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The most effective strategy for treating ADHD consists of more than one approach​. There is some evidence that the combination of behavioral therapy with.
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Strattera is not considered to be addictive and does not have "abuse potential. For adolescents and adults who are prone to substance abuse or addiction, this medication might be a better alternative than stimulant medications. The medication, when taken as directed, provides hour relief from symptoms of ADHD.

That means, as a parent, your child will be able to complete homework in the evening and mornings might not turn into a daily power struggle because the medication is still working. Strattera appears to have some antidepressant properties and can help those who have symptoms of depression as well as symptoms of ADHD. When taking stimulant medications, those with depressive symptoms may need to add a second medication.

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With Strattera that may not be needed. This medication is often a better choice for those with Tourette's syndrome and ADHD because Strattera does not increase or aggravate tics.

Non-Stimulant ADHD Medication

It also causes some urinary retention, which in some people may cause a problem but for those children with nocturnal enuresis bed wetting , Strattera can help. Although you shouldn't use Strattera specifically for this reason, it may be an added benefit for children struggling with bed wetting. As with all medications, Strattera does have side effects.

Your prescription comes with a warning about a potential for suicide when on this medication. The warning indicates that children and teens may have suicidal thoughts while taking this medication.

ADHD Medication Choices

Other side effects for children and teens include:. Another disadvantage is that it takes three to four weeks of sustained used to reach full effectiveness. There may be a number of people that start this medication and give up before waiting a month to decide if it works. Some individuals with ADHD choose to take medication only as needed, when focus and attention are required for a period of time, and to not take it on days when concentration isn't required.

If this is best for you, Strattera isn't an option. Stimulant medications would be best. During the day while they are on the medication, she suggests providing small snacks and then serving a large dinner. Other side effects that can occur with stimulants include elevated heart rate and blood pressure, insomnia, and personality changes.

Gradually weaning your child down is not necessary since these medications are short-acting, and the side effects are temporary. The side effects will cease when the dose wears off. To prevent all kids and teens from abusing drugs, she recommends parents keep the medication in a lockbox and dole out the dose on a daily basis. Non-stimulant medications help to increase a neurotransmitter in the brain called norepinephrine, which can help control attention.

Many of these come in short- and longer-term versions. They can lower blood pressure and may cause some sedation in some children, Dr. DeSilva notes. However, she says that the side effects are generally quite mild. Occasionally, physicians may prescribe hypertension medication typically used for high blood pressure to treat ADHD, or antidepressants commonly used for mood disorders. Adults typically take the same medication as children and adolescents. Short-term, intermediate, and longer-acting forms of methylphenidates are commonly used.

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The right medication for adults is usually determined based on how long symptoms need to be controlled and any side effects the user experiences. When exploring ADHD treatments for your child, a combination of options will likely have the most benefit, according to Dr. DeSilva says.

ADHD Treatment: Exploring the Latest Options

OT for kids with ADHD includes activities to strengthen fine motor skills such as holding a pencil, picking up and releasing blocks, and cutting with child-safe scissors , activities to develop gross motor skills such as throwing a ball , and activities to regulate sensory processing such as spinning and swinging. While OT is not necessary for adults, other forms of behavioral health therapy or strategies can be an important component of the treatment equation.

There are many alternative or holistic approaches that can be used for children and adults with ADHD. The product looks like a blanket but is filled with items like rice, millet, or beads. This provides deep-touch pressure stimulation that helps users with ADHD including those with related sensory issues to focus better when they are using it.

Children with ADHD may also wear a weighted vest or clothing in the classroom. Another way to achieve a similar effect is by weighting backpacks with cans or heavy books that can help provide that beneficial input that helps children with ADHD to focus better. In the simplest terms, the organization inherent in a piece of music provides structure for kids who have trouble regulating their brain pathways. Music also increases chemicals in the brain that help with regulation, memory, and motivation.

Hallowell says that many people try various nutrients, supplements, vitamins, and herbs.

Advantages and disadvantages of parent-led behavioural therapy

Hallowell says, as well as physical exercise, which can also be helpful. DeSilva does not recommend it. The key for both kids and adults is working with a psychiatrist you trust to guide you on how best to manage your symptoms and monitor your progress. Hallowell reminds people. In order to help your child thrive, parents need to educate themselves on the condition and their options and how to help your child access the best options for his or her needs.

People with ADHD have a number of gifts, such as creativity, intuition, and drive. Therefore, he says that people should recognize these assets that make people living with ADHD so special. Sources: HelpGuide. Available at: www. Accessed May 13,