Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money

Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money [Rabbi Daniel Lapin] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A practical approach to.
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In fact the concept of retirement is really a modern phenomenon, as evidenced by a survey that showed most workers of that era aspired to work as long as possible. Planning on retiring at a certain age, according to Rabbi Lapin, is a recipe for unhappiness and decline. We were created for work.

  1. Description?
  2. The Ten Commandments of Making Money- Act Rich and Never Retire.
  3. Thou Shall Prosper Quotes.
  4. Die Stadt und die Sterne: Roman - Mit einem Vorwort von Gary Gibson (German Edition)!

Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden to work it, fulfilling his destiny to partner with the creator in the act of creation. Because of that, you should view your creative and professional life as an ongoing process with no expiration date. Your usefulness to the world is not a finite resource that gets used up.

May: Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money Review

So when you retire and no longer add to the world through work, you deteriorate. God made it so that your entire existence is bound up in the need to do things for others. Therefore, one of the keys to longevity is caring for others. Life revolves around relationships, and caring for others through work helps us to care for ourselves as well. It has intrinsic value beyond making money. Work expresses his dignity and increases it: It provides him with the wherewithal to have a family, and it links him with his neighbor.

Not to mention also contributing to the wealth of his neighbors. You are a creative entity that has the ability to add to the world.

Retiring and turning off creative efforts makes you nothing more than a body occupying space, waiting to die. Being involved in creative effort is what we were made to do.

Ten Commandments For Making Money

Watch this great interview with Rabbi Lapin. But you should be striving to work at something to stay busy, make money, and create value in the world. This is what we were made for, and it makes us feel useful and happy. Retirement should never be your goal. God made us for work and creativity. We should continue to add to the world in some way until it is impossible to do so.

This is what keeps us moving, fulfilled, and happy. I have never read a more in depth, complete book on financial success, especially from a godly perspective. If you want to learn everything it takes to be financially successful in business and in your personal finances, this book certainly shows gives you all the tools you need.

The detail with which Rabbi Lapin describes the principles, along with the mysteries of the Hebrew language and ancient teachings, bring the material to life in a way that few authors can. When he talks about the financial truths that the Jewish people have been taught for millennia, he goes into great detail to make sure you understand why these principles work, and how they will make you successful.

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  • This book starts with a very complementary intro by Dave Ramsey. This is a key endorsement for the book for a few reasons. That alone is huge. Dave has a large audience and a lot of influence. His endorsement is not easy to get and suggests quite a respect for Rabbi Lapin. Second, Dave is an outspoken Christian recommending a book that solely explores the teachings of Judaism.

    This suggests the principles discussed are timeless as well as nondenominational. I found this to be quite true in my reading. As the book begins it dives into the 10 Commandments for Making Money with each chapter deep diving into each commandment. He is a noted rabbinic scholar, best-selling author and TV host, He studied in England as well as Israel and established a boat building business in Johannesburg South Africa before immigrating to the US and founding the Pacific Jewish Center in California. In addition to writing the bestselling book, Thou Shall Prosper , which is actually his 3rd book, he is a frequent speaker for hundreds of organizations including keynoting the Congressional Bi-Partisan opening of the th Congress in Washington, DC.

    Join The Modern Leadership Bookclub. This book was recommended more than any other book on the podcast. Every person who recommended the book is devout Christian, including an insightful forward by Dave Ramsey. I wondered how a book, written by a Rabbi and focusing on the religious teachings of Judaism, could be universally relevant. The book is fantastic. True principles are true principles regardless of your preferred spirituality or religion. It was clear from the first chapter that this book could benefit every reader from every walk of life.

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    This fact was reiterated when Rabbi Lapin joined me on episode 14 of the Modern Leadership Podcast to discuss his book. Although I thought the book well researched and informative, and I definitely recommend it, I found it got a little long for me. Each chapter commandment is packed with background stories and examples. It is a big book, pages, divided into 10 chapters based on the commandments.

    This is my most key takeaway because I just love the metaphor, the imagery of doing what is necessary to find success and fill my cup, but then continuing to work hard so that my success will overflow and bless those around me. As Zig Ziglar states- you can have everything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Jake A Carlson Menu Skip to content.

    ML16 — Social Entrepreneur, Did you like this book? What made the most sense to you? Would you recommend it to a friend? You can connect with me on Facebook or Twitter or send me an email. Do you know someone who would like to be a part of this monthly book club? Please share this page with them. Brief Summary This book starts with a very complementary intro by Dave Ramsey.

    Extend the Network of Your Connectedness to Many People Befriend many people who are a rung or two above and below your financial level, then find ways to help them achieve their desires. You struggle with the morality of wealth- does making money make you feel uncomfortable? Do not want to make more money or understand how to. What surprised me This book was recommended more than any other book on the podcast. Criticism Although I thought the book well researched and informative, and I definitely recommend it, I found it got a little long for me.

    Three thousand years of Jewish scholarship reveals precisely the reverse. The more wealth that the people around me create, the more I shall benefit. He ploughed, he planted, he reaped, he bound the sheaves, he threshed and winnowed, he ground the ears, and he sifted the flour. He then kneaded and baked, and then, at last, he ate, whereas I get up each morning and find all these things done for me.

    How much did Adam have to do to obtain clothing? He had to shear sheep, wash the wool, comb it, spin it, and weave it. I get up each morning and find all these done for me. All kinds of craftsmen come to the very door of my house and supply me with whatever I need. Most people who learn how to make money inevitably learn how to improve their relationships with others.

    How does one become a better negotiator? In much the same three phase method that one becomes better at carpentry, better at omelet cooking, and better at writing poetry: Phase one is learning the techniques. Phase two is understanding those principles that lie behind the techniques. Understanding how those techniques work provides assurance that they will work. Gaining confidence in the ultimate effectiveness of those techniques is important because it helps to provide the motivation to keep going with phase three.

    Phase three is doggedly and determinedly practicing, not only to become proficient in the technique, but also to become a different person. Helping your mind to know and believe that what you do professionally is good, noble, and worthwhile in itself helps to fuel your energies and propel your efforts.

    If you are embarrassed about your business, you set yourself up to fail. Few sales professionals wholeheartedly and effectively promote products or services they feel to be shoddy or overpriced. Not only does your moral ambivalence inhibit all out effort, but it also triggers a shame reflex.

    Book Club Review

    Instead of winning the approval of people whose opinions you value, you feel them radiating an almost palpable disapproval for your profession. You shrink into yourself and appear apologetic and embarrassed. This is hardly the posture of success. What you are really asking for is the opportunity to serve your fellow human beings. Deep within traditional Jewish culture lies the conviction that the only real way to achieve wealth is to attend diligently to the needs of others and to conduct oneself in an honorable and trustworthy fashion.