. The story does give one the sense that a lot of groundwork is being laid for the rest of the series. Many characters are introduced and a lot of back story is revealed but the effect is to peak our curiosity rather than overwhelm us.

Amulet: Book One [Episode 4] FINALE

Some of the content of the book will be to intense for younger children. LibraryThing member BernadeneC. This story begins with a tragic accident. The children are sent to live with a relative. As the children scout out their new surroundings alielns and monsters appear. The graphics go very well with the story line.

This book is great for teaching reading graphics with the story. In the library is a book that guides them to the Amulet. You will have to read this first book of the series to find out how the Amulet helps. LibraryThing member AnneBaron.

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After the death of her Father, Emily, her brother Navin and their Mother move into her Great Grandfather's abandoned house in the country. When cleaning and exploring the old house, Emily finds an amulet that later turns out to not only be magic but that it contains a stone that can grant someone the power to rule the land of Alledia; which is an alternate vision of our own earth.

This story takes Emily with the help of her brother and an assistant stuffed rabbit ,through the land of Alledia to rescue their Mother while coming up against enemies that want the powers of the Amulet that Emily wears. This was a very entertaining and captivating graphic novel. The story is well written and the illustrations are well done. As it is part of a series, I plan on reading the rest of the books in this series to see what happens next! LibraryThing member krau I picked this up at the library as I was perusing through graphic novels appropriate for kids.

This one looked neat, had great artwork, and didn't seem too complicated for a young child. We ended up not reading it together because it got a bit too scary for my son, but I read it on my own and really enjoyed it! Emily and Navin are moving into their mother's old childhood house; after the death of their father in a car accident their mother can't afford their old house and they are being forced to move.

In this house Emily finds a mysterious Amulet. There are also dark things in this house and Emily, Navin, and their mom accidentally find themselves thrust into a paralell world. When their mother is captured by a monster it is up to Emily and Navin to save her; the Amulet proves itself to be a great tool He is very into some of the Leap Frog Tag books that are graphic novels and so I thought this would be a neat book for him; but I would recommend this to kids in the 7 or older age range.

It's just a bit too scary for younger kids and some of the concepts underlying the story flew right over my son's head. The art in this graphic novel is well done; the characters are a bit sketchier than I am used to seeing but the color is done really well and the environments are beautiful. The story is definitely of the dark fantasy variety.

The Stonekeeper (Amulet #1) | Blakesburg Public Library | TinyCat

You have creepy houses, mysterious monsters, and kids fighting to survive. I enjoyed the fantasy and adventure elements; kids journeying to another world and questing to save their mother. I also enjoyed the added complexity of the Amulet and how it seemed to have a personality of its own. Emily and Nevin are great characters; they each have their own strengths and bring good things to the story. Emily has a lot of adolescent issues she is working through; she feels displaced and abandoned because of the move and her father dying.

The story gets increasingly complex and has enough subtle undertones to keep me interested as an adult. The pace was wonderful, there were no slow parts here. This book ties up the main story but starts up another story that will continue on in the next book. I thought the drawing of the characters could have been a bit better but was very impressed by the backgrounds. There are some creative ideas here and some we have seen before. Overall I really enjoyed this graphic novel.

I will definitely be reading the next one. I think this would be appropriate for ages 7 and up; it is a bit too scary for younger kids. Reading this book has made me take a look at other of Kibuishi's works; I would like to read his Flight series at some point too. Fans of adventure and fantasy will find a lot here to love.

Published on Jul 12, There's something strange behind the basement door After a family tragedy, Emily, Navin and their mother move to an ancestral home to start a new life. On the family's very first night in the mysterious house, Em and Navin's mom is kidnapped by a tentacled creature.

Now it's up to Em and Navin to figure out how to set things right and save their mother's life!.. SlideShare Explore Search You. Submit Search. Successfully reported this slideshow. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads.

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Amulet: Book 1: The Stone Keeper

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After the tragic death of their father, Emily and Navin move with their mother to the home of her deceased great-grandfather, but the strange house proves to be dangerous. Before long, a sinister creature lures the kids' mom through a door in the basement.