Air Belles Fleurs from Proserpine Libro 3 No. 5 - Score

Air Belles Fleurs from Proserpine Libro 3 No. 5 - Score eBook: Jean-Baptiste Lully, Johan Friederich Fibiger: Kindle Store.
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Inscribed to Pierre Joseph Guillaume Zimmerman by the composer. Presented for the first time at Paris, July 20, Partition piano et chant. At head of title: Manuscript in Adam's hand of Alcindor's Air, no. In the ""Nouvelle edition"" of the piano and vocal score. Partition piano et chant Deutsche Bearbeitung von 0. Mit deutschem und englischem Text Klavierauszug mit Text von Componisten. Presented for the first time at Barcelona, January 5, Paris, Edition Muteelle, ca. Inscribed by the composer. Musica di Franco Alfano. Opera completa per canto e piano-forte. This is an overture and not a symphony as the title indicates.

Arditi, who spent some time as a conductor in New York City, is remembered for his lilting waltz, ""Il bacio. Weichsel at Vauxhall, composed by Michael Arne. Thompson [] First edition. Signed by the composer. Consisting of all the songs, duettos and trio, with the overture in score as perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. The whole compos'd by Thomas Augustine Arne.

London, Henry Waylett [] First edition. The text of The judgment of Paris is by Congreve. The judgment of Paris was also first performed at Cliefden the same year. When the latter was published in , the music of ""Rule Britannia"" was added as an appendix. The music of Alfred was not published until The words by James Thomson were published separately three weeks after the performance. London, Oxford University Press, , p.

This is the first proof with Bizet's corrections. The first page blank has a note: Bizet"" There is a penciled note in another hand on the same page: Page 2 has a penciled note in still another hand: Piano and vocal score. Inscribed to Zimmerman by the composer. Presented for the first time at Paris, January 10, Paris, Ignace Pleyel [ca.

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The text is by MM. Presented for the first time at Paris, November 4, Scribe et Germain Delavigne. Paris, Maurice Schlesinger [] P1. Also known as Masaniello. Presented for the first time at Paris, February 29, Inserted is an autograph letter signed. To an unknown correspondent, declining an invitation, n. Planard, musique de D. Presented for the first time at Paris, September 18, Musique de Louis Aubert. Traduction anglaise par Hermann Klein.

Presented for the first time at Boston, December Presented for the first time at Paris, February 19, Written on paper with the water mark: This is one of the earliest existing manuscripts of Bach. It was discovered by Manfred Gorke in and played for the first time after its discovery, May 25, , at the Kreuzkirche in Dresden by Rudolph Mauersberger. Autograph Johann Sebastian Bach.

Kopfermann of the Royal Library, Berlin, in which this cantata is referred to as follows: Your own bass air is therefore, as you will see, the one missing in our parts. Bach's Magnificat is one of his most masterly creations. It was composed for performance at Christmas, , the first year of his cantorship at Leipzig. In its original form E-flat major it was interspersed, as was customary, with Christmas hymns; but the final form D major was without them cf. Praeludium pro organo cum pedale obligato. Prel and fugue, organ, S. Cambridge, Heffner, ] fascim. The Harrow replicas, no. Bach's Prelude and fugue in B minor, bv O.

Matthew Passion, published for subscribers only, was composed for Good Friday, , but remained in manuscript for a hundred years. It was eventually published as a result of the enthusiasm aroused by its performance under Mendelssohn in Hirsch, IV, ; Wotquenne, Bremner [] First edition. This is the first collection including three arias by Bach and five by Gluck. First edition of Bach's contributions and first English edition of Gluck's. From the Library of the Earl of Aylesford. Although called the third edition, strictly speaking this is the fourth, as of the Chorales first appeared in and The second edition, which was the first to contain the appeared in in four volumes and the third in The first page has a discarded version of that Part of the score which appears on the second page.

A manuscript title-page in the composer's handwriting is pasted over this. This includes a dedication: The plate number Z is written in at the bottom of the second page. A penciled note on the title indicates that the score was to be published by Zimmermann, St. From the collection of Michael D. Inscribed to Louis Albert Bourgault-Ducoudray by the composer. Written by Alfred Bunn, Esqre. Composed and dedicated to Val. London, Chappell [] P1.

Presented for the first time at London, November 27, This opera, the first by a native British composer to acquire international fame, includes two songs that are familiar wherever English is spoken: Frazer relating to this composition. Presented for the first time at Paris, July 15, The words are by Edward Fitzball. Inserted in Balfe's The Bohemian girl. Paroles de Sacha Guitry. Paris, Choudens [c] P1. The manuscript, written with the greatest care and exactness, offers a very instructive example of the opera seria cultivated in Italy at the close of the 18th century.

Basily held two of the most important official positions of the Church in Italy: As director of the conservatory in Milan from till , he was a teacher of Glinka and refused Verdi admission to the conservatory. Achille is a three-act opera following the pattern of the opera seria prior to Gluck. It contains twelve arias, three duettos and two quartettos with fourteen secco and eight accompagnato recitatives and two marches in between.

The opera is scored for two flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, horns, trumpets, and the customary strings. There are no chorus numbers and broad finales. A terzetto concludes the first act, a quartetto the second and a quintetto the short third act.

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The calligraphic make-up and the layout of this manuscript are an astounding achievement in view of the small size of the music paper and the by no means small orchestral apparatus which often required nine staves. Page-proofs with corrections and changes throughout in the composer's hand. Presented for the first time at London, March 4, , under the direction of Sir Henry Wood, to whom the symphony is dedicated. Rossini's Il barbiere di Siviglia with libretto by Sterbini is founded on Beaumarchais' comedy: Le barbier de Seville.

An interesting letter in response to one sent to him in which he apparently had been asked to recall a composition he had played on some social occasion many years previously. He expresses his regret that he is unable to recall it. Inserted in first edition of Rossini's Il barbiere di Siviglia, Rome, ca. Arietta con accompagnamento di piano-forte composta in diverse maniere da molti autori e dedicata a S. Principe Giuseppe di Lobkowitz The text is by Giuseppe Antonio Carpani Original manuscript of Beethoven's In questa tomba oscura. Corrections in red pencil. First edition of in questa tomba oscura.

Grove, ; Hirsch, IV, ; Nottebohm, p. Mis en partition par Henri Roubier This volume contains only the score for the sixth concerto with the caption title: The instrumental parts were published in cf. The concerto was composed and performed for the first time in This was published in? Beethoven worked on this, his only complete opera, for twelve years.

Begun in , the first version was performed in Vienna in under conditions which foredoomed it to failure. Revised and with a new overture, it was again produced in In Treitschke revised the libretto and Beethoven announced the approaching publication of the opera in its final form. It was now an established success and triumphantly performed in all the capitals of Europe.

Operas -- Vocal scores with piano

This is the first edition of the complete orchestral score. It is so rare that its existence was unknown to such authorities as Nottebohm and Thayer. Only 57 copies were subscribed for. The Simrock edition of has often been accepted as the earliest. The first complete edition of the piano and vocal score was published in Hirsch, IV, , Nottebohm, p.

An edition without the Overture and finales was published in Hirsch, II, 37 and 39; Nottebohm, p. Hirsch, IV, ; Nottebohm, p. Here, my dear [friend] I make you a little gift, an English dictionary. With regard to the vocal pieces, I think we should let one of the singers, who is going to sing for us, first sing an air, then we would do two numbers of the Mass, but with German words.

Look about you as to who could do this for us, it need not be exactly a masterpiece, if it only suits the music well. Inserted is the original manuscript of the first part of the pianoforte arrangement cf.

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Original manuscript, ca Inserted in the first edition of the score. Kerpen zugeeignet von Ludwig v. Lacks the second preliminary leaf: The famous ninth choral symphony. This is a sketch 12 bars for a vocal composition with Italian text, beginning: Heinrich Schenker, the great theoretician and Beethoven specialist, has expressed the opinion that this manuscript belongs to the studies which Beethoven wrote while studying with Antonio Salieri.

A Vienne chez Artaria []. The three parts as issued. Beethoven's Opus 1 is so rare that Nottebohm had never seen a copy and could describe only Cappi's reissue of This is one of the subscribers' copies and contains the list of subscribers following the title-page of the pianoforte part. Examples of the subscribers' issue are of extreme rarity. The trios were performed for the first time from manuscript by Schuppanzigh, Kraft, and Beethoven himself. An early composition of Beethoven, after a theme of Paisiello.

This did not retain its opus no. La cantata di Davide pentito [sic] -Tutte le mie speranze, terzetto del Sig: This manuscript of Bellini's student years is a copy of No. The composition is largely based on the great fragmentary Missa in C-moll, composed in Vienna in Melodramma posto in musica e dedicato alla Signora Giudita Turina da V. Text by Felice Romani. Piano and vocal score by Luigi Truzzi. Presented for the first time at Milan, February 14, Paris, Louis Gregh, Morel by the composer. Presented for the first time at Paris, June 4, Weldon by the composer.

Composed by Jules Benedict Ballad written by Miss Courtney. The words by Mrs. The words by Claribel. The music by J. Written by Jessica Rankin. The lead sheet words and music written for the collection by the composer. Paroles et musique de Hector Berlioz Dufour [] First edition. Presented for the first time at Paris, August 9, An interesting letter to an unidentified poet who had sent him some poems with a request that he set them to music-a request which he had to refuse as his use is too capricious.

To illustrate this he tells the story of the tune of the refrain, ""Pauvre soldat"" in the cantata Le cinq mai. After seeking for two months a suitable melody, he gave up the search. Then one day, while walking along the Tiber, he stumbled into the river bed and found himself up to the knees in mud. Opera semi-seria en trois actes. Traduction allemande de M. Musique de Hector Berlioz. Oeuvre [23] Partition de piano. Brunswick, Henry Litolff [] P1. Text in French and German. Presented for the first time at Paris, September 10, From the library of W.

Turner, the well-known writer on Berlioz, with his signature. Paroles de Victor Hugo. Traduction allemande par Mr. Presentation copy from Berlioz, inscribed ""A mon ami Reger, H. To [Henry Fothergill] Chorley. Dresden, April 14 [? Allow me to introduce to you Mr. Rosenhain, pianist and composer of the orthodox school, who is anxious to come out in London this spring, and will therefore be in grea. Traduction allemane par Mr. First edition, second issue. This is excessively rare. An English translation of the text has been written in, parallel to the French and German texts.

This and various notes, etc. Richault moved to 4 Boulevard des Italiens in , the address upon the title-page. Except for an added portrait frontispiece, and the change of address in the imprint, the collation for the above edition agrees with that in Hirsch, IV, Theme du choeur des sylphes. For the album of H[einrich] Schlesinger. Berlin, June 19, Paris, Richault [] Pl. Partition chant et piano Partition de piano par Th. The French text is by Emile Deschamps. Presented for the first time at the Conservatoire de Paris under the direction of the composer, November 24, From his Les Troyens Act2,part2.

Paris, Maurice Schlesinger [] At head of title: Episode de la vie d'un artiste. Performed for the first time at the Conservatoire, December 5, Dresden, May 1, Inserted in the first edition of Adolphe Jullien's Hector Berlioz, sa vie et ses oeuvres. A trois choeurs par Hector Berlioz. Fragment of original manuscript. Double choir with organ. Recto, five bars-""Tous chantons devant l'avenir immense. This meeting was the beginning of the ""Internationale.

Paris, Choudens [] P1. The first published edition, of which very few copies are known, with two cuts. First published edition of the former and first published edition, second issue of the latter, with three cuts and other alterations in the music. Andromaque au tombeau d'Hector. Louise Bertin avec accompagnement de piano par F.

This is the only operatic work of which Liszt made a piano and vocal arrangement. Berlioz is thought to have had a large share in its composition. Mis en musique par le Chevalier Berton A musical drama in three acts, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Composed, selected, and arranged by Henry R. The poetry by D. See My pretty Jane.

Lavenu [] First edition. In a preface, dated April 8, , Bishop explains that the night following the first production of the Circassian bride, the theatre was destroyed by fire and the original music destroyed. An opera in three acts as performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden.

Composed by Henry R. London, Goulding, D'Almaine, Potter [ca. Longhurst by the composer. John Howard Paine's famous and universally treasured ""Home Sweet Home"" was published here for the first time. He is not credited with the authorship. The complete score of the oratorio which, according to Grove, has never been performed. The manuscript has a printed title-page. Attwood and Henry R. The first operatic setting of a novel by Sir Walter Scott. The poetry by C. Original manuscript, signed twice. Manuscript with the title: Score for small orchestra and voice.

Adair Fitzgerald, in his Stories of famous songs, gives a detailed and amusing account of the story behind this ""most profitable song ever issued. Opera in three acts, performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. With selections from Zingarelli, Boieldieu and Rossini. London, Goulding, D'Almaine [ca. Drame en 3 actes de Alphonse Daudet, musique de Georges Bizet. Presented for the first time at Paris, October 1, With changes in score.

Musique de Georges Bizet.

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At foot of p. In the second edition the dialogue was replaced by twenty-six pages of recitatives composed by Ernest Guiraud. Bizet died within three months of the first performance. Presented for the first time at Paris, March 3, Partition chant et piano transcrite par l'auteur. Paris, Choudens Fils [] P1. Paroles italiennes de A. First edition with Italian and German text. Inscribed by the publishers to Mme. The ballet for the first act of Carmen was issued as a supplement to the first edition of the opera itself.

Presented for the first time at Paris, May 22, Paris, Heugel [] P1. Inscribed to Marie Bronthe by the composer. Edition for mezzo-soprano or baritone. Charles Gounod's copy with his signature. Presented for the first time at Paris, September 30, A work of many compositions, for one, two, three and four voices with several accompagnements of instrumental musick and a Library thorow-bass to each song: London, Printed by William Pearson, for the author; and -are to be sold at his house and by Henry Playford, Inserted at front is a copy of the prospectus, dated , with a receipt at the foot filled in and signed by the composer.

Inserted at end is an engraving of Blow's monument in Westminster Abbey. John Blow was one of the first choir boys of the Chapel Royal after the organ and choir were again admitted to the service of the Anglican C0hurch. He became organist of Westminster Abbey at the age of twenty and five years later a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal eventually becoming one of the three organists for this group. Purcell took Blow's place as organist at Westminster Abbey in but Blow returned to this post after the death of his famous pupil in Paris, Janet et Cotelle [ca. Presented for the first time at Paris, December 10, Opera di Arrigo Boito.

Teatro Comunitativo di Bologna il 4 ottobre Milano, Ricordi [] P1. Inscribed by the composer and by Sir George Henschel, first conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra and at the time of the inscription, June 6, , conductor of the London Symphony Concerts. Presented for the first time at Milan, March 5, Riduzione per canto e pianoforte di Ferruccio Calusio..

Inserted is an autograph letter. An opera as it was perform'd at the Kings Theatre for the Royal Academy. A manuscript note on the title-page states that the words were written by Grazio Bracciola in , altered by Haym, and set to music by Bononcini. It was first performed at the Royal Academy of Music, April 18, , and had an uninterrupted run of nine nights.

The score for the Italian version was by Johann David Heinichen. November the 23rd A suite of eight movements. Full score and parts for first and second violins and bass. With Musique pastorale pour le 23 novembre An opera as it was perform'd at the Kings Theatre for the Royal Accademy. Walsh [] First edition. Text by Paolo Rolli after Zeno. Presented for the first time at London, February 22, Jour de la naissance de Lady Mary Godolphin: With this is a photograph of the composer's portrait in the Royal College of Music. See also Scarlatti, Alessandro Thomyris.

Smith, Bibliography of musical work published by John Walsh, no. As they are perform'd at the Theatre Royall [London] I. The text is by Stampiglia. This opera enjoyed an extraordinary popularity. In England it ran sixty-four nights in four years. Musique de Charles Bordes. Inscribed to Emmanuel Chabrier by the composer. Traduction de Maurice Bouchor. Choeur mixte sans accompagnement. Mis en musique par Ch. Inscribed to Paul Soujoud by the composer.

This is a sketch for the tavern scene from Borodin's unpublished opera. Paroles et -musique de A. Jules Ruelle, allemande de Mme. Bottesini autographs are very rare and this unpublished score of the duetto for violoncello and double bass reflects the technical capacities of two artists Bottesini and Piatti who had no rival. A choral drama adapted from the play of Euripides. Englished by Gilbert Murray. Musicked by Rutland Boughton. Finished June 3, Boughton's works reflect an effort to extend the theories of Wagner and at the same time to simplify the operatic idiom to suit popular taste and understanding.

Play by Thomas Hardy. Set as a music-drama by Rutland Boughton. London, Joseph Williams [c] P1. Thomas Hardy's copy with a label reading: Max Gate"" inside front-cover. Presentation copy from the publisher signed ""Florian Williams, Dec. Musique de Nadia Boulanger. Hamelle, c [caption-title] P1. Paroles de Georges Delaquys. Musique de Nadia Boulanger Paris, J. Paris, Henry Lemoine [ca. Turquet by the composer. Inscribed to [Victor] Warot by the composer. Presented for the first time at Paris, December 28, A musical entertainment, as it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane.

The text is by Moses Mendez. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane. The original manuscript signed with the caption-title ""Tragische Ouverture. Inserted, at the front, is a photograph of the composer with his signature. His life and work, New York, To an unidentified correspondent, n. Honored and dear young lady: Tendering you my best thanks for the friendliness with which you keep me in mind, I send you herewith the desired portrait. It has been rather long in coming because I was unwilling to send it without being able to enclose the second picture with which Joachim sends his best regards.

I very much hope the summer will again bring you to the Rhine and I shall then have the pleasure of seeing you again. With cordial greetings to you and Miss Leser, Your devoted Joh. Hirsch, IV, ; Wotquenne, This is the composer's greatest choral work. It occupied him at intervals for more than ten years. The second movement, originally intended as a part of the projected Symphony in D minor the later Pianoforte concerto, op. In the autumn of Brahms arranged this as a cantata in four movements. The work remained in this preparatory stage for four years. In he took it up again and by August had completed movements one, two, three, four, six and seven.

The fifth was composed in May Somerabend [words by] Hans Schmidt. Inscribed by the composer: Fortunately Mother and Christian have been kind enough to write about you-unfortunately not as favorably as I should wish. I hope very much that the news will soon be better and that you will write me so yourself. The Hungarian Dances are proof of Brahms's versatility as a creative artist. They achieved an unparalleled success. Brahms contrived, while preserving the characteristic melody, harmony, and rhythm of gypsy music, to give it an artistic form which raised it to a higher level.

Wie rafft ich mich auf in der Nacht. The text is by August, Count of Platen-Hallermund. Brahms probably found the model for this noble song in Schubert's works. It is reminiscent of certain songs for Winterreise such as ""Estarrung"" which expresses a similar mood. With its dramatic entry, its tremendous climax, and the wonderful interlocking of the voice and the almost symphonic accompaniment, it rivals the greatest songs of the later Schubert, by whom Brahms is here perceptibly influenced"" Geiringer, Brahms.

His life and work, Oxford, Marie Ruckert In Verehrung des honen Dichters gedenkend. The gift of Mrs. Inscribed to Archibald Martin Henderson by the composer. Harp or piano and vocal score. An opera in three acts and a prologue derived from the poem by George Crabbe. Words by Montagu Slater. Music by Benjamin Britten. Vocal score by Erwin Stein. Score for organ and choir. Words by Margarete Bruch. Componirt von Max Bruch. Translated into English by Mrs. Text in English and German. At upper right of p. Musique de Alfred Bruneau.

Proof sheets of first edition with composer's corrections throughout. Partition piano et choeur. Debuchy by the composer. Lespette by the composer. Presented for the first time at Paris, October 22, Presented for the first time at Paris, May, Mis en musique par Alfred Bruneau. Partition chant et piano. Inscribed to Marthe Chenal by the composer. Presented for the first time at Monte Carlo, Drame Iyrique en quatre actes. Presented for the first time at Paris, Paris, Choudens Fils [ca. Warot by the composer.

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Presented for the first time at Paris, June 8, It introduced a novel note of realism and vigor into French opera. Inscribed to Emile Archaimbaud by the composer. Paris, December 2, This refers to the first performance of Le roi Candaule and Archaimbaud's part in it. Transcription for orchestra by Franz Liszt. With a note in Burns's handwriting at the head of the manuscript: An excellent new song. Mounted in a volume made up of 16 blank leaves. Crabbe Angus and John A. This election song is the fourth and last of a series written by Robert Burns in connection with the parliamentary contest for the stewardry of Kirkandbright in It was written in when the dissolution of Parliament again threw Heron into the turmoil of election.

The poet was confined to a sickbed, but could not refrain from penning these lines in support of the recently successful candidates whose second triumph he did not live to enjoy. This copy has additional letters added to the proper names in the handwriting of Robert Burns, which have a special and pathetic interest as having been filled in within a few weeks of his death. Taken from note on flyleaf. This composition is based upon American Indian themes. Busoni visited America five times, Musique de Henri Busser. Presented for the first time at Paris, May 10, Inserted are two autograph letters signed.

These relate to the production of Les noces Corinthiennes. According to the learned Neopolitan archivist and historian, Francesco Florio, manuscripts of Capotorti are extremely rare. He was born in Malfetta, near Naples, studied at the Conservatorio S. Onofrio, and was chiefly an opera composer. This is reflected in the overture for Saint Anthony's Day.

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  • Air Belles Fleurs from Proserpine Libro 3 No. 5 | Sheet Music Now!
  • Scored for one flute, two oboes, clarinets, bassoons, horns, trumpets, and strings, it displays less religious spirit and more operatic traits instead. Paroles et musique de Victor Capoul. Capoul, the famous French operatic tenor, appears here in an unfamiliar role as a composer. Der Kerker von Edimburg. Anton, vollstaendiger Clavier-Auszug von Joseph Rummel. A finely written manuscript whose first page shows the appeal: At end of score: This was performed for the first time by Joseph Szigeti and the Persymphans in Moscow, October 8, Casella's new tonal creed finds expression in this composition.

    Serenata Andalusa per violino e pianoforte d' Alfredo Catalani. Catalani, well known for his operas Loreley and La Wally, has provided a very effective composition for the violin virtuoso. This is divided into four, melodically different, sections and contains measures. There is a facsimile of the first page of the score in Abbiati's Storia della musica, IV, p. Paroles de Edmond Rostand. Musique de Emmanuel Chabrier. Inscribed to Rostand by the composer.

    Drame en trois actes. Inscribed to Charles Lecocq by the composer. Kireevski by the composer. Presented for the first time at Brussels, April 10, Inserted is the original manuscript of a part of the overture cf. This consists of the first fifty bars of the overture. Inserted in the first edition of the piano and vocal score. Presented for the first time at Paris, May 8, Inscribed to Suzanne Astruc by the composer. Paris, Durand, Schoenewerk [ca. Albert Schiller by the composer. Musique de Gustave Charpentier.. Suite pour orchestre par Gustave Charpentier. A la fontaine; 3.

    Sur les crines; 5. Inscribed to Edouard Colonne by the composer. Roman musical en quatre actes et cinq tableaux de Gustave Charpentier. Argens by the composer. The inscription includes a bar of music from the score. Symphonie-drame en trois actes et quatre tableux. Paris, Choudens Fils, c The song is by Albert Jounet. The song is by Charles Cros. Paroles de Jean Richepin. Pauline Roger by the composer. The words are by Leconte de Lisle. With the separate parts for solo violin, first violin, second violin, violoncello, and alto.

    Inscribed to Sigismond S. Stojowsky by the composer. Paris, Durand, Schoenewerk [] P1. Adolphi by the composer. Chanson grecque dans le mode phrygien pour une voix avec accompagnement de piano par Ernest Chausson. The words are by L. Drame en trois actes en vers de Maurice Bouchor.

    Musique de Ernest Chausson. Maquet [ca ] P1. Roger by the composer. Rondel a deux voix avec accompagnement de piano. Musique de Ernest Chausson.. Hamelle [ca i88z] P1. La fleur des eaux. La mort de l'amour. La mort de l'amour [caption-title] Original manuscript signed. Signature of Marie Escudier, one of the founders of La France musicale. Le temps des lilas. Manuscript [A] has three additional bars at the end. These do not appear in the first printed edition of the score. The text is by Maurice Bouchor. Inscribed to Daniel De Lange by the composer.

    Carlos Chavez has been the conductor of the Mexican Symphony Orchestra since The composer has used a background of Mexican folk music which under his sound artistry achieves distinction. The Sinfonia de antigona is one of his major works. The complete holograph manuscript. This manuscript is cle. Paris, [] leaves. In Cherubini's Messe a trois voix. Mise en musique par Mr. Naderman [] First edition. Signed by Cherubini, Fillette-Lorraux and Naderman. With bookplate of Charles Lecocq. Paris, Magasin du musique [] Pl.

    This mass was composed secretly while Cherubini was in retirement at a French chateau. SearchWorks Catalog Stanford Libraries. Catalog start Era Remove constraint Era: Toggle facets Refine your results. At the Library 1, Online Book 18 Music recording 1, Music score 17 Sound recording 1.

    Popular music Songs High voice with orchestra Popular instrumental music Foxtrots Waltzes Vocal duets with orchestra Dance orchestra music Musicals 96 World War, 74 Songs Medium voice with orchestra 69 Dance music 64 Songs Low voice with orchestra 55 Humorous songs 52 Vocal quartets with orchestra 43 Choruses, Secular, with orchestra 42 Band music 39 Operas 23 Orchestral music 22 Ragtime music 22 Vocal trios with orchestra 22 more topics. View Normal Gallery Brief. Sort by relevance relevance new to the Libraries year new to old year old to new author title.

    Singing, soldiering, and sheet music in America during the First World War []. Postwar "Music in the Camps" and Sheet Music. Nielsen Book Data Singing was important to the American fight against Germany in Military culture and sheet music writers understood music to have the power to help create a strong military and community in the face of conflict. This study of sheet music and military singing practices critically situates them in the context of the war and in social discourses, including issues of social change, segregation, and suffrage.

    Nielsen Book Data Online Google Books Full view. W3 G54 Unknown. Summary Fountains of Rome. Discover through the music surrounding this pivotal year. Read fascinating notes by Michael Stegemann that explore the stories and the history behind the music. Listen to Stravinsky and Shostakovich, Debussy and Satie recorded by some of the greatest musicians past and present. The show must go on! Harry Lauder - 'Scottish ambassador'? Vesta Tilley - the woman who played men-- The songs and their content-- A star in focus 3: Marie Lloyd - 'Our Marie'-- 'If you were the only girl in the world': Harry Champion - 'the spirit of the poorer parts of London'-- Songs about the war: Nielsen Book Data Using a collection of over one thousand popular songs from the war years, as well as around soldiers' songs, John Mullen provides a fascinating insight into the world of popular entertainment during the First World War.

    Mullen considers the position of songs of this time within the history of popular music, and the needs, tastes and experiences of working-class audiences who loved this music. To do this, he dispels some of the nostalgic, rose-tinted myths about music hall. At a time when recording companies and record sales were marginal, the book shows the centrality of the live show and of the sale of sheet music to the economy of the entertainment industry.

    Mullen assesses the popularity and significance of the different genres of musical entertainment which were common in the war years and the previous decades, including music hall, revue, pantomime, musical comedy, blackface minstrelsy, army entertainment and amateur entertainment in prisoner of war camps. He also considers non-commercial songs, such as hymns, folk songs and soldiers' songs and weaves them into a subtle and nuanced approach to the nature of popular song, the ways in which audiences related to the music and the effects of the competing pressures of commerce, propaganda, patriotism, social attitudes and the progress of the war.

    Songs of the night: Smith's Orchestra []. Songs of the night 4: Who did it 2: Summary Alexander's ragtime band Collins and Harlan 3: Alexander's ragtime band Collins and Harlan 3: Summary After you've gone Marion Harris 3: What a pal was Mary Henry Burr 3: After you've gone Marion Harris 3: La fleur au fusil: W37 D53 F Unknown. Like the sunshine after rain []. Yankees to the ranks [].